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Full text of "Marriage notices in the South-Carolina gazette and its successors. (1732-1801)"

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Salley,  A.  S. 

Marriage  notices  in  the  South 
Carolina  Gazette,  1732-1801 



The  South-Carolina  Gazette 





A.  S.  SALLEY,  JR. 

From  the  files  in  the  library  of  the  Charleston  Library  Society, 
Charleston,  S.  C. 

ALBANY.  N.  Y.: 

Joel  Munsell's  Sons.  Publishers. 











The  South-Carolina  Gazette. 

[  The  South  Carolina  Gazette  was  a  weekly  news- 
paper founded  in  Charles  Town  in  the  province  of 
South  Carolina  in  the  year  1732  by  T.  Whitmarsh. 
The  first  issue  of  it  appeared  on  Saturday,  January 
8,  1732.  It  was  not  the  first  paper  established  in 
South  Carolina.  On  Monday,  July  10,  1732,  Eleazer 
Philips,  Jr.,  died  in  Charles  Town,  and  the  Gazette 
on  Saturday,  the  15th,  following  announced:  "On 
Monday  morning  last  died  Mr.  Eleazer  Philips, 
Printer  in  the  Town."  Two  years  later  his  father, 
Eleazer  Philips,  Sr.,  a  bookseller  in  Charles  Town, 
advertised  in  the  Gazette  for  a  settlement  of  all 
debts  due  himself  or  the  estate  of  his  son,  Eleazer 
Philips,  Jr.,  for  news,  printing,  etc.  Special  mention 
is  made  of  subscriptions  due  Eleazer  Philips,  Jr.,  for 
six  months  of  The  South  Carolina  Weekly  Journal. 
Now,  if  that  paper  had  run  for  exactly  six  months 
prior  to  the  death  of  Eleazer  Philips,  Jr.,  then  it  was 
established  at  the  very  date  that  The  South-Carolina 
Gazette  was  established,  but  as  no  mention  of  a  con- 
temporary is  made  by  The  South-Carolina  Gazette 

it  is  to  be  presumed  that  The  South  Carolina  Week- 
ly Journal  antedated  it. 

The  date  in  parentheses  after  each  record  indi- 
cates what  paper  the  marriage  notice  appeared  in.] 

On  Thursday  se'nnight  last,  was  celebrated,  at  the 
seat  of  the  Honourable  Col.  Broughton,  president  of 
of  his  Majesty's  council  of  this  province,  the  nuptials 
of  Thomas  Monk,  of  this  province,  Esq.,  and  Miss 
Johannah  Broughton,  daughter  of  the  said  Col. 
Broughton,  a  young  lady  of  merit  and  fortune.  At 
which  ceremony  were  present,  his  Excellency,  the 
Governor,  his  Lady  and  several  other  persons  of  dis- 
tinction.    (Saturday,  January  15,  1732.) 

On  Saturday  last,  a  certain  gentleman,  belonging 
to  his  Majesty's  ship,  the  Aldborough,  met  a  jolly 
widow  at  a  public  house  in  this  town,  where  after  a 
full  bowl  or  two,  and  a  little  courtship  in  form,  they 
came  to  a  resolutiou  to  decide  the  matter  by  a  game 
at  all-fours  :  Their  bodies  and  all  their  worldly  goods 
for  life,  were  the  stakes  on  each  side.  Fortune 
favor'd  the  fair,  and  she  insisting  on  the  wager, 
nothing  remained  but  for  the  parson  to  tie  the  sacred 
knot,  which  was  accordingly  done  that  very  after- 
noon.     I  think  this  was  doing  of  business. 

We  hear,  since  that,  the  bride  protests  against 
hasty  weddings,  if  ever  she  should  be  a  widow  again  ; 
and  resolves  to  try  her  next  before  hand,  at  another 
game  besides  all-fours.     (Saturday,  January  15,  1732.) 

On  Monday  evening  last  (as  we  are  informed) 
Miss  Christiana  Broughton,  daughter  of  the  Honour- 
able Col.  Broughton,  president  of  his  Majesty's  coun- 
cil of  this-  province,  was  married  to  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Dwight.      The  young  lady  (we  hear)  is  mistress  of  all 

the  accomplishments  that  are  requisite  to  render  the 
state  she  has  enter'd  upon  perfectly  agreeable  to  its 
first  happy  institution.  (Saturday,  January  22, 
1731-32.)     _• 

We  are  inform'd  that  several  serviceable  passen- 
gers, both  men  and  women  arrived  here  lately  from 
England,  and  that  one  of  the  young  men  and  women 
being  not  content  to  be  useful  to  the  country  they 
are  now  come  to,  in  their  single  capacities  only,  have 
agreed  to  enter  into  the  state  of  matrimony,  and 
unite  their  forces  for  the  benefit  and  increase  of  the 
province.  A  commendable  zeal  for  the  service  of 
our  colony.     (Saturday,  March  4,  1731-32.) 

Thursday  last,  Mr.  Osmond,  merchant  of  this 
town,  was  married  to  Miss  Mary  Hall,  daughter  of 
Col.  Arthur  Hall  of  this  province,  a  young  lady  of 
great  merit  and  fortune.     (Saturday,  April  15,  1732.) 

On  Thursday  last,  about  eight  in  the  evening, 
Doctor  William  Cleiland  was  married  to  Mrs.  Mc- 
Nabney,  a  widow  lady  of  a  good  fortune,  at  her 
house  in  this  town,  where  a  handsome  entertainment 
was  given  to  some  of  their  particular  friends,  and  the 
evening  was  passed  with  abundance  of  agreeable 
mirth  on  the  occasion.     (Saturday,  April   29,  1732.) 

Wednesday  last  Mr.  William  Cattell,  merchant,  of 
this  town,  was  married  in  the  country  by  the  Rev. 
Mr.  Guy  to  Miss  Anne  Cattell,  a  relation  to  the  said 
Mr.  Cattell.  And  the  next  day  Mr.  Crawford  was 
married  in  town,  by  Mr.  Basset,  to  Miss  Sally  Bel- 
lamy, who  are  both  (we  are  told)  very  deserving 
ladies.     (Saturday,  May  20,  1732.) 

Thursday  last  Mr.  Foissine  was  married  to  Miss 
Mary  La-Rush.     (Saturday,  June  10,  1732.) 

Last  week  was  married  in  St.  Thomas's  Parish, 
one  Mr.  John  Strahan,  70  years  of  age,  to  Mrs. 
Naomi  Painter  of  sixty.  (Saturday,  March  17, 
I732-33-)  * 

On  Wednesday  last  Thomas  Dale,  M.  D.,  was 
married  to  Mrs.  Mary  Brewton,  at  St.  Philip's  church 
in  Charlestown.     (Saturday,  March  31,  1733.) 

[The  last  issue  of  The  South-Carob'na  Gazette  of 
T.  Whitmarsh  appeared  on  Saturday,  September  8, 
i733»  Whitmarsh  having  died  of  yellow  fever  the 
summer  preceding.  In  1734  L.  Timothee  came  to 
South  Carolina,  and  on  February  2,  1734,  issued  the 
first  number  of  The  South-Carolina  Gazette,  thus  tak- 
ing the  same  name  that  Whitmarsh's  paper  had  borne. 
With  the  issue  of  April  6,  1734,  Lewis  Timothy 
appeared  as  the  name  of  the  printer,  thus  anglicising 
L.  Timothee.] 

On  Thursday,  the  18th  inst.  Mr.  Robert  Pringle, 
merchant  in  Charlestown,  was  married  to  Miss  Jane 
Allen,  a  beautiful  young  lady,  daughter  of  Mr. 
Andrew  Allen,  an  eminent  merchant  in  this  town. 
(Saturday,  July  27,  1734.) 

Last  Thursday  Mr.  Isaac  Chardon,  a  very  worthy 
eminent  merchant  of  this  town,  was  married  to  Miss 
Mary  Woodward,  of  James's  Island,  a  young  lady  of 
conspicuous  merit  and  a  large  fortune.  (Saturday, 
November  8,  1735.) 

And  yesterday  John  Daniel  Esq;  was  married  to 
Miss  Sarah  Raven,  a  young  lady  of  great  merit  and 
fortune.     (Saturday,  January  24,  1735-6.) 

On  Thursday  last  Mr.  John  Bedon  jun.  was  mar- 
ried to  Mrs  Elizabeth  Massey,  relict  of  Mr.  Benjamin 
Massey  deceased.     (Saturday,  July  31,  1736.) 


On  Thursday  last  Thomas  Lamboll,  Esq.,  was 
married  at  Ashley  Ferry,  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Guy,  to 
Mrs.  Peggy  Edgar,  a  very  agreeable  lady.  (Satur- 
day, April  16,  1737.) 

[The  last  issue  of  the  Gazette  to  appear  on  Satur- 
day was  that  for  Saturday,  April  1 5,  1 738.  The  next 
issue  appeared  Thursday,  April  20,  and  thereafter 
it  appeared  every  Thursday.  Lewis  Timothy  was 
accidentally  killed  at  the  close  of  the  year  1738 
(buried  Dec.  30  —  St.  Philip's  register);  but  the  paper 
was  continued  by  his  widow,  with  her  son  Peter 
Timothy  as  printer.  Finally,  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Timothy 
sold  her  interest  to  Peter  Timothy.  The  last  Satur- 
day issue  appeared  Saturday,  Sept.  20,  1 740.  The 
next  issue  appeared  Friday,  Sept.  26,  and  the  next 
Thursday,  Oct.  2,  and  thereafter  was  regularly  issued 
on  Thursday.] 

Last  Tuesday  Capt.  Ebenezer  Simmons,  of  this 
town,  merchant,  was  married  to  Mrs.  Mary  Jones, 
widow,  a  lady  of  great  beauty,  merit  and  fortune. 
(Thursday,  January  22,  1741.) 

[The  issue  *f or  Thursday,  Aug.  6,  1741,  was  the 
last  Thursday  issue ;  the  next  issue  appearing  on 
Saturday,  the  16th,  and  thereafter  appearing  regu- 
larly on  Saturday.  After  Saturday,  June  5,  1742, 
the  date  of  publication  was  changed  to  Monday,  the 
next  issue  appearing  Monday,  June  14,  1742.] 

On  Thursday  Mr.  Edward  Gough  was  married  to 
Mrs.  Mary  Elliot,  a  beautiful  young  widow,  with  fine 
accomplishments  and  a  very  considerable  fortune. 
(Monday,  Sept.  27,  1742.) 

In  our  last  it  was  inserted  that  Mr.  Edward  Gough 
was  married  to  Mrs.  Mary  Elliot,  widow,  but  we  are 

since  assured  that  they  are  not  married,  and  that  the 
person  who  brought  the  information  thereof  had  been 
imposed  upon.     (Monday,  October  4,  1743.) 

On  Wednesday  last  Mr.  John  Beswicke,  of  this 
town,  merchant,  was  married  to  Miss  Mary  Hill,  an 
agreeable  young  lady,  of  great  merit  and  a  large 
fortune.     (Monday,  November  22,  1742.) 

We  hear  that  Colonel  Miles  Brewton  was  lately 
married  to  the  widow  Paine,  a  very  worthy  gentle- 
woman.    (Monday,  March  14,  1743.) 

From  Saxe-Gotha  township,  in  this  province,  we 
have  the  following  remarkable  account,  viz.:  That  on 
the  1 8th  of  April  last  five  couples  were  married  at 
once,  in  a  yard  near  that  place  ;  four  whereof  were  a 
man  and  three  of  his  daughters,  and  the  woman  of 
the  fifth  couple  was  niece  to  the  same  man.  Proba- 
tion est.     (Postscript,  Monday,  May  23,  1743.) 

Friday,  May  27,  1743,  Capt.  Thomas  Frankland,  of 
the  Rose,  man-of-war,  "was  married  to  Miss  Sarah 
Rhett,  a  beautiful  and  accomplish'd  young  lady,  with 
a  large  fortune."     (Monday,  May  30,  1743.) 

On  Thursday  last  Mr.  John  Witherston  was  mar- 
ried to  Miss  Martha  Peronneau,  of  this  town,  a  young 
lady  with  agreeable  accomplishments  and  a  large 
fortune.      (Monday,  August  15,  1743.) 

On  Thursday  last  Mr.  Stephen  Bedon  jun.  was 
married  to  Miss  Ruth  Nicholls,  an  agreeable  young 
lady,  with  a  large  fortune,  and 

We  hear  that  Colonel  John  Gibbes  was  married  t 
the  same  day,  in  the  country,  to  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Jenys, 
of  this  town,  relict  of  Paul  Jenys,  Esq.,  with  a  very 
large  fortune.     (Monday,  August  29,  1743.) 

We  hear  thai  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Street,  of  Ashley- 
Ferry,  widow,  aged  sixty-four  years,  was  lately  mar- 
ried to  Mr.  John  Goodwin,  of  Combahee,  aged 
forty-eight  years.  The  wedding  was  attended  by 
most  of  the  neighbours  of  distinction,  with  musical 
instruments  of  joy,  on  that  occasion.  (Monday, 
September  5,  1743.) 

On  Monday  last  John  Dart,  Esq.,  of  this  town, 
was  married  to  Mrs.  Basset,  relict  of  the  late  Rev. 
Mr.  Nathan  Basset,  an  accomplished  lady,  with  a 
handsome  fortune.     (Monday,  April  23,  1744.) 

On  Monday  fast  Mr.  Alexander  Peronneau  was 
married  to  Miss  Margaret  Hext,  an  agreeable  and 
accomplished  young  lady.  (Monday,  December  31, 
1 744-) 

On  Tuesday  last  Mr.  Benjamin  Matthewes  was 
married  to  Miss  Anne  Holmes,  a  celebrated  beauty, 
with  a  good  fortune.     (Monday,  February  1 1,  1745.) 

[Paper  issued  Saturday,  June  22,  1745,  instead  of 
Monday,  June  24.] 

Last  Thursday  Thomas  Monck,  Esq.,  was  married 
to  Mrs.  Mary  De  St.  Julien,  a  lady  of  very  great 
merit,  with  a  good  fortune.  (Saturday,  July  13, 
1 745-) 

[Papers  issued  Saturday,  July  6,  and  Saturday, 
July  13,  1745,  instead  of  Monday,  July  8,  and  Mon- 
day, July  15.  Paper  issued  Thursday,  October  24, 
1745,  instead  of  Monday,  October  21.  Paper  issued 
Saturday,  January  11,  1746,  instead  of  Monday, 
January  13.] 

Mr.  William  Dry  and  Mr.  Kenneth  Michie  were 
lately  married  to  Miss  Mary  Jane  Rhett  and  Miss 

Mary  Clap,  ladies  of  great  fortune  and  merit.  (Mon- 
day, February  10,  1746.) 

We  hear  that  on  Tuesday  last  Thomas  Broughton, 
Esq.,  was  married  to  the  relict  of  Mr.  Charles  Izard, 
an  agreeable  young  lady  of  great  merit  and  fortune, 
and  on  Thursday  Mr,  Charles  Hill  was  also  married 
to  Miss  Sarah  Smith,  a  young  lady  of  good  accom- 
plishments and  a  large  fortune.  (Monday,  March 
10,  1746.) 

We  hear  that  Culcheth  Golightly,  Esq.,  was  mar- 
ried on  Monday  to  Mrs.  Mary  Elliott,  a  very  agree- 
able young  lady,  with  a  good  fortune.  (Monday, 
April  7,  1746.) 

[Paper  issued  Saturday,  April  12,  instead  of  Mon- 
day, April  14,  1746.] 

Last  Wednesday  John  Dart,  Esq.,  was  married  to 
Mrs.  Mary  Hext,  widow.  A  gentlewoman  endowed 
with  all  the  qualifications  necessary  to  render  the 
nuptial  state  agreeable.       (Monday,  April  28,  1746.) 

[Paper  issued  Saturday,  May  10,  1746,  instead  of 
Monday,  May  12.] 

Last  Thursday  night  Capt.  Thomas  Shubrick,  (a 
wealthy  and  eminent  merchant  of  this  town)  was  mar- 
ried to  Miss  Sarah  Motte,  a  beautiful  and  accom- 
plished young  lady,  with  a  handsome  fortune. 
(Saturday,  May  10,  1746.) 

Last  Tuesday  night  Capt.  Peter  Comett  was  mar- 
ried to  Miss  Hannah  Watson,  an  agreeable  young 
lady,  of  great  merit  .with  a  handsome  fortune.  (Mon- 
day, July  14,  1746.) 

On  Wednesday  last  Mr.  James  Edward  Powell 
was  married  at  Port  Royal,  to  Miss  Mary  Williams, 

an  accomplished  young  lady,  and  celebrated  beauty. 
(Monday,  July  21,  1746.) 

On  Wednesday  last  Mr.  Thomas  Lloyd,  lieutenant 
of  one  of  our  independent  companies,  was  married  to 
Miss  Mary  Mathewes,  with  a  great  fortune.  (Mon- 
day, July  28,  1746.) 

On  Monday  last  Mr.  Christopher  Gadsden,  purser 
of  his  Majesty's  ship  Aldborough,  was  married  to 
Miss  Jane  Godfrey,  an  agreeable  young  lady,  of  dis- 
tinguishable merit,  with  a  good  fortune.  '  And  on 
Wednesday  Mr.  Jemmitt  Cobley,  to  Miss  Hellen 
Wright.  Also  on  Thursday,  William  Cattell,  jun. 
Esq.,  to  Miss  Anne  Fraser.  And  we  hear  that  sev- 
eral other  considerable  matches  will  take  place  in  a 
short  time.     (Monday,  August  4,  1746.) 

Last  week  Mr.  Francis  Roche,  merchant,  was  mar- 
ried to  Miss  Anne  Simmons,  a  pretty  young  lady 
of  great  merit  and  fortune.  (Monday,  August  18, 
1 746.) 

[Paper  issued  Saturday,  August  23,  1746,  instead 
of  Monday,  August  25th,  and  no  more  issued  until 
Monday,  September  22,  1746.  Papers  issued  Satur- 
day, October  4th,  October  11th,  and  October  18th, 
instead  of  on  the  Mondays  following.] 

On  Tuesday  last  the  Rev.  Mr.  Daniel  Dwight  was 
married  to  Miss  Esther  Cordes,  a  young  lady  of 
great  merit  and  fortune.     (Monday,  April  27,  1747.) 

As  was  also  on  Wednesday,  the  Rev.  Mr.  Samuel 
Quincy,  to  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Hill,  relict  of  the  late 
Charles  Hill,  Esq.,  a  gentlewoman  possessed  of  every 
amiable  quality  and  a  great  fortune.  (Monday, 
April  27,  1747.) 

We  hear  from  Beaufort  that  last  week  Capt.  Hugh 
Campbell  was  married  to  Miss  Catherine  Delegall, 
eldest  daughter  of  Major  Philip  Delegall,  of  Cape- 
Breton,  a  very  agreeable  young  lady  of  great  merit. 
(Monday,  May  u,  1747.) 

[After  Monday,  June  15,  1747,  the  paper  was  issued 
twice  a  week —  Monday  and  Thursday.] 

Last  Thursday  the  Hon.  William  Middleton,  Esq., 
was  married  to  Miss  Sarah  Wilkinson.  As  also  John 
Moreton,  Esq.,  to  Miss  Dorothy  Dry.  (Monday, 
August  3,  1747.) 

[Thursday  issues  discontinued  after  Thursday, 
July  27,  1747.] 

We  hear  from  Port  Royal  that  on  the  6th  instant, 
Mr.  James  Stirling,  aged  about  twenty-four  years, 
was  married  to  Mrs.  Jane  Wood,  a  lady  of  eighty- 
four.     (Monday,  November  9,  1747.) 

Within  a  few  days  past  there  have  been  married 
in  this  town,  Mr.  Alexander  Petree  to  Miss  Elizabeth 
Holland,  an  agreeable  young  lady  of  great  merit; 
Daniel  Crawford,  Esq.,  to  Miss  Polly  Holland,  sister 
to  the  lady  just  mentioned;  Mr.  John  Yerworth  to 
Miss  Polly  Livingston,  a  young  lady  so  well  known 
to  polite  company  that  it  is  unnecessary  to  say  any 
more  of  her  here ;  and  Mr.  David  Crawford  to 
Miss  Isabella  Maine.  (Monday,  February  15, 

I  After  Monday,  May  16,  1 748,  the  paper  was  issued 
on  Wednesdays,  the  next  paper  appearing  on  Wed- 
nesday, May  25th.  Returned  to  Monday  after 
Wednesday,  June  15th.  After  Monday,  June  27th, 
issued  on  Saturdays.] 


The  same  day  ("Wednesday  last"),  Doct.  John 
Moultrie  was  married  to  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Mathewes, 
a  widow  gentlewoman  of  great  merit  with  a  con- 
siderable fortune.     (Saturday,  July  9,  1748.) 

[Next  paper  after  Saturday,  July,  16th,  issued 
Monday,  July  25,  1748.  Next  paper  after  Monday, 
July  25th,  issued  Friday,  July  29th.  Next  paper 
Monday,  August  1st.  Thereafter  issued  on  Mon- 
days. Next  paper  after  Monday,  August  15th,  issued 
Saturday,  August,  27th.  Next  paper  issued  Tues- 
day, August  30th.  The  next  Tuesday,  September 
6th.  The  next  Monday,  September  1 2th.  The  next 
Wednesday,  September  21st.  The  next  Monday,  Sep- 
tember 26th,  and  thereafter  regularly  on  Mondays.] 

On  Tuesday  last,  Mr.  Benjamin  Stead,  an  eminent 
merchant  of  this  town,  was  married,  to  Miss  Mary 
Johnson,  daughter  of  the  late  Governor  Johnson,  an 
agreeable  young  lady,  with  a  sufficient  fortune  and 
other  accomplishments  to  render  the  nuptial  state 
perfectly  happy.     (Monday,  November  21,  1748.) 

[Next  paper  issued  Saturday,  December  3,  1748. 
Next  paper  Wednesday,  December  7,  1748.  Next 
paper  Monday,  December  12,  1748,  and  thereafter 
on  Mondays  until  Monday,  January  2,  1749.  Next 
paper  thereafter  issued  Thursday,  January  19,  1749, 
and  thereafter  on  Mondays  to  Monday,  January  30, 
1 749,  and  the  next  paper  thereafter  was  issued  Satur- 
day, February  25,  1749.  The  next  paper  issued 
Wednesday,  March  1,  1749,  and  the  next  Monday, 
March  6th,  and  thereafter  on  Mondays  to  Monday, 
March  27th.  Next  paper  on  Friday,  April  7th,  and 
next  on  Monday,  April  10th,  and  thereafter  on 


Last  Tuesday  night,  Mr.  John  Savage,  an  eminent 
merchant  of  this  town,  was  married  to  Mrs.  Allen,  a 
handsome  widow  gentlewoman  of  great  merit  and 
fortune.     (Monday,  April  24,  1/49.) 

On  Thursday  last,  Abraham  Bosomworth,  Esq., 
agent  for  Indian  affairs,  was  married  at  Ashley-Ferry, 
to  Miss  Susanna  Seabrook,  a  young  lady  endowed 
with  all  agreeable  accomplishments  and  a  fortune  of 
,£15,000.     (Monday,  November  6,  1749.) 

Last  week,  Mr.  Alexander  Fraser  was  married  to 
Miss  Anne  Harvey,  a  very  agreeable  and  accom- 
plished young  lady,  with  a  considerable  fortune. 
(Monday,  November  13,  1749.) 

On  Thursday  last,  Mr.  John  Ainslie  was  married 
to  Miss  Mary  Child,  an  agreeable  young  lady  and 
heiress;  reputed  the  richest  in  this  province.  (Mon- 
day, January  22,  1750.) 

■  [Next  paper  after  Monday,  January  7,  1 75 1,  issued 
Saturday,  January  19,  1 75 1.  Next  issue  on  Monday, 
January  21st;  next  issue  January  28th,  and  next 
Saturday,  February  2d.  Next  issue  on  Monday, 
February  nth,  and  thereafter  on  Mondays.] 

We  hear  that  on  Friday  was  7-night,  Mr.  Francis 
Kinloch,  only  son  of  the  Hon.  James  Kinloch,  Esq., 
was  married  to  Miss  Nancy  Cleland,  the  only  child 
of  the  Hon.  John  Cleland,  Esq.,  a  young  lady  of  fine 
accomplishments  with  a  large  fortune.  (Monday, 
February  18,  1 75 1.) 

And  that  on  Tuesday  last,  David  Deas,  Esq., 
merchant,  was  married  to  the  relict  of  the  late  Mr. 
Kenneth  Michie,  a  lady  possessed  of  all  the  amiable 
qualities  that  promise  uninterrupted  felicity  in  the 
marriage  state.     (Ibid.) 


As  was  also,  on  Thursday  last,  Mr.  Sampson 
Neyle,  merchant,  to  Miss  Martha  Garden  (eldest 
daughter  of  the  Rev.  Mr.  Alexander  Garden,  rector 
of  this  parish  and  our  commissary),  a  very  agreeable 
and  accomplished  young  lady  of  distinguished  merit, 
with  a  handsome  fortune.     (Ibid.) 

On  Saturday  the  24th  past,  Thomas  Wright,  Esq., 
was  married  to  Miss  Polly  Moncrief,  an  agreeable 
young  lady  of  extraordinary  merit.  (Monday,  March 
4.  I750- 

On  Tuesday  last,  Mr.  Robert  Pringle,  an  eminent 
merchant  of  this  town,  was  married  to  Mrs.  Judith 
Bull,  the  relict  of  Stephen  Bull,  Esq.,  a  lady  of  great 
merit  and  fortune.     (Monday,  April  22,  1 75 1.) 

On  Wednesday  last  William  Branford,  Esq.,  was 
married  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Savage,  an  agreeable 
young  lady  with  a  handsome  fortune.  (Monday, 
April  29,  1 751.) 

On  Thursday  last  Mr.  Thomas  Burrington,  attorney 
at  law,  was  married  to  Miss  Katy  Reid,  a  young 
lady  of  great  beauty  and  merit;  with  a  handsome 
fortune.     (Monday,  June  24,  1 75 1.) 

[Next  paper  after  Monday,  September  2d,  issued 
on  Friday,  September  13,  1 75 1.  Next  issued  Mon- 
day, September  16th  ;  next  Monday,  September  23d, 
and  the  next  Thursday,  October  3,  1 751,  and  the 
next  on  Monday,  October  7th.  Only  one  more 
issued  between  Monday  7,  and  Wednesday,  October 
23,  1  75 1.  Next  issued  Wednesday,  October  30;  the 
next  Friday,  November  8 ;  the  next  Wednesday, 
November    13;  the  next    Monday,    November    18; 


the  next  Monday,  November  25  ;  the  next  Friday, 
December  6,  and  thereafter  on  Fridays  to  the  20. 
Next  paper  issued  on  Wednesday,  January  1,  1752.] 

Last  night  Rawlins  Lowndes,  Esq.,  was  married 
to  Miss  Mary  Cartwright,  a  young  lady  of  great 
beauty  and  blessed  with  the  most  valuable  accom- 
plishments.    (Wednesday,  January  1,  1752.) 

[Next  paper  issued  Friday,  Jan.  10  ;  the  next  Wed- 
nesday, Jan.  22  ;  the  next  Monday,  Jan.  27;  the  next 
Saturday,  Feb.  1,  and  thereafter  on  Saturdays  to  the 
22.     The  next  on  March  2.] 

Last  Thursday  John  Drayton,  Esq.,  was  married 
to  Miss  Glen,  sister  to  his  Excellency,  our  Governor; 
a  lady  of  celebrated  beauty  and  merit,  and  endowed 
with  every  qualification  that  can  render  the  nuptial 
state  a  happiness.     (March  2,  1752.) 

Last  Thursday  John  Lloyd,  Esq.,  commander  of 
Fort-Johnson,  was  married  to  Miss  Rebecca  Boone; 
a  very  agreeable  young  lady  of  distinguished  merit, 
with  a  handsome  fortune.     (November  27,  1752.) 

On  Tuesday  last  Mr.  Charles  Pinckney  was 
married  to  Miss  Frances  Brewton.     (January  8,  1753.) 

We  hear  from  the  country,  that  about  three  weeks 
ago,  the  Honorable  Edward  Fenwicke,  Esq.,  was 
married  to  Miss  Mary  Drayton,  an  agreeable  and 
accomplished  young  lady,  daughter  of  Thomas  Dray- 
ton, Esq.      (March  19,  1753.) 

.  On  Saturday  last,  Doctor  John  Moultrie,  Jr.,  was 
married  to  Mrs.  Mary  Morton,*  a  very  agreeable 
young  widow,    with   a  large   fortune,   which   is   not 

*  "Our  readers  are  desired  to  correct  a  mistake  in  that  paragraph  of  our 
last,  which  mentions  Mr.  Moultrie's  marriage,  the  lady's  name  being  there 
called  Mary,  when  it  should  have  been  Dorothy."     (May  7,  1753.) 

reckoned  her  most  considerable  accomplishment. 
(April  30,  1753.) 

On  Monday  last,  Mr.  George  Roupell  (one  of  the 
officers  of  his  Majesty's  customs  for  this  port),  was 
married  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Prioleau,  an  agreeable 
young  lady  with  a  handsome  fortune  and  other  ami- 
able accomplishments.     (May  14,  1753.) 

About  a  fortnight  ago,  Mr.  Samuel  Wragg,  mer- 
chant, was  married  to  Miss  Judith  Rothmahler,  an 
agreeable  young  lady  of  great  and  distinguished 
merit,  etc.     (May  21,  1753.) 

On  Monday  last,  James  Parsons,  Esq.,  was  married 
to  Miss  Susannah  Miles,  a  handsome  young  lady, 
with  a  genteel  fortune,  and  other  accomplishments. 
(June  4,  1753.) 

On  Thursday  last,  Mr.  John  Mayrant  was  married 
to  Miss  Anne  Stone,  a  young  lady  esteemed  beauti- 
ful, with  a  considerable  fortune,  etc.  (October  1, 
1 753-) 

On  Thursday  evening,  Mr.  Morton  Brailsford,  of 
this  town,  merchant,  was  married  to  Miss  Mary 
Stanyarne,  of  John's-Island,  a  very  handsome  young 
lady  of  real  and  conspicuous  merit.  (Monday,  Octo- 
ber 29,  1753.) 

[Next  paper  after  Monday,  November  4,  1753, 
issued  Friday,  November  16,  1753,  and  the  next 
issued  on  Tuesday,  November  20,  1753,  and  there- 
after on  Mondays  to  Monday,  December  24.  Next 
issue  on  Tuesday,  January  1,  1754,  and  thereafter  on 

Saturday  evening  arrived  Capt.  Chisman,  from 
London,  by  whom  we  have  very  little  news.     The 


same  evening  Mr.  William  Stone  (merchant)  was 
married  to  Miss  Waldron,  a  passenger  in  the  said 
ship,  and  a  lady  capable  of  rendering  the  nuptial 
state  the  greatest  happiness.  (Tuesday,  January  22, 
1 754-) 

[Next  paper  issued  Tuesday,  April  23,  1754,  issued 
on  Friday,  May  3,  1754.  Next  paper  on  Tuesday, 
May  7,  1754,  and  thereafter  on  Tuesdays  to  June  11. 
Next  paper  after  that  issued  Thursday,  June  20,  1 754, 
and  thereafter  on  Thursdays.  After  issue  of  Thurs- 
day, August  15,  1754,  the  day  of  the  week  was 
omitted  from  the  date  of  papers.  Day  of  week 
replaced  with  issue  of  Thursday,  January  16, 
1 755-] 

On  Thursday  last  Thomas  Lynch,  Esq.,  was  mar- 
ried to  Miss  Hannah  Motte,  fourth  daughter  of  our 
public  treasurer,  a  young  lady  of  merit  and  beauty. 
(Thursday,  March  13,  1755.) 

On  Thursday  last  died,  much  lamented,  Mr.  Alex- 
ander Livie,  of  this  town,  merchant.  The  same 
evening  Alexander  Fraser,  Esq.,  was  married  to  Miss 
Mary  Grimke,  a  young  lady  of  merit,  beauty  and 
fortune  enough  to  make  any  one  happy  in  the  nuptial 
state.     (Thursday,  March  27,  1755.) 

We  hear  from  Ponpon  that  last  Thursday  Messrs. 
Archibald  Stobo  and  David  Maybank  were  married 
to  Miss  Elizabeth  Skirving  and  Miss  Hannah  Splatt, 
two  very  agreeable  young  ladies  of  merit  and  with 
good  fortunes.     (Thursday,  April  3,  1755.) 

[After  issue  of  Thursday,  April  1 7,  1 755,  the  day  of 
the  week  was  omitted  from  the  date  of  the  issues. 
Day  of  week  replaced  with  issue  of^Thursday,  May 


Last  Sunday  evening  Mr.  Peter  Manigault  was 
married  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Wragg,  a  young  lady  pos- 
sessed of  those  qualifications  that  never  fail  to  com- 
mand respect  and  to  constitute  happiness  in  the 
nuptial  state.     (Thursday,  June  12,  1755.) 

Last  Thursday  Mr.  Charles  Mayne  was  married  to 
a  daughter  of  the  Hon.  James  Michie,  Esq.,  a  most 
agreeable  young  lady,  with  fine  accomplishments  and 
a  handsome  fortune.     (Thursday,  October  9,  1755.) 

On  Thursday  last  Mr.  Benjamin  d'Harriette,  an 
eminent  merchant  of  this  town,  was  married  to  Mrs. 
Martha  Fowler,  relict  of  Mr.  James  Fowler,  deceased. 
(Thursday,  October  23,  1755.). 

On  Monday  evening  Mr.  Christopher  Gadsden,  an 
eminent  merchant  of  this  town,  was  married  to  Miss 
Mary  Hasell,  a  very  agreeable  and  accomplished 
young  lady.      (Thursday,  January  1,  1750.) 

[The  file  of  the  Charleston  Library  is  broken  from 
July  21  to  August  25,  1857,  and  from  August  25. 
1757,  to  Friday,  November  17,  1758.  Paper  issued 
Friday,  December  29,  1 758,  and  the  next  followed 
Monday,  January  1,  1759  ;  the  next  Friday,  January 
5,  and  thereafter  on  Fridays  to  Friday,  January  19.] 

On  Sunday  last  David  Graeme,  Esq.,  Attorney- 
General,  and  one  of  the  representatives  in  the  present 
assembly  for  Christ-Church  Parish,  was  married  to 
Miss  Anne  Matthewes,  an  heiress  of  great  fortune 
and  fine  accomplishments.  (Saturday,  January  27, 

[Paper  issued  Saturday,  January  27,  and  next  fol- 
lowed Thursday,  February  1,  and  so  alternated  from,*1 
Saturday  to  Thursday  to  Saturday,  February  17.] 

Last  Sunday  evening  Mr.  William  Blake,  brother 
to  Daniel  Blake,  Esq.,  was  married  to  Miss  Anne 
Izard,  daughter  of  the  late  Walter  Izard,  Esq.,  a 
truly  amiable  young  lady,  with  a  large  fortune. 
(Saturday,  February  17,  1759.) 

The  next  evening  Mr.  Daniel  Ravenel,  Jr.,  was 
also  married  to  Miss  Charlotte  Mazyck,  one  of  the 
daughters  of  the  late  Paul  Mazyck,  Esq.,  possessed 
of  the  essential  qualifications  to  render  the  nuptial 
state  a  blessing.     (Ibid.) 

On  Sunday  evening  last  Doct.  Samuel  Carne,  of 
this  town,  was  married  to  Miss  Catharine  Bond, 
daughter  of  Jacob  Bond,  Esq.,  of  Christ-Church 
Parish,  a  very  agreeable  young  lady,  of  known  merit, 
with  a  genteel  fortune.  (Saturday,  February  24, 
1 759-) 

On  Sunday  evening  Mr.  George  Inglis,  an  eminent 
merchant  of  this  town,  was  married  at  Stono  to  Mrs. 
Claudia  Elliott,  relict  of  Capt.  Thomas-Law  Elliott, 
deceased  ;  a  lady  possessed  of  such  qualifications  as 
cannot  fail  to  render  the  nuptial  state  the  greatest 
earthly  blessing.     (Saturday,  May  5,  1759.) 

Within  a  few  days  past  have  also  been  married 
Robert  Williams,  St.,  Esq.,  to  Mrs.  Gibbes,  of  Christ- 
Church  Parish  ;  Mr.  Thomas  Stone,  merchant,  to 
Miss  Guerin;  Mr.  John  Deas,  merchant,  to  Miss 
Allen;  Mr.  Job  Milner  to  Miss  Mary  Bond;  Mr. 
James  Simmons  to  Miss  Holmes,  &c,  &c,  &c.  And 
we  hear  that  many  more  treaties  of  marriage  will  soon 
be  concluded.     (Saturday,  May  5,  1 759.) 

On  Tuesday  last  Mr.  Isaac  Holmes,  merchant,  was 

•  married  to  Miss  Rebecca  Bee,  one  of  the  daughters 

of  the  late  Col.  John  Bee.     (Saturday,  May  12,  1759.) 

Last  week  Mr.  Archibald  Stanyarne  was  married 
to  Miss  Sarah  Elliott,  a  daughter  of  Thomas  Elliott, 
Sr.,  Esq.,  of  Stono.     (Saturday,  May  19,  1759.) 

Last  Sunday  se'nnight  Mr.  Miles  Brewton  of  this 
town,  merchant,  was  married  to  Miss  Polly  Izard,  a 
daughter  of  the  late  Joseph  Izard,  Esq.,  deceased. 
(Saturday,  June  2,  1759.) 

About  a  fortnight  since  Henry  Hyrne,  Esq.,  major 
of  our  provincial  regiment,  was  married  to  the  relict 
of  the  late  Colcheth  Golightly,  Esq.  (Saturday, 
July  7,  1759.) 

Last  Sunday  evening  Mr.  Daniel  Horry,  Jr.,  was 
married  to  Miss  Judith  Serre,  an  agreeable  young 
lady,  with  a  fortune  of  upwards  of  ,£5,000  sterling. 
(Saturday,  December  [5,  1759.) 

Last  Sunday  evening  Mr.  Thomas  Farr,  Jr.,  mer- 
chant, was  married  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Holmes, 
daughter  of  the  late  Mr.  Francis  Holmes.  As  was 
Mr.  Peter  Leger,  Jr.,  on  the  16th  instant,  in  the 
country,  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Haig,  daughter  of  the 
late  George  Haig,  Esq.  (Saturday,  November  29, 

On  Tuesday  last  Mr.  Thomas  Bee,  attorney  at  law, 
was  married  to  Miss  Susannah  Holmes,  a  daughter 
of  the  late  Hon.  Isaac  Holmes,  Esq.,  deceased. 
(Saturday,  May  9,  1 761.) 

Last  week  James  Skirving,  Esq.,  was  married  to 
Mrs.  Sarah  Champneys,  relict  of  John  Champneys, 
Esq.,  deceased.     (Saturday,  May  30,  1 761.) 

Last  Sunday  evening  Mr.  William  Raven  was 
married  to  Miss  Henrietta  Smith,  a  daughter  of 
Thomas  Smith,  Sr.,  Esq.     (Saturday,  June  13,  1 761.) 

"The  same  evening"  (Tuesday)  "Mr.  Andrew 
Robertson,  merchant,  was  married  to  Miss  Helen 
Crawford,  a  daughter  of  the  late  Daniel  Crawford, 
Esq."     (Saturday,  June  20,  1 761.) 

And  on  the  Thursday  following  (Monday,  30th  ult.) 
Mr.  Whitmarsh  Fuller  to  Miss  Judith  Simpson. 
(Saturday,  July  11,  1761.) 

On  Wednesday  Mr.  James  Laurens,  merchant,  was 
married  to  Mrs.  Mary  Crawford,  the  relict  of  Daniel 
Crawford,  Esq.,  deceased.  (Saturday,  August  22, 

On  Thursday,  the  5th  instant,  was  married,  at 
Winyah,  Mr.  Robert  Herriot  to  Miss  Mary  Oldfield,* 

At  Dorchester,  Mr.  Adam  Daniel  to  Miss  Anne 
Blake.     (Saturday,  November  14,  1761.) 

On  Thursday  last  Mr.  Joshua  Ward,  attorney  at 
law,  was  married  to  Miss  Sarah  McCall,  daughter  of 
Mr.  John  McCall,  merchant.  (Saturday,  April  24, 

On  Thursday  last  John  Ainslie,  Esq.,  was  married 
to  the  Right  Hon.  Lady  Mary,  one  of  the  daughters 
of  the  Right  Hon.  the  Earl  of  Cromartie,  and  relict  of 
the  Hon.  Thomas  Drayton,  Esq.,  deceased. 

A  few  days  before  Mr.  Arthur  Peronneau,  mer- 
chant, was  married  to  Miss  Mary  Hutson,  a  daughter 
of  the  late  Rev.  Mr.  William  Hutson,  and 

*On  Monday,  the  30th  ult.,  Mr.  Robert  Herriot  was  married  (at  Winyah) 
to  Miss  Mary  Oldfield,  only  daughter  of  the  late  John  Oldfield,  Esq. 
(Saturday,  July  11,  1761-) 

The  account  in  our  last  of  Mr.  Robert  Herriot's  marriage  with  Miss  Mary 
Oldfield  was  premature;  neither  the  gentleman  nor  the  lady  being  married. 
(Saturday,  July  18,  1761.)  


Mr.  William  Mazyck  to  Miss  Mary  Mazyck,  a 
daughter  of  Paul  Mazyck,  Esq.,  deceased.  (Satur- 
day, June  19,  1762.) 

Last  Sunday  evening  Mr.  Plowden  Weston,  mer- 
chant, was  married  to  Miss  Hollybush;  as 
was  likewise,  the  preceding  Tuesday,  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Edmonds  to  Mrs.  Sarah  Broughton,  relict  of  Thomas 
Broughton,  Esq.,  deceased.     (Saturday,  July  24,  1  762.) 

The  2 1st  instant,  Peter  Taylor,  Esq.,  was  married 
at  Goose-Creek  to  Mrs.  Anne  Swann  of  Cape-Fear, 
relict  of  the  Hon.  John  Swan,  Esq.,  deceased.  (Satur- 
day, October  30,  1762.) 

On  the  1st  instant,  Mr.  John  Poaug,  of  this  town, 
merchant,  was  married  to  Miss  Charlotte  Wragg, 
one  of  the  daughters  of  the  late  Hon.  Joseph  Wragg, 
Esq.     (Saturday,  January  8,  1763.) 

On  Wednesday  last  Doct.  John  Haly  was  married 
to  Mrs.  Mary  Shaw,  widow  of  Lachlan  Shaw,  Esq., 
deceased.  As  was  likewise,  on  Thursday,  Mr. 
Edward  Martin,  merchant,  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Walker. 
(Saturday,  January  22,  1763.) 

Thursday  last  Capt.  Robert  Cochran  was  married 
to  Miss  Mary  Elliott,  eldest  daughter  of  Mr.  Artemas 
Elliott,  deceased.  (Saturday,  February  5,  1 763  — 

On  Thursday  last  was  married  Joseph  Elliott, 
Esq.,  of  St.  Andrew's  parish,  to  Miss  Catharine  Bris- 
bane, daughter  of  William  Brisbane,  Esq.  (Satur- 
day, March  26,  1763.) 

On  Sunday  last  the  Right  Hon.  Lord  William 
Campbell,  fourth  son  to  his  present  Grace  the  Duke 
of  Argyle,  and  commander  of  his  majesty's  ship  the 


Nightingale,  was  married  to  Miss  Sarah  Izard, 
daughter  of  the  late  Ralph  Izard,  Esq.,  a  young  lady 
esteemed  one  of  the  most  considerable  fortunes  in 
the  province.     (Saturday,  April  23,  1763.) 

Last  Sunday  evening,  John  Rutledge,  Esq.,  attor- 
ney at  law,  was  married  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Grimke, 
daughter  of  Frederick  Grimke,  Esq.  (Saturday, 
May  7,  1763.) 

John  Daniell,  Esq.,  captain  in  Col.  Burton's  regi- 
ment, who  was  on  the  last  expedition  against  the 
Cherokees,  was  married  at  Litchfield,  in  February 
last,  to  Miss  Fenton,  grand-daughter  to  the  late  Wil- 
liam Wedgwood  of  Haracles,  in  Staffordshire,  Esq., 
whose  estate  she  inherits  to  the  amount  of  30,000  I. 
sterl.     (Saturday,  May  14,  1763.) 

Last  Sunday  Mr.  Thomas  Loughton  Smith,  son  of 
the  hon.  the  speaker  of  the  commons  house  of 
assembly  of  this  province,  was  married  to  Miss  Eliza- 
beth Inglis,  daughter  of  Mr.  George  Inglis,  merchant. 
As  was  the  day  following,  John  Troup,  Esq.,  attorney 
at  law,  to  Miss  Frances  Gordon,  daughter  of  the  late 
Alexander  Gordon,  Esq.,  who  was  clerk  of  his 
Majesty's  council.     (Saturday,  June  4,  1763.) 

Last  Sunday  evening  Jacob  Motte,  Esq.,  public 
treasurer  of  this  province,  was  married  to  Mrs.  Anne 
Pickering,  widow  of  the  late  Mr.  Joseph  Pickering, 
merchant.  And  on  Thursday  James  Postell,  Esq., 
of  Ashepoo,  was  married  to  Mrs.  Hayes,  widow  of 
Mr.  John  Hayes,  deceased.  (Saturday,  June  25, 

Last  Tuesday  evening  Mr.  Elias  Vanderhorst  (late 
a  captain  in  Col.  Middleton's  regiment,  but  now  of 
Charles-Town,  merchant)  was  married  to  Miss  Eliza- 


beth  Cooper,  daughter  of  the  late  Thomas  Cooper, 
Esq.     (Saturday,  July  16,  1763.) 

On  Sunday  last  Mr.  William  Baker,  merchant,  was 
married  to  Miss  Martha  Screven,  a  daughter  of  the 
late  James  Screven,  Esq.,  of  James  Island.  (Satur- 
day, July  23,  1763.) 

Last  Tuesday  evening  Mr.  John  Hetherington,  of 
this  town,  merchant,  was  married  to  Miss  Mary 
Miller,  of  Cainhoy,  in  St.  Thomas's  parish.  (Satur- 
day, August  20,  1763.) 

A  few  days  ago  Capt.  Henry  Reeves  was  married 
to  Miss  Charlotte  Elliott,  a  daughter  of  Mr.  Artemas 
Elliott,  deceased.     (Saturday,  September  10,  1763.) 

And  on  Thursday  last  Mr.  John  Webley,  merchant, 
was  married  to  Miss  Anne  Greenhow.  (Saturday, 
September  17,  1763.) 

In  our  last  paper,  for  Mr.  John  Webley,  read  Mr. 
Edward  Webley,  married  to  Miss  Greenhow.  (Satur- 
day, September  24,  1763.) 

On  Thursday  last  Mr.  Jonathan  Sarrazin  was 
married  to  Miss  Lucy  Lance,  sister  to  Mr.  Lambert 
Lance,  merchant.     (Saturday,  October  1,  1763.) 

On  Thursday  evening  Mr.  John  Champneys  was 
married  to  Miss  Anne  Livingston,  an  amiable  young 
lady,  daughter  of  Mr.  George  Livingston.  (Saturday, 
November  5,  1763.) 

Last  Thursday  Mr.  Prince,  lieutenant  of  his 
Majesty's  ship  the  Mercury,  was  married  to  Miss 
Ann  Lempriere,  the  daughter  and  only  child  of 
Capt.  Clement  Lempriere,  of  Christ-Church  parish. 
(Saturday,  November  19,  1763.) 


On  Thursday  evening  Mr.  William  Guerin,  mer- 
chant, was  married  to  Miss  Mary  Elliott,  one  of  the 
sisters  of  Mr.  Bernard  Elliott,  now  in  England. 
(Saturday,  November  26,  1763.) 

On  Thursday  last  Mr.  Isaac  Motte,  late  an  officer 
in  the  army,  and  son  of  the  public  treasurer  of  this 
province,  was  married  to  Miss  Anne  Smith,  daughter 
of  Benjamin  Smith,  Esq.,  late  speaker  of  the  com- 
mons house  of  assembly.  (Saturday,  December  17, 

Last  Thursday  Mr.  John  Lloyd,  merchant,  was 
married  to  Mrs.  Anne  Jones,  widow  of  the  late  Mr. 
John  Jones.     (Saturday,  January  14,  1764.) 

On  Monday  Mr.  James  Gordon,  of  George-Town, 
merchant,  was  married  to  Miss  Mary  Vaux,  daughter 
of  Mr.  John  Vaux.     (Saturday,  February  18,  1764.) 

On  Tuesday  Mr.  George  Abbot  Hall,  merchant, 
to  Miss  Lois  Matthewes,  the  daughter  of  John  Mat- 
thewes,  Esq.,  deceased.  And  on  Thursday  Dr.  John 
Murray,  to  Lady  Anne  Atkin,  one  of  the  daughters 
of  the  Right  Hon.  the  Earl  of  Cromartie,  and  sister  to 
Lady  Mary  Ainslie.     (Saturday,  February   18,  1764.) 

On  Thursday  last  William  Henry  Drayton,  Esq., 
son  of  the  Hon.  John  Drayton,  Esq.,  was  married  to 
Mrs.  Dorothy  Golightly,  a  very  amiable  young  lady, 
and  an  heiress  of  great  fortune  and  merit.  (Saturday, 
March   31,    1764.) 

[Next  paper  Saturday,  August  25,  1764.  Next 
Monday,  October  1,  1764.] 

July  19th,  Mr.  Maurice  Simmons  was  married  at 
George-Town  to  Miss  Mary  Mitchell,  daughter  of 
Thomas  Mitchell,  Esq.     (Monday,  October  8,  1764.) 


Last  Thursday  Thomas  Foley,  Esq.,  commander 
of  his  Majesty's  ship  the  Escorte,  was  married  to 
Miss  Catherine  Mellichamp,  a  daughter  of  Mr. 
Thomas  Mellichamp,  who  made  such  useful  dis- 
coveries a  few  years  ago  in  the  manufacturing  of 
indico.      (Monday,  November  5,  1764.) 

Last  night  Peter  Bacot,  Esq.,  was  married  to  Miss 
Elizabeth  Harramond.  (Monday,  November  12, 
1 764  —  supplement.) 

Thursday,  the  13th,  instant,  Henry  Smith,  Esq., 
was  married  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Ball,  daughter  of  the 
late  Mr.  John  Cuming  Ball,  of  St.  John's  parish  in 
Berkley  county.     (Monday,  December  24,  1764.) 

Yesterday  James  Postell,  Esq.,  of  Ashepoo,  was 
married  to  Miss  Catharine  Douxsaint,  of  this  town. 
(Monday,  December  31,  1764.) 

Yesterday  Mr.  John  Hatfield  was  married  to  Miss 
Sarah  Swallow,  sister  to  Mr.  Newman  Swallow, 
merchant.     (Monday,  January  7,  1765.) 

[After  Monday,  January  7,  1765,  issued  on  Satur- 
day instead  of  Monday.] 

Last  Sunday  Capt.  John  Jennings,  of  Bermuda, 
was  married  to  Miss  Mary  Dutarque,  daughter  of 
John  Dutarque,  Esq.,  of  Cainhoy.  (Saturday,  Jan- 
uary 26,  1765.) 

As  was  on  Tuesday  Mr.  John  Dart,  merchant,  to 
Miss  Martha  Motte,  daughter  of  Jacob  Motte,  Esq., 
public  treasurer  of  the  province.     (Ibid.) 

The  17th  ult.,  was  married  at  Sheldon  (the  seat 
of  Stephen  Ball,  Jr.,  Esq.,  in  Prince  William's  parish), 
Benjamin    Garden,    Esq.,    to    Miss    Amelia    Godin 


daughter  of  the  late  Benjamin  Godin,  Esq.,  the 
elder.     (Saturday,  February  2,  1765.) 

Thursday  last  Mr.  George  Croft,  merchant,  was 
married  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Leger.     And 

Doctor  Michael  Hackett  to  Mrs.  Elizabeth  White, 
of  Monck's-Corner.  (Saturday,  February  16,  1765  — 

Thursday  last  Mr.  Lambert  Lance,  merchant,  was 
married  to  Miss  Anne  Magdalen  Kerne,  lately  arrived 
here  from  London.     (Saturday,  February  23,  1765.) 

Last  Sunday  evening  Mr.  David  Bruce,  printer, 
was  married  to  Mrs.  Eleanor  Dryden,  milliner. 
(Saturday,  April  13,  1765.) 

On  Sunday,  the  5th  instant,  Mr.  Andrew  Reid  was 
married  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Sarrazin.  (Saturday, 
May  ii,  1765.) 

The  10th  instant  the  Honourable  Benjamin  Heron, 
Esq.,  secretary  of  the  province  of  North  Carolina, 
was  married  at  Wilmington  to  Miss  Mary  Marsden, 
daughter  of  the  late  Rufus  Marsden,  Esq.  (Saturday, 
June  22,  1765.) 

The  same  evening  (Monday)  Mr.  Thomas  Grim- 
ball,  attorney-at-law,  was  married  to  Miss  Mary  Prio- 
leau,  second  daughter  of  Samuel  Prioleau,  Esq. 
(Saturday,  June  29,  1765.) 

The  4th  instant  Mr.  Champernown  Williamson 
was  married,  in  St.  John's  parish,  to  Miss  Charlotte 
Mazyck,  daughter  of  Mr.  Benjamin  Mazyck.  (Satur- 
day, July  20,  1765.) 

Last  Sunday  also  was  married  Mr.  John  Nevill, 
attorney-at-law,  to  Miss  Nathalie  Orr,  daughter  of 
the  Rev.  Mr.  Orr,  deceased.     (Ibid.) 

29  ' 

As  were,  on  Thursday,  Mr.  Isaac  Hayne  to  Miss 
Elizabeth  Hutson,  daughter  of  the  late  Rev.  Mr. 
William  Hutson,  deceased;  and  Mr.  John  Mitchell 
to  Mrs.  Sarah  Macpherson,  widow  of  Mr.  James 
Macpherson,  Jr.      (Ibid.) 

-day  Mr.  Robert  Rowand,  merchant,  was  mar- 
ried to  Mackewn,  of  Stono,  widow.     (Saturday, 

September  14,  1765.) 

sday  last  William  Scott,  Esq.,  one  of  the  new 

representatives  for  St.  Andrew's  parish,  was  married 
to  Miss  Sarah  Brailsford,  daughter  of  the  late  Mr. 
Joseph  Brailsford,     (Saturday,  October  19,  1765.) 

The  same  day  Lachlan  Mackintosh,  Esq.,  late  an 
officer  in  one  of  the  independent  companies  that  were 
disbanded  upon  the  peace,  was  married  to  Miss  Eliza- 
beth Smith,  the  daughter  of  Mr.  Francis  Smith,  of 
Stono.     (Ibid.) 

[No  paper  issued  October  26,  1765,  but  instead  on 
Thursday,  October  31.  Discontinued  from  that  date 
to  Monday,  June  2,  1766,  when  it  reappeared.] 

On  Thursday  last  Mr.  Thomas  Jones,  merchant, 

was  married  to  Miss  Townsend,  daughter  to 

Mr.-  Paul  Townsend,  merchant.  (Monday,  June 
9,  1766.) 

From  Jamaica  we  learn  that  Mr.  William  Dering, 
of  this  province,  was  married  there  on  the  25th  past 
to  the  widow  of  George  Alpress,  Esq.;  possessed  of 
a  fortune  of  4,oool.  Jamaica  money  per  annum,  dur- 
ing her  natural  life;  and  that  she  was  unfortunately 
drowned  the  29th,  returning  from  Spanish-Town  to 
her  estate  in  Withywood,  in  attempting  to  cross  Dry 
river,  by  which  her  whole  estate  devolves  to  an  only 
son  of  Mr.  Alpress.     (Monday,  June  30,  1766.) 


In  our  last,  for  "  Mr.  William  Dering,"  read  Mr. 
Cholmondeley  Dering,  married  to  the  widow  Alpress, 
&c.     (Monday,  July  7,  1766.) 

Yesterday  se'nnight  Capt.  Alexander  Gillon,  of 
the  brigantine  Free-Mason,  was  married  to  Mrs. 
Mary  Cripps,  widow  of  Mr.  William  Cripps.  (Mon- 
day, July  14,  1766.) 

On  Sunday  morning  Doctor  Lionel  Chalmers  was 
married  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Warden.  (Monday, 
August  25,  1766.) 

On  Sunday,  the  7th  instant,  Thomas  Fuller,  Esq., 
of  St.  Andrew's  parish,  was  married,  at  Ashley-Ferry, 
to  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Miles,  relict  of  Mr.  Edward  Miles. 
(Monday,  September  15,  1766.) 

Last  Tuesday  Mr.  Alexander  Michie  was  married 
to  Miss  Henrietta  Carroll.     (Ibid.) 

Last  Saturday  Capt.  John  Moncrieff  was  married 
to  Miss  Polly  Fly.  And  yesterday  Mr.  Alexander 
Chisolme,  Jr.,  to  Miss  Christiana  Chisolme.  (Mon- 
day, October  6,  1766.) 

Thursday  evening  Mr.  Samuel  Prioleau,  Jr.,  was 
married  to  Mrs.  Catharine  Cordes,  a  daughter  of  the 
late  John  Cordes,  Esq.     (Monday,  October  13,  1766.) 

We  hear  from  Port-Royal  that  on  Saturday  last 
Benjamin  Guerard,  Esq.  (one  of  the  representatives 
in  the  present  general  assembly  of  the  parish  of  St. 
Michael,  Charles-Town),  was  married  there  to  Miss 
Sally  Middleton,  a  most  amiable  and  accomplished 
young  lady,  daughter  of  Thomas  Middleton,  Esq., 
who  commanded  the  provincial  regiment  in  the  expe- 
dition against  the  Cherokees,  conducted  by  Col.  Grant, 
in  the  year    1761.      (Monday,    December   1,   1766.) 


Wednesday  last  Mr.  John  Mathewes  (son  of  John) 
was  married  to  Miss  Mary  Wragg,  daughter  of  Wil- 
liam Wragg,  Esq.,  one  of  the  representatives  in 
assembly  for  the  parish  of  St.  John,  in  Colleton 
county.     (Monday,  Decembers,  1766.) 

Thomas  Gadsden,  Esq.,  with  Mrs.  Gadsden  (a 
daughter  of  Admiral  Gascoigne,  whom  he  married  in 
England),  Mr.  John  Huger,  and  Mr.  Paul  Mazyck, 
are  arrived  here  from  London  in  the  ship  Constant- 
Friend,  Capt.  Alcock.    (Monday,  December  15,  1766.) 

Tuesday  last,  the  Honourable  Thomas  Skottowe, 
Esq.,  (brother-in-law  to  Robert  Wood,  Esq.,  member 
of  parliament)  secretary  of  this  province,  and  clerk  of 
the  council,  and  assembly  under  several  patents,  and 
also  a  member  of  his  Majesty's  honorable  council  in 
this  province,  was  married  to  Miss  Lucy  Bellinger, 
one  of  the  daughters  of  Edmond  Bellinger,  Esq.,  of 
St.  Andrew's  parish.     (Monday,  December  29,  1766.) 

Yesterday  was  married  at  Ponpon,  Mr.  Andrew 
Cunningham,  of  this  town,  merchant,  to  Mrs.  Mar- 
garet Cochran,  relict  of  Doctor  John  Cochran.  (Mon- 
day, January  5,  1767.) 

Yesterday  Mr.  William  Somersall,  of  St.  Christo- 
pher's, was  married  to  Miss  Sarah  Legare,  daughter 
of  Mr.  Thomas  Legare,  of  this  town.  (Monday, 
January  12,  1867.) 

Thursday  last,  Mr.  John  Lord,  carver  and  gilder, 
was  married  to  Miss  Margaret  Broun,  daughter  of 
the  late  Doctor  Robert  Broun,  deceased.  (Tuesday, 
February  24,  1767.) 

The  15th  instant,  Mr.  Robert  Swainston,  of  Wat- 
boo,  was  married  to  Miss  Deborah  Sabb,  of  St.  John's 
parish.     (Ibid.) 


Last  Sunday,  Mr.  John  Matthewes  (son  of 
James)  was  married  to  Miss  Nancy  Havey  (a  cele- 
brated beauty)  and  daughter  of  Mr.  John  Harvey. 

The  same  day  Mr.  Thomas  Netherclift,  of  Savan- 
nah in  Georgia,  merchant,  was  married  to  Miss  Anne 
McQueen,  daughter  of  the  late  John  McQueen,  Esq., 
of  this  town.      (Tuesday,  February  24,  1767.) 

Yesterday  Mr.  William  Cattell,  was  married  to 
Miss  Sabina  Lynch,  one  of  the  daughters  of  Thomas 
Lynch,  Esq.     (Monday,  March  9,  1767.) 

"The  same  day  Anthony  La  Motte,  Esq.,  (only  son 
of  Messire  Rene  Douin  de  la  Motte,  one  of  the 
French  King's  council,  and  chief  secretary  to  the 
Ministry)  was  married  to  Miss  Dorcas  Randall,  an 
accomplished  young  lady  and  only  daughter  of 
William  Randall,  Esq.,  surveyor-general  of  his 
Majesty's  customs  in  the  southern  district  of  North 
America."  (Ibid.  Evidently  copied  from  some  other 
paper  as  the  paragraph  is  quoted.) 

On  Tuesday  last,  Mr.  John  Gordon,  of  this  town, 
merchant,  was  married  to  Miss  Katharine  Smith,  a 
daughter  of  the  Honourable  William  Smith,  Esq.,  of 
New  York.     (Monday,  March  16,  1767.) 

Yesterday  Mr.  John  Huger,  was  married  to  Miss 
Charlotte  Motte,  Daughter  of  Jacob  Motte,  Esq., 
public  treasurer  of  this  province.     (Ibid.) 

Tuesday  the  21st  past,  Capt.  Thomas  Savage,  of 
the  Charles  Town  company  of  light  infantry,  was 
married  at  Savannah  in  Georgia,  to  Miss  Polly  But- 
ler, only  daughter  of  the  late  William  Butler,  Esq., 
of  that  province.     (Monday,  May  11,  1767.) 


On  Thursday  the  23d  past,  Doctor  John  De  La 
Howe,  was  married  to  Mrs.  Anne  Boyd,  widow  of 
Capt.  Robert  Boyd.     (Ibid.) 

[Next  paper  issued  Monday,  June  1.] 

On  Thursday  last,  Mr.  James  Graham,  late  of 
Savannah  in  Georgia,  merchant,  largely  concerned 
in  supplying  goods  for  the  Indian  trade,  was  married 
to  Miss  Sally  Stuart,  eldest  daughter  of  John  Stuart, 
Esq.,  his  Majesty's  superintendent  for  Indian  affairs 
in  the  southern  department     (Monday,  J  uly  20,  1 767.) 

Yesterday  se'nnight,  Benjamin  Huger,  Esq.,  was 
married  to  Miss  Mary  Golightly,  a  daughter  and 
heiress  to  the  late  Culcheth  Golightly,  Esq.  (Mon- 
day, July  27,  1767.) 

Monday  last,  Mr  Francis  Verambaut,  was  married 
to  Miss  La  Tour.     (Monday,  August  3,  1767.) 

The  same  day  (Tuesday),  Mr.  Anthony  Toomer 
was  married  to  Miss  Nancy  Warham,  daughter  of 
Mr.  Charles  Warham,  vendue  master.  (Monday, 
August  10,  1767.) 

Last  night  Mr.  Edward  Thomas,  of  St.  John's 
parish,  was  married  to  Miss  Anne  Gibbes,  daughter 
of  Mr.  William  Gibbes,  of  this  town.  (Monday,  Sep- 
tember 28,  1767.) 

Last  Tuesday  Mr.  Andrew  Rutledge,  merchant, 
was  married  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Gadsden,  daughter  of 
Christopher  Gadsden,  Esq.  (Monday,  October  5, 

Last    Tuesday    Mr.    John    Baker,    merchant,  was 

married    to    Miss    Amy    Legare,    daughter    of    Mr. 

Thomas  Legare,  an  eminent  factor  (for  the  country 

gentlemen)  in  this  town.    (Monday,  October  19,  1 767.) 



On  Thursday  last,  Mr.  Alexander  Alexander, 
schoolmaster,  was  married  to  Miss  Rachel  Anderson. 
As  was 

Last  night,  the  Honourable  John  Burn,  Esq.,  one  of 
the  members  of  his  Majesty's  council,  to  Mrs.  Anne 
Baron,  widow  of  the  late  Rev.  Mr.  Alexander  Baron. 

Mr.  David  Guerard,  to  Miss  Judith  De  St.  Julien. 
(Monday,  October  26,  1767.) 

The  same  day  (Tuesday),  Mr.  James  Stanyarne 
was  married  to  Mrs.  Henrietta  Raven,  relict  of  the 
late  William  Raven,  Esq.  (Monday,  November  2, 

Last  Monday,  Mr.  John  McCall,  Jr.,  was  married 
to  Miss  Charlotte  Glen,  daughter  of  Mr.  William 
Glen,  merchant.     (Monday,  Nov.  16,  1767.) 

Last  night  Mr.  George  Blakey,  was  married  to 
Mrs.  Elizabeth  Roffe,  widow  of  Capt.  John  Roffe. 
(Monday,  November  23,  1767.) 

The  19th  instant,  Mr.  Edward  Griffith,  merchant, 
was  married  to  Miss  Martha  Miles,  daughter  of  Mr. 
Thomas  Miles,  of  St.  Paul's  parish.  (Monday,  Nov. 
30,  1767.) 

Last  night  Mr.  Alexander*  Sands,  merchant,  was 
married  to  Miss  Hannah  Dewick,  eldest  daughter  of 
the  late  Doctor  Dewick.     And 

Mr.  Robert  Beard  to  Miss  Mary  Colles.      (Ibid.) 

Last  Thursday  Andrew  Bell,  Esq.,  of  Ninetysix, 
was  married  to  Miss  Jnne  Murray,  sister  to  Dr. 
Murray.     (Monday,  December  7,  1767.) 

*  "  In  our  last  for  Mr.  Alexander  read  James  Sands  married  Miss  Dewick." 
Monday,  December  7,  1767.) 


As  was  last  night  Mr.  Daniel  Stevens  to  Miss 
Katharine  Patience  Norton  ;  and  Mr.  Benjamin 
Wilkins  to  Miss  Barnes.     (Ibid.) 

Last  night  Mr.  George  Thomson,  merchant,  to 
Miss  Jane  Yorston,  lately  arrived  from  Scotland. 
(Monday,  December  14,  1767.) 

This  day  Mr.  Richard  Nicholls  was  married  to 
Miss  Anne  Magaw.     (Monday,  January  18,  1768.) 

Last  Saturday  Mr.  David  Dott,  merchant,  was 
married  to  Miss  Sally  Baker,  of  Ashley  River. 
(Monday,  February  15,  1768.) 

Monday  last  Daniel  Horry,  Esq.,  was  married  to 
Miss  Harriet  Pinckney,  only  daughter  of  the  Hon. 
Charles  Pinckney,  Esq.,  deceased.  (Monday,  Febru- 
ary 22,  1768.) 

Thursday  also  was  married  Mr.  Charles  Shepheard, 
merchant,  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Ratchiff,  daughter  of 
Mr.  Thomas  Ratchiff.     (Monday,  February  22,  1 768.) 

As  was  yesterday,  the  Rev.  Mr.  John  Thomas, 
pastor  of  the  independent  meeting  in  this  town,  to 
Miss  Polly  Lamboll,  the  only  child  of  Thomas  Lam- 
boll,  Esq.      (Monday,  February  22,  1768.) 

On  the  17th  past  Mr.  George  Mullins,  of  Stono, 
was  married  to  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Miles,  relict  of  Capt. 
Silas  Miles.     (Monday,  April  4,  1768.) 

Last  Sunday  sennight  Mr.  John  Richardson,  of 
St.  Augustine,  merchant,  was  married  to  Miss  Amy 
Welshuysen,  of  this  place,  one  of  the  daughters  of 
the  late  Daniel  Welshuysen,  Esq.     (Ibid.) 

The  same  evening  (Thursday)  Mr.  John  Bull  was 
married  to  Miss  Eleanor  Purry,  only  daughter  and 



heiress  to  the  late  Charles  Purry,  Esq.,  of  Beaufort. 

Last  Thursday  Mr.  Roger  Smith,  merchant,  was 
married  to  Miss  Polly  Rutledge,  eldest  daughter  of 
the  late  John  Rutledge,  Esq.  (Monday,  April  n, 

Last  night  Mr.  James  Roulain,  of  St.  Thomas's 
parish,  was  married  to  Mrs.  Angelica  Varambaut, 
widow  of  Mr.  Francis  Varambaut.  (Monday,  July 
18,  1768.) 

The  Reverend  Mr.  James  Tongs,  rector  of  the  said 
parish  (St.  Paul's),  was,  on  the  5th  instant,  married  to 
Miss  Susanna  Perry,  daughter  of  Edward  Perry, 
Esquire.     (Monday,  September  19,  1768.) 

On  Thursday  last  Mr.  Robert  Dillon  was  married 
to  Miss  Christiana  Chiffelle,  youngest  daughter  of  the 
Rev'd  Mr.  Chiffelle,  deceased,  late  rector  of  St. 
Peter's  parish,  Purrysburg.  (Monday,  October  10, 

On  Tuesday  last  was  married  Mr.  Thomas 
Doughty  to  Miss  Mary  Legare,  daughter  of  Mr. 
Daniel  Legare,  Sr.     (Monday,  October  17,  1768.) 

As  was  also,  on  Thursday,  Mr.  William  Richard- 
son, merchant,  to  Miss  Anne  Guignard,  daughter  of 
the  late  Mr.  Gabriel  Guignard.     (Ibid.) 

On  the  4th  instant  arrived,  at  Brunswick,  the  Snow 
Peggy,  Capt.  Pollock,  with  175  passengers  from  Glas- 
gow. Lately  married  there :  Mr.  John  Daniel  to 
Miss  Anne  Quince,  daughter  of  Richard  Quince, 
Esq.,  an  eminent  merchant  there,  and  Mr.  John 
Ancrum,  merchant,  to  Miss  Mary  Hasell.  (Monday, 
October  24,  1768.) 


On  the  15th  past,  was  married  at  Camden  (late 
Pine-Tree  Hill),  Mr.  James  Cook,  one  of  the  pro- 
vincial surveyors  to  Miss  Sarah  Millhous.     (Ibid.) 

Yesterday  were  married  Mr.  Samuel  Thomas,  Jr., 
to  Miss  Jane  Douxsaint,  daughter  of  Paul  Doux- 
saint,  Esq.,  and  John  Colcock,  Esq.,  attorney  at  law 
to  Miss  Miliscent  Jones.  (Monday,  October  31, 

Last  Thursday  Mr.  James  Lyton  Richards,  of 
Stono,  was  married  to  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Pagett,  relict 
of  Mr.  Henry  Pagett  of  the  same  place.  (Monday, 
November  7,  1768.) 

Tuesday  last  Mr.  James  Christie,  ot  btono,  was 
married  to  Miss  Hapbzibab  Rose,  daughter  of  the 
late  Mr.  Thomas  Rose.  (Thursday,  November  24, 

[After  Monday,  November  21,  1768,  day  of  pub- 
lication was  changed  to  Thursday  by  the  advice  of 
the  friends  of  the  paper.] 

Last  Thursday  Mr.  John  Scott,  Jr.  (son  of  John), 
was  married  to  Miss  Sarah  Peronneau.  (Thursday, 
December  22,  1768.) 

Last  Tuesday  Mr.  John  Webb,  merchant,  was 
married  to  Miss  Polly  Doughty,  daughter  to  the  late 
Mr.  Thomas  Doughty.     (Thursday,  January  5,  1769.) 

Last  Sunday  William  Wragg,  Esq.,  was  married 
to  Miss  Henrietta  Wragg,  an  accomplished  young 
lady,  and  one  of  the  daughters  of  the  Honourable 
Joseph  Wragg,  Esq.,  deceased.  (Thursday,  February 
9,  1769.) 

On  Sunday  last  Captain  George  Higgins,  of  the 
Snow  Portland  of  this  port,   in   the   London  trade, 


was  married  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Colles,  third  daughter 
of  the  late  Mr.  Robert  Colles.  (Thursday,  February 
1 6,  1769.) 

Last  Thursday  Mr.  Arnout  Schermerhorn  was 
married  to  Miss  Polly  Mackey,  daughter  of  the  late 
Captain  John   Mackey.     (Thursday,  March  2,  1769.) 

Last  Sunday  night  Mr.  William  Lee,  watchmaker, 
was  married  to  Miss  Anna  Theus,  daughter  of  Mr. 
Jeremiah  Theus,  Limner.     (Thursday,  March  2,  1769.) 

Last  Thursday  James  Skirving,  Esq.,  was  married 
to  Mrs.  Charlotte  Matthewes,  relict  of  Mr.  James 
Matthewes,  deceased.     (Thursday,  March   23,  1769.) 

Tuesday  last  Mr.  Tailfer,  of  Savannah  in  Georgia, 
merchant,  was  married  to  Miss  Eliza  Bellinger, 
daughter  of  Edmund  Bellinger,  Esq.  (Thursday, 
March  23,  1769.) 

Last  Thursday  Mr.  James  Harvey,  merchant,  was 
married  to  Miss  Mary  Gibbes,  daughter  of  Mr. 
Culcheth  Gibbes,  of  Ashepoo.  (Thursday,  March 
30,  1769.) 

Sunday  last  Roger  Pinckney,  Esq.,  provost-mar- 
shal of  this  province,  was  married  to  Mrs.  Susannah 
Hume,  widow  of  Robert  Hume,  Esq.     (Ibid.) 

As  was  the  same  day  Mr.  Thomas  Walter,  mer- 
chant, to  Miss  Anne  Lesesne,  daughter  of  Mr.  Isaac 
Lesesne,  of  Daniel's-Island.     (Ibid.) 

Last  Monday  morning  John  Mackenzie,  Esq.,  was 
married  to  Miss  Sarah  Smith,  daughter  of  Thomas 
Smith,  Esq.  (of  Broad-street),  immediately  after 
which  the  new  married  couple  set  out  for  Castle- 
Brawn,  Mr.  Mackenzie's  seat  at  Goose-Creek. ,  (Thurs- 
day, April  6,  1 769.,  . 


Last  Thursday  Mr.  Alex.  Wright,  son  of  his 
excellency  Governor  Wright,  of  Georgia,  was  married 
to  Miss  Elizabeth  Izard,  daughter  of  the  late  John 
Izard,  Esq.,  of  this  province,  with  a  fortune  of  30,000! 
sterling.     (Thursday,  April  13,  1769.) 

Last  Tuesday  se'nnight  Dr.  George  Haig,  of  St. 
Paul's  parish,  was  married  to  Miss  Susannah  Mac- 
kewn,  daughter  of  the  late  Kobert  Mackewn,  Esq. 
(Thursday,  May  4,  1769.) 

Monday  the  15th  instant,  Mr.  William  Johnson 
was  married  to  Miss  Sarah  Nightingale,  daughter  of 
Mr.  Thomas  Nightingale.  (Thursday,  May  25, 

On  Friday  the  19th  instant  Dr.  William  Reming- 
ton was  married  to  Miss  Anne  Eaton,  of  Edisto. 

Last  Thursday  Mr.  Henry  Webster,  of  Ponpon, 
was  married  to  the  widow  Ford,  of  Will-Town. 

On  Thursday  last  Mr.  Thomas  Corbett,  of  this 
town,  merchant,  was  married  to  Miss  Margaret 
Harleston,  youngest  daughter  of  the  late  John  Har- 
leston,  Esq.,  of  St.  John's  parish,  Berkley  county. 
(Thursday,  June  15,  1769.) 

On  Thursday  last  Charles  Augustus  Steward,  Esq., 
first  captain  in  his  Majesty's  21st  regiment,  was  mar- 
ried to  Miss  Sally  Powell,  daughter  of  Col.  George- 
Gabriel  Powell,  of  Prince-George's  parish.  .  (Thurs- 
day, June  22,  1769.) 

Last  Sunday  Mr.  John  Bull  was  married  to  Miss 
Sarah  Phillips,  late  of  the  Island  of  Jamaica. 
(Thursday,  July  20,  1769.) 


Last  night  Mr.  Godin  Guerard,  son  of  the  late 
Hon.  John  Guerard,  Esq.,  was  married  to  Miss  Anne 
Matthewes,  daughter  of  the  John  Matthewes,  Esq. 
(Thursday,  August  24,  1769.) 

The  same  letters*  advise  of  the  marriage  of  John 
Greg,  Esq.,  secretary  to  the  Hon.  Commissioner  for 
the  sale  of  the  ceded  islands,  to  a  young  lady,  at  St. 
Vincent's,  of  accomplishments  far  superior  to  her 
great  fortune.     (Thursday,  August  31,  1769.) 

On  Thursday  last  Mr.  Richard  Wayne,  merchant, 
was  married  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Clifford,  of  St.  Bar- 
tholomew's parish,  daughter  of  the  late  Mr.  Thomas 
Clifford.     (Thursday,  September  21,  1769.) 

On  Thursday,  the  26th  past,  Mr.  William  Miles, 
of  Ashepoo,  was  married  to  Miss  Mary  Elliott,  one 
of  the  daughters  of  Mr.  Thomas  Elliott,  of  Wappoo. 
(Supplement,  Tuesday,  November  14,  1769.) 

Last  Sunday  Mr.  George  Ancrum,  merchant,  was 
married  to  Miss  Catherine  Porcher,  eldest  daughter 
of  Isaac  Porcher,  Esq.  (Thursday,  November  30, 

The  19th  instant  Mr.  Eli  Kershaw,  of  Rocking- 
ham, was  married  to  Miss  Mary  Cantey,  daughter  of 
Capt.  John  Cantey,  of  Camden.  (Thursday,  Novem- 
ber 30,  1769.) 

Yesterday  se'nnight  Mr.  John  Brailsford,  merchant, 
was  married  to  Miss  Polly  Moncrief,  daughter  of  Mr. 
Richard  Moncrief.     (Thursday,  December  7,  1769.) 

This  day  Mr.  Barnard  Beekman  and  Mr.  Robert 
Howie  were  married;  the  former  to  Mrs.  Elizabeth 
Scott,  widow  of  Mr.  Joseph  Scott;  the  latter  to  Miss 

*  From  Dominica  of  July  30th. 


Susanna  Lesesne;  both  daughters  of  the  late  Mr. 
James  Lesesne,  of  Daniel's-Island.  (Thursday, 
December  14,  1769.) 

Mr.  John  Wilson  was  also  married  to  Miss  Polly 
Rivers,  of  James  Island.     (Ibid.) 

On  Monday  last  Mr.  Edward  Lightwood,  merchant, 
was  married  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Peronneau,  eldest 
daughter  of  Mr.  Samuel  Peronneau,  deceased. 
(Thursday,  January  4,  1770.) 

The  same  day  Mr.  William  Morgan  was  married 
to  Miss  Chanler,  one  of  the  daughters  of  the  late 
Rev.  Isaac  Chanler,  deceased.     (Ibid.) 

On  the  28th  past  Mr.  John  Jones  was  married  to 
Miss  Mary  Sharp,  daughter  of  James  Sharp,  Esq.,  of 
Ponpon.  (Thursday,  January  n,  1770.) 
•  This  day  the  Rev.  Hugh  Alison  was  married  to 
Miss  Dolly  Smiser,  daughter  of  Mr.  Balthazar 
Smiser.      (Thursday,  January  11,  1770.) 

As  was  Mr.  Daniel  Bourdeaux,  merchant,  to  Miss 
Patty  Smith,  second  daughter  of  the  Rev.  Josiah 
Smith.     (Ibid.) 

Last  Tuesday  se'nnight  Mr.  William  Carsan,  of 
this  town,  merchant,  was  married  to  Miss  Rebecca 
Lloyd,  only  daughter  of  the  late  Capt.  John  Lloyd, 
who  was  some  years  commander  of  Fort  Johnson. 
(Thursday,  January  18,  1770.) 

On  Monday  last  Mr.  Samuel  Green,  of  Hilton- 
Head,  was  married  to  M  iss  Susanna  Chanler,  youngest 
daughter  of  the  Rev.  Isaac  Chanler,  deceased.    (Ibid.) 

On  the  instant  Mr.  John  Matthewes  (son 

of  James)  was  married  to  Miss  Sarah  Scott,  daughter 

of   Col.    John    Scott,    of    Boston,   in    New-England. 

This  day  Mr.  William  Doughty,  merchant,  was 
married  to  Miss  Rachel  Porcher,  youngest  daughter 
of  Isaac  Porcher,  Esq.  (Thursday,  March  8,  1770, 
news  for  February  22,  1770.) 

Last  Thursday  Mr.  William  Glen,  Jr.,  of  this  town, 
merchant,  was  married  to  Miss  Martha  Miller, 
daughter  of  Stephen  Miller,  Esq.,  of  Cainboy.  (Thurs- 
day, April  19,  1770,  news  for  April  12.) 

On  the  13th  instant,  Mr  Brian  Cape,  merchant, 
was  married  to  Mrs.  Mary  Hetherington,  widow  of 
Mr.  John  Hetherington,  and  daughter  of  Capt. 
Stephen  Miller,  of  Cainboy.  (Thursday,  May  17, 
1770,  supplement,) 

Last  Monday  Mr.  David  Gillespie,  A.  B.,  was 
married  to  Mrs.  Mary  Rogers,  widow  of  Capt.  James" 
Rogers.     (Ibid.) 

On  the  10th  instant,  Mr.  Robert  Rose,  of  St. 
Andrew's  parish,  was  married  to  Miss  Rebecca  Rivers, 
daughter  of  the  late  Mr.  John  Rivers.  (Thursday, 
May  24,  1770.) 

Last  Sunday  Mr.  Thomas  Rose,  of  St.  Andrew's 
parish,  was  married  to  Miss  Mary-Ann  Clark  Saun- 
ders, daughter  of  the  late  Joshua  Saunders,  Esq.,  of 
St.  Bartholomew's  parish.     (Thursday,  May  24,  1770.) 

The  15th  instant,  Capt.  Edward  Darrell  was 
married  to  Miss  Ann  Smith,  daughter  of  the  Rev. 
Josiah  Smith.     (Ibid.) 

This  day  (not  before),  Mr.  Samuel  Hopkins,  baker, 
was  married  to  Mrs.  Frances  Dandridge,  widow  of 
Mr.  William  Dandridge.     (Thursday,  June  21,  1770.) 


Last  Sunday  morning  Mr.  Jonathan  Sarrazin  was 
married  to  Mrs.  Sarah  Prioleau,  relict  of  the  late 
Elijah  Prioleau,  Esq.     (Thursday,  July  26,  1770.) 

This  day  Mr.  William  Air  was  married  to  Miss 
Polly  Stephenson,  daughter  of  the  late  Mr.  Charles 
Stephenson,  merchant.     (Thursday,  August  2,  1770.) 

Last  Sunday  Mr.  William  Hopkins  was  married  to 
Miss  Elizabeth  Welch,  niece  to  Mr.  Samuel  Wain- 
wright.     (Supplement,    Monday,   August   20,    1770.) 

From  Barbados,  we  learn  that  Mr.  Isaac  Peace, 
late  of  this  town,  was  married  on  the  30th  of  July 
last,  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Gibson,  a  young  lady  of  great 
merit,  with  a  handsome  fortune,  daughter  of  Row- 
land Gibson,  Esq.,  of  that  Island.  (Thursday,  Sep- 
tember 20,  1770.) 

Last  week,  died  at  the  Horse-Shoe,  Mr.  John 
Law,  son  to  a  lieutenant-governor  of  the  colony  of 
Connecticut,  and  lately  married  to  the  widow  of  Mr. 
William  Glover.     (Ibid.) 

Last  Sunday  John  Waring,  Esq.,  was  married  to 
Mrs.  Charlotte  Williamson,  widow  of  the  late  Mr. 
Champernown  Williamson.     (Ibid.) 

Sunday  se'nnight  Mr.  David  Guerard  was  married 
to  Miss  Martha  Barnwell,  daughter  of  John  Barn- 
well, Esq.,  of  Port-Royal.  (Thursday,  September 
27,  1770.) 

The  same  night  (Saturday),  Mr.  William  Lesley, 
was  married  to  Mrs.  Mary  Stokes,  widow  of  the  Rev. 
Mr.  Stokes.     (Ibid.) 

Last  Sunday  Stephen  Miller,  Esq.,  of  Cainboy, 
was  married  to  Miss  Mary  Roche,  daughter  of  the 


late  Mr.  Francis  Roche.  (Thursday,  September  27, 

On  Sunday  last  Mr.  James  Taylor,  bookbinder 
and  stationer,  was  married  to  Miss  Ann  Chopard, 
daughter  of  the  late  Mr.  Daniel  Chopard.  (Thurs- 
day, October  4,  1770.) 

Last  Monday  evening  Peter  DeLancey,  Esq.,  his 
Majesty's  D.  postmaster-general  for  the  southern 
district  of  North  America,  was  married  to  Miss  Eliza- 
beth Beresford,  second  daughter  of  Richard  Beres- 
ford,  Esq.     (Ibid.) 

This  day  Dr.  James  Weems  Moore,  was  married 
to  Miss  Susannah  Jones,  daughter  of  the  late  Mr. 
Charles  Jones,  Sr.,  of  Ponpon.     (Ibid.) 

The  27th  past,  Mr.  Thomas  Combs,  of  St.  Barthol- 
omew's parish,  was  married  to  the  widow  of  Mr. 
John  Mayers.     (Thursday,  November  8,  1770.) 

This  day  Elias  Horry,  Jr.,  Esq.,  a  member  of  the 
present  commons  house  of  assembly  of  this  province, 
was  married  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Branford,  eldest 
daughter  of  the  late  William  Branford,  Esq.,  an 
heiress  of  a  very  considerable  fortune,  besides  other 
accomplishments.     (Thursday,   November   15,  1770.) 

On  Thursday  last  Mr.  Alexander  Mazyck,  was 
married  to  the  amiable  Miss  Charlotte  Broughton, 
daughter  of  Nathaniel  Broughton,  Esq.  (Thursday, 
November  22,  1770.) 

This  day  Mr.  Andrew  Lord,  of  this  town,  merchant, 
was  married  to  Mrs.  Anne  Gadsden,  widow  of 
Thomas  Gadsden,  Esq.      (Ibid.) 

"  Lately  was  married  at  New  York,  Mr.  Joseph 
Smith,  son  of  the  Hon.  William  Smith,  Esq.,  deceased, 


of  that  place,  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Gordon,  eldest 
daughter  of  John  Gordon,  Esq.,  of  this  town  —  a 
very  amiable  young  lady."  (Thursday,  November  29, 

Last  Tuesday  Mr.  John  Brewton,  merchant,  was 
married  to  Miss  Polly  Weyman,  daughter  of  Mr. 
Edward  Weyman.     (Thursday,  January  10,  1771  ) 

On  Thursday  last  Major  Pierce  Butler,  of  His 
Majesty's  26th  Regiment,  was  married  to  Miss  Polly 
Middleton,  daughter  of  the  late  Col.  Thomas  Mid- 
dleton,  who  commanded  the  Provincial  Regiment  on 
the  expedition  against  the  Cherokees  in  1761. 
(Thursday,  January  17,  1  771.) 

This  morning  Robert  Williams,  Jr.,  Esq.,  lately 
returned  from  England,  was  married  to  Miss  Anne 
Roper,  eldest  daughter  of  William  Roper,  Esq. 
(Thursday,  February  7,  1771.) 

On  Thursday  last  Mr.  John  Brown,  of  John's-Island, 
was  married  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Graves,  of  James- 
Island.  (Thursday,  February  14th  news  in  paper  of 
Thursday,  February  28,  1771.) 

On  Tuesday  the  5th  instant,  Mr.  Arnoldus  Van- 
derhorst  was  married  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Raven,  only 
child  of  the  late  William  Raven,  Esq.,  deceased. 
(Thursday,  March  14,  1 7 7 1 .) 

The  same  day  (Tuesday),  Mr.  William  Scott,  Jr., 
was  married  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Legare,  daughter  of 
Mr.  Daniel  Legare,  Sr.     (Thursday,  April  4,  1771.) 

Last  Sunday  Doctor  Peter  Spence,  of  Ponpon,  was 
married  to  Miss  Fanny  Brown,  eldest  daughter  of 
Joseph  Brown,  Esq.,  of  George-Town.  (Thursday, 
April   11,  1771.) 


Last  Tuesday  Mr.  Isaac  Chandler, M.  D.,  was  mar- 
ried to  Miss  Sally  White.    (Thursday,  April  18,  1 771.) 

On  Sunday  last  William  Roper,  Jr.,  Esq.,  was  mar- 
ried to  Miss  Hannah  Dart,  only  daughter  of  Benja- 
min Dart,  Esquire,  one  of  the  joint-public  treasurers 
of  this  province.     (Thursday,  May  9,  1771.) 

On  the  1 2th  instant  Mr.  Thomas  Bull  was  married 
to  Miss  Sarah  Simpson.     (Thursday,  May  30,  1 77 1.) 

This  day  Mr.  Henry  Crouch  was  married  to  Miss 
Sepha  Watson,  niece  to  the  late  Charles  Watson, 
Esq.,  clerk  of  the  council  in  Georgia.     (Ibid.) 

Last  Sunday  Mr.  John  Fraser  was  married  to  Miss 
Polly  Stobo,  one  of  the  daughters  of  James  Stobo, 
Esq.,  of  Will-Town.     (Thursday,  June  27,  1771.) 

On  the  evening  of  the  same  day  (Sunday)  Doct. 
Benjamin  Willply,  of  Ashepoo,  was  married  to  Miss 
Sarah  Magaw,  of  this  town.  (Thursday,  July  4, 

Last  Thursday  Mr.  Benjamin  Wigfall,  of  St. 
Thomas  and  St.  Dennis  parish,  was  married  to  Miss 
Martha  Dutarque,  a  most  agreeable  and  accomplished 
young  lady,  daughter  of  the  late  John  Dutarque, 
Esq.,  of  the  same  parish.  (Thursday,  August  8, 

Last  Sunday  night,  Col.  Daniel  Hayward  (the 
greatest  planter  in  this  province),  was  married  to 
Miss  Elizabeth  Simons,  a  daughter  of  Benjamin 
Simons,  Esq.,  late  commissary-general.  (Thursday, 
September  12,  1771.) 

The  same  evening  Mr.  John  Imrie,  ship  builder, 
was  married  to  the  widow  of  the  late  Alexander 
Russel.     (Ibid.) 


Last  Thursday  Mr.  Edward  Simons  was  married 
to  Miss  Lydia  Ball,  daughter  of  the  late  Elias  Ball,* 
Esq.     (Thursday  October  24,  i  771.) 

Last  Saturday  Mr.  William  Swallow  was  married 
to  Miss  Sally  Prince,  only  daughter  of  the  late  Mr. 
Lowry  Prince.  (News  for  Thursday,  October  31st, 
in  paper  of  Thursday,  November  7,  1771.) 

Mr.  Robert  Porteous,  of  Beaufort,  merchant,  was 
lately  married  there  to  Miss  Ann  Wigg,  daughter  of 
the  late  Col.  Wigg.     (Thursday,  November  28,  1 771.) 

Lately  married  at  George-Town,  Mr.  PaulTrapier, 
Jr.,  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Foissin,  daughter  of  the  late 
Elias  Foissin.     (Ibid.) 

Last  Tuesday  Mr.  James  Wakefield,  merchant, 
lately  arrived  here  from  London,  was  married  to  Miss 
Sally  Cannon,  eldest  daughter  of  Mr.  Daniel  Cannon. 

[No  papers  published  between  Thursday,  Decem- 
ber 5,  1771,  and  Tuesday,  January  21,  1772.] 

Last  Sunday  Mr.  William  Wilson,  merchant,  was 
married  to  Miss  Polly  Harvey,  daughter  of  Mr. 
William  Harvey.  (News  for  Thursday,  January  9th, 
in  paper  issued  Tuesday,  January  21,  1772.) 

And  on  Tuesday  Mr.  William  Hort  was  married 
to  Miss  Alice  Gibbes,  daughter  of  Mr.  Robert  Gibbes, 
deceased.     (Ibid.) 

[A  continuation  of  the  paper  of  Tuesday,  January 
2 1st,  was  issued  on  Friday,  January  25th,  and  there- 
after no  paper  was  issued  until  Thursday,  March  26, 

*  He  was  not  dead.     See  paper  of  Thursday,  November  7,  1771- 


The  same  day  (Thursday),  Dr.  Peter  Fayssoux  was 
married  to  Miss  Sally  Wilson,  daughter  of  Mr. 
Algernon  Wilson.  (News  for  Tuesday,  February  4, 
1 772,  in  issue  of  paper  for  Thursday,  March  26,  1 772.) 

Last  Thursday  Andrew  Johnson,  Esq.,  was  mar- 
ried to  Miss  Sally-Elliott  Mackewn,  only  daughter 
of  the  late  Mr.  Robert  Mackewn.  (News  for  Tues- 
day, March  3d,  in  issue  of  paper  for  Thursday,  March 
26,  1772.) 

On  Sunday  last  Mr.  James  Ballantine  was  married 
to  Miss  Sally  Buchannan.  (News  for  Tuesday, 
March  10th,  in  issue  of  paper  for  Thursday,  March 
26,  1772.) 

Last  Sunday  Mr.  Edward  Gunter,  druggist  and 
apothecary  of  this  town,  was  married  to  Miss  Patty 
Mellichamp,  daughter  of  Mr.  Thomas  Mellichamp, 
of  St.  Andrew's  parish.     (Thursday,  April  2,  1772.) 

The  same  day  (Tuesday)  Mr.  Blake-Leay  White 
was  married  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Bourquin.  (Thurs- 
day, April  9,  1772.) 

The  same  day  (Saturday)  Mr.  John  Smyth,  mer- 
chant, was  married  to  Miss  Sukey  Richardson. 
(Thursday,  April  30,  1772.) 

[After  the  issue  of  April  30,  1772,  the  proprietor- 
ship of  the  paper  passed  from  P.  Timothy  to  Powell, 
Hughes  &  Co.] 

A  few  days  since  was  married  Mr.  Joseph  Hunt, 
of  Godfrey's  Savannah,  to  Miss  Martha  Gray,  of  the 
same  place.     (Thursday  May  7,  1772.) 

Last  Thursday  Mr.  Thomas  Lynch,  Jr.,  was  mar- 
ried to  Miss  Betsy  Shubrick,  one  of  the  daughters 
of  Thomas  Shubrick,  Esq.    (Thursday,  May  2 1,  1 772.) 


The  same  day  (Sunday)  Stephen  Bull,  Esq.,  of 
Sheldon,  was  married  to  Mrs.  Ann  Middleton,  relict 
of  the  late  Col.  Thomas  Middleton.  (Thursday, 
May  28,  1772.) 

As  was  James  Brisbane,  Esq.,  to  Miss  Sally  Stan- 
yarne,  one  of  the  daughters  of  the  late  Mr.  John 
Stanyarne,  of  John's-Island.     (Ibid.) 

And  Mr.  John  Woodberry,  merchant,  to  Miss  Sally 
Anderson,  of  Santee.     (Ibid.) 

On  Saturday  last  Mr.  William  Price,  merchant,  to 
Mrs.  Ann  Nicholls,  widow.     (Ibid.) 

Last  Thursday  Alexander  Moultrie,  Esq.,  was  mar- 
ried to  Miss  Katy  Lennox,  daughter  of  Mr.  James 
Lennox.     (Ibid.) 

The  same  day  (Saturday)  Thomas  Horry,  Esq., 
was  married  to  Miss  Nancy  Branford,  daughter  of 
the  late  William  Branford.  (Thursday,  June  18, 

Last  Tuesday  Mr.  James  Bryan  was  married  to 
Mrs.  Mary  Sanks.     (Thursday,  June  18,  1772.) 

On  Monday  last  Mr.  John  Somers  was  married  to 
Miss  Patty  Roper,  daughter  of  the  late  William 
Roper,  Esquire.     (Thursday,  June  25,  1772.) 

This  day  Mr.  James  Stanyarne  was  married  to  Miss 
Susanna  Scott,  daughter  of  William  Scott,  Esq.,  of 
St.  Andrew's  parish.     (Ibid.) 

In  a  letter,  from  New  Providence,  we  are  advised 
of  the  marriage  of  the  Hon.  Robert  Hunt,  Esq.,  to 
Mrs.  Sarah  Bunch,  relict  of  the  late  Thomas  Bunch, 
Esq.     (Ibid.) 


Lately  married,  at  Philadelphia,  Mr.  Benjamin 
Cattell,  of  this  province,  to  Miss  Polly  McCall,  of 
that  city.     (Thursday,  July  30,  1772.) 

["  Last  Thursday  night  died,  Mr.  Edward  Hughes, 
one  of  the  printers  and  publishers  of  this  paper." — 
Thursday,  August  6,  1772.  Paper  was  now  issued  by 
T.  Powell  &  Co.] 

On  Sunday  last  Mr.  James  Strickland  was  married 
to  Miss  Betsy  Hennington,  sister  to  Mrs.  Holliday, 
of  this  town.      (Thursday,  September  3,  1772.) 

On  Thursday  last  Mr.  Richard  Shubrick,  eldest  son 
of  Thomas  Shubrick,  Esq.,  was  married  to  Miss 
Susannah  Bulline,  the  amiable  daughter  of  Mr. 
Thomas  Bulline,  deceased,  and  an  heiress  of  great 
merit  and  fortune.     (Thursday,  October  8,  1772.) 

On  the  30th  of  July,  at  Newington,  near  London, 
Dr.  Elisha  Poinsett,  of  this  town,  was  married  to 
Miss  Ann  Roberts,  only  daughter  of  Mr.  William 
Roberts,  merchant.     (Ibid.) 

"  On  Tuesday  last  Mr.  Philip  Tidyman  was  married 
to  Miss  Hetty  Rose  (daughter  of  John  Rose,  Esq.)  a 
most  amiable  and  accomplished  young  lady  —  want- 
ing no  one  requisite  to  render  the  marriage-state 
happy."     (Thursday,  October  15,  1772.) 

A  few  days  since  Mr.  Robert  Miles,  of  Stono,  was 
married  to  Miss  Betsy  Smith,  youngest  daughter  of 
the  late  Thomas-Rigdon  Smith.  Esq.  (Thursday, 
October  22,  1772.) 

On  Sunday  night  Mr.  John  Ruberry  was  married 
to  Miss  Betsy  Wilkins,  daughter  of  the  late  Capt. 
William  Wilkins,  who  was  commander  of  Broughton's 
Bastion.  The  same  day  was  married  Mr.  Stewart 
Nicholas  to  Miss  Betsy  Frederick,  daughter  of  the 


late  Jeremiah  Frederick,  baker.     (Thursday,  Novem- 
ber 5,  1772.) 

By  Captain  Blewer  we  have  an  account  of  the 
marriage  of  Daniel  Huger,  Esq.,  to  Miss  Sabina 
Elliott,  daughter  of  the  late  William  Elliott,  Sr., 
Esq.  (both  of  this  province)  at  Philadelphia,  on  the 
1  st  instant.     (Thursday,  November  19,  1772.) 

The  same  day  (Sunday),  Mr.  Hopson  Pinckney 
was  married  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Quash,  daughter  of 
the  late  Robert  Quash,  Esq.  (Thursday,  November 
26,  1772.) 

A  few  days  since  Mr.  Alexander  Chovin  was 
married  to  Miss  Polly  Tart,  daughter  of  Mr.  Nathan 
Tart,  and  not  to  Miss  Mary  Seller,  as  mentioned  in 
The  General  Gazette.     (Ibid.) 

On  the  1st  instant  was  married,  at  Kensington, 
near  George-Town,  Benjamin  Huger,  Esq.,  to  Miss 
Polly  Kinloch,  daughter  of  the  late  Francis  Kinloch, 
Esq.,  a  most  amiable  and  accomplished  young  lady. 
(Thursday,  December  10,  1772.) 

This  day  Josiah  Perry,  Esq.,  was  married  to  Mrs. 
Sarah  Lowndes,  relict  of  the  late  Charles  Lowndes, 
Esq.     (Thursday,  December  17,  1772.) 

Last  Thursday  the  Honourable  Charles  Mathews 
Cosslett,  one  of  his  Majesty's  assistant  judges  for  this 
province,  was  married  to  Miss  Ann  Grimke,  young- 
est daughter  of  Mr.  John  Paul  Grimke,  jeweller, 
lately  retired  from  business.  (Thursday,  December 
24,  1772.) 

Last  Sunday  Mr.  John  Dart,  Jr.,  attorney  at  law, 
was  married  to  Miss  Henrietta  Sommers,  daughter 
of  Humphry  Sommers,  Esq.     (Ibid.) 


Last  Thursday,  was  married  Dr.  Alexander  Baron, 
to  Miss  Betsy  Cleiland*  an  accomplished  young 
lady,  and  the  youngest  daughter  of  the  late  Dr.  John 
Cleiland.     (Thursday,  January  7,  1773.) 

The  same  day  Mr.  Charles  Harris,  jeweller  and 
goldsmith,  was  married  to  the  agreeable  Miss  Betsy 
Christie.     (Ibid.) 

The  same  day  Mr.  Peter  Stevenson  was  married 
to  Miss  Mary-Jones  Snelling,  one  of  the  daughters 
of  the  late  Mr.  John  Snelling.  (Thursday,  January 
14.  1 773-) 

A  few  days  ago  Mr.  Thomas  Crafton  Karwon,  of 
Pedee,  merchant,  aged  twenty-five  years,  was  married 
to  Mrs.  Mary  Marion,  relict  of  the  late  Mr.  James 
Marion,  of  St.  Thomas's  parish,  aged  sixty-five  years. 
(Thursday,  January  21,  1773.) 

[Day  of  publication  changed  to  Monday  after 
Thursday,  February  4th.  Next  issue  Monday,  Feb- 
ruary 8th.] 

THe  same  day  (Thursday)  Mr.  Robert  Ladson 
(who  was  admitted  an  attorney  at  the  last  Court  of 
Common  Pleas),  was  married  to  Miss  Sally  Fleming, 
only  daughter  of  the  late  Thomas  Fleming,  Esquire. 
(Monday,  March  22,  1773.) 

The  same  day  Mr.  James  Smyth,  merchant,  was 
married  to  Miss  Ann  Thomas,  daughter  of  Samuel 
Thomas,  Esq.     (Ibid.) 

On  Tuesday  last  Mr.  Thomas  Eveleigh  (son  of 
Mr.  George  Eveleigh),  was  married  to  Miss  Nancy 
Simmons,  daughter  of  the  late  Ebenezer  Simmons, 
Esq.     (Monday,  March  29,  1773.) 

*  "  Dr.  Baron  was  married  to  Miss  Sally,  not  Miss  Betsy,  Cleiland,  as  by 
mistake  was  mentioned  in  our  last."  —  Thursday,  January  14,  1773. 


The  same  day  (Thursday),  Benjamin  Smith,  Esq., 
of  St.  James's,  Goose-Creek,  was  married  to  Miss 
Katharine  Ball,  a  young  lady  possessed  of  every 
desirable  qualification  to  render  the  connubial  state 
happy,  daughter  of  John-Coming  Ball,  Esq.,  of  Saint 
John's  parish.     (Monday,  April  12,  1773.) 

Last  Tuesday  evening  Thomas  Heyward,  Jr.,  Esq., 
was  married  to  an  accomplished  young  lady,  Miss 
Elizabeth  Mathewes,  daughter  of  the  late  John 
'  Mathewes,  Esq.      (Monday,  April  26,  1773.) 

Last  Tuesday  evening  Alexander  Inglis,  Esq., 
was  married  to  Miss  Polly  Deas,  a  very  agreeable 
and  accomplished  young  lady,  eldest  daughter  of 
John  Deas,  Esquire.     (Monday,  May  3,  1773.) 

That  evening  (Thursday),  Captain  James  Cusack 
was  married  to  Miss  Anne  Brown,  daughter  of  the 
late  Doctor  Robert  Brown.     (Ibid.) 

A  few  days  since,  Dr.  Thomas  Elder,  of  St. 
Thomas's  parish,  was  married  to  the  agreeable  Miss 
Charlotte  Hartley,  of  the  same  parish.     (Ibid.) 

On  Tuesday  last  Mr.  James  Darby  was  married  to 
Miss  Margaret  Elliott,  one  of  the  daughters  of  the 
late  Mr.  Artemas  Elliott.  (Monday,  May  10, 

On  Wednesday  Mr.  James  Bentham  also  was  mar- 
ried to  the  amiable  Mrs.  Eleanor  Phillips,  widow  of 
the  late  James  Phillips,  Esq.,  of  the  Island  of  Jamaica. 
A  lady  whose  mental  and  personal  accomplishments 
cannot  fail  to  render  the  nuptial  state  happy.     (Ibid.) 

And  on  Thursday  James  Coachman,  Esq.,  to  Mrs. 
Anne  Johnston,  widow  of  the  late  Andrew  Johnston, 
Esq.     (Ibid.) 


Last  Tuesday  Mr.  James  Jamieson,  merchant,  was 
married  to  Miss  Rebecca  Simons,  daughter  of  the 
late  Benjamin  Simmons,  Esq.  (Postscript  to  Mon- 
day, May  31,  1773.) 

The  same  day  (Saturday)  Mr.  Andrew  Hewatt  was 
married  to  Mrs.  Katharine  Elliott,  widow  of  Joseph 
Elliott,  Esq.;  and  Mr.  George  Mullins  to  Miss  Sarah 
Cattell,  daughter  of  the  late  John  Cattcll,  Esq.,  son  of 
John.     (Monday,  June  21,  1773.) 

Last  Thursday  evening  Mr.  Oliver  Cromwell  was 
married  to  Miss  Betsy  Warham,  daughter  of  Mr. 
Charles  Warham.     (Monday,  July  19,  1773.) 

Last  night  Mr.  Alexander  Hogg,  of  this  town,  was 
married  to  Mrs.  Brisbane,  widow  of  the  late  Dr. 
William  Brisbane.     (Ibid.) 

Lately  was  married,  at  Camden,  in  St.  Mark's 
parish,  Mr.  John  August  to  Miss  Polly  Cook,  an 
agreeable  young  lady,  with  every  endowment  that 
can  insure  happiness  in  wedlock;  daughter  of  Captain 
John  Cook.     (Monday,  August  16,  1773.) 

Last  Tuesday  evening  Mr.  William  Milligan  was 
married  to  Miss  Rebecca  Stoll,  daughter  of  Mr. 
Justinus  Stoll.     (Monday,  October  11,  1773.) 

[Peter  Timothy,  "  Printer  to  the  Honourable  the 
Commons  House  of  Assembly,"  resumed  control  of 
the  Gazette  with  the  issue  of  Monday,  November  8, 
1 773-] 

The  same  day  (Thursday)  Mr.  Thomas  Farr  (the 
youngest)  was  married  to  the  amiable  Miss  Ann 
Waring,  daughter  of  the  late  Mr.  Joseph  Waring. 
(Monday,  November  22,  1763.) 


Last  week  Mr.  John  Edwards,  Jr.,  merchant,  on 
St.  Helena  island,  was  married  to  Miss  Polly  Barks- 
dale,  daughter  of  Mr.  George  Barksdale.  (Monday, 
December  6,  1773.) 

The  same  evening  (Thursday)  Mr.  Joseph  Stan- 
yarne,  of  St.  Paul's  parish,  was  married  to  Mrs.  Mary 
Hartley,  relict  of  Mr.  Thomas  Hartley.  (Monday, 
December  13,  1773.) 

[No  paper  between  December  27,  1773,  and  Jan- 
uary 17,  1774.) 

Last  Thursday  John  Edwards,"Esq.,  was  married 
to  Mrs.  Rebecca  Holmes,  widow,  one  of  the  most 
amiable  and  accomplished  ladies  in  this  province. 
(News  for  Monday,  January  3,  1774,  in  paper  issued 
Monday,  January  17,  1774.) 

Yesterday  morning  Mr.  John  Berwick  was  married 
to  Mrs.  Ann  Ash,  widow  of  the  late  Mr.  Richard 
Cochran  Ash.     (Ibid.) 

On  Friday  last  Mr.  Mathurin  Guerin,  of  St.  An- 
drew's parish,  was  married  to  Miss  Mary  Peacock. 
(News  for  Monday,  January  10,  1774,  in  paper  issued 
Monday,  January  17,  1774.) 

The  same  day  (Tuesday)  Mr.  Robert  William 
Powell,  merchant,  was  married  to  the  accomplished 
and  agreeable  Miss  Alice  Hopton,  daughter  of  Wil- 
liam Hopton,  Esq.     (Monday,  January  17,  1774.) 

Last  Friday  se'nnight  Mr.  Alexander  McQueen 
was  married  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Fuller,  a  most  amiable 
young  lady,  daughter  of  Thomas  Fuller,  Esq.  (Mon- 
day, January  24,  1774.) 

On  Thursday  Mr.  William  Somersall,  merchant, 
was  married  to   Mrs.   Sarah   Crosthwate,  widow   of 


Mr.  William  Ward  Crosthwate.  (Monday,  January 
3i,  I774-) 

Yesterday  Mr.  James  Neilson,  merchant,  was  mar- 
ried to  the  amiable  Miss  Hester  Singletary.     (Ibid.) 

A  few  days  ago  was  married  Mr.  James  Green 
Williams  to  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Thomlinson,  widow  of 
Mr.  Thomas  Thomlinson,  of  John's-Island.  (Mon- 
day, January  31,  1774.) 

[No  paper  issued  Monday,  February  7,  1774.] 

Last  Sunday  Capt.  Alexander  Alexander,  master 
of  the  ship  George,  was  married  to  Miss  Elizabeth 
Murray,  niece  to  the  Hon.  Justice  Murray,  who  died 
the  1 2th  ult.  (News  for  Monday,  February  7,  1774, 
in  issue  of  paper  for  Monday,  February  14,  1774.) 

Last  Thursday  Mr.  John  Walter,  son  of  the  late 
Col.  William  Walter,  was  married  to  the  agreeable 
and  accomplished  Miss  Jenny  Oliphant,  only  daugh- 
ter of  David  Oliphant,  Esq.  (Monday,  February 

The  same  day  Mr.  James  O'Hare,  was  married  to 
Miss  Nancy  Gordon,  endowed  with  every  requisite 
for  matrimonial  happiness,  and  only  daughter  of  the 
late  Mr.  Thomas  Gordon.     (Ibid.) 

On  Thursday  Charles  Drayton,  Esq.,  M.  D.,  second 
son  of  the  Hon.  John  Drayton,  was  married  to  the 
accomplished  Miss  Hester  Middleton,  third*  daugh- 
ter of  the  Hon.  Henry  Middleton.  (Monday,  Feb- 
ruary 28,  1774.) 

Last  Tuesday  evening  Edward  Rutledge,  Esq., 
was  married  to    Miss    Henrietta   Middleton,   eldest 

*  Miss  Hester  Middleton,  mentioned  in  our  last  to  be  married  to  Charles 
Drayton,  Esq.,  M.  D.,  is  second  not  third  daughter  to  said  Hon.  Mr.  Mid- 
dleton.    (Thursday,  March  7,  1774.) 


daughter  of  the  Hon.  Henry  Middleton,  Esq. 
(Monday,  March  7,  1774) 

On  Wednesday  last  Mr.  John  Remington,  Jr.,  was 
married  to  Miss  Sally  Donavon,  a  very  agreeable 
young  lady,  with  a  competent  fortune.  (Monday, 
April  11,  1774.) 

Yesterday  was  married  Mr.  John  Hall  to  Mrs. 
Mary-Ann  Dodd,  widow  of  Mr.  John  Dodd.     (Ibid.) 

Lately  married,  Edmund  Cossens,  Esq.,  to  Miss 
Jones,  only  child  of  the  late  Capt.  Thomas  Jones,  of 
the  Horse-Shoe,  with  a  large  fortune,  added  to  other 
desirable  accomplishments.    (Monday,  April  18,  1774.) 

Last  week  Mr.  John  Creighton,  at  the  Quarter- 
House,  was  married  to  Miss   Mary  Murray.      (Ibid.) 

On  Thursday  last  Mr.  Keating  Simons  was  mar- 
ried to  Miss  Sarah  Lewis,  only  child  of  Mr.  Sedg- 
wick Lewis.     (Monday,  June  13,  1774.) 

On  Tuesday  last  Mr.  Charles  Ramage  was  mar- 
ried to  Mrs.  Frances  Swallow,  relict  of  Mr.  Newman 
Swallow,  merchant.     (Monday,  July  4,  1774.) 

Last  Thursday  se'n  night  Dr.  Thomas-Tudor  Tucker 
was  married  to  the  very  amiable  Miss  Esther  Evans, 
daughter  of  Mr.  George  Evans,  of  St.  George's 
parish.     (Monday,  July  11,  1774.) 

On  Saturday  last  Mr.  Richard  Lushington,  mer- 
chant, was  married  to  the  agreeable  Mrs.  Charity 
Ball,  widow.     (Ibid.) 

[Next  paper  issued  Monday,  July  18th,  and  the 
next  on  Monday,  September  12,  1774.  These  irregu- 
larities in  coming  out  were  due  to  scarcity  of  paper.] 

The  same  day  (Tuesday),  Mr.  Richard  Lushing- 
ton,  merchant,   was  married   to    Mrs.    Charity  Ball, 


widow  of  Mr.  William  Ball.  (News  for  Monday, 
August  15th,  in  issue  of  Monday,  September  19th.) 

The  same  day  (Thursday),  Mr.  John  Boomer  was 
married  to  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Cleator,  widow  of  Mr. 
John  Cleator.     (Ibid.) 

On  Friday  last  arrived  in  the  sloop  Friendship, 
Capt.  Monro,  from' Rhode  Island,  Miss  Thorp  and 
Miss  Hickling.  Miss  Thorp  was  the  next  day  mar- 
ried to  Mr.  Ephriam  Hickling,  who  superintends  the 
distillery  at  Romney.  (News  for  Monday,  August 
22d,  in  issue  of  Monday,  September  19,  1774.) 

On  Wednesday  last  John  Dutarque,  Esq.,  was 
married  to  the  amiable  Miss  Lydia  Gaillard,  daugh- 
ter of  Mr.  Theodore  Gaillard.  (News  for  Monday, 
August  29th,  in  issue  of  Monday,  September  19, 
1 774-) 

The  same  day  (Tuesday),  Mr.  Jeremiah  Brower, 
of  this  town,  merchant,  was  married  to  Miss  Chris- 
tiana Miller,  daughter  of  Stephen  Miller,  Esq. 
(News  for  Monday,  September  12,  in  issue  of  Mon- 
day, September  19,  1774.) 

Last  Wednesday  Mr.  John  Wilson,  of  Edisto, 
aged  twenty  years,  six  months  and  twelve  days,  was 
married  to  Mrs.  Mary  Rake,  widow,  aged  seventy- 
nine  years,  five  months  and  nineteen  days.     (Ibid) 

The  same  day  (Tuesday),  Mr.  Josiah  Bonneau,  of 
this  town,  merchant,  was  married  to  Miss  Susannah 
Eberson,  of  Ponpon.     (Monday,  September  19,  1774.) 

Last  Thursday  Mr.  Joseph  Atkinson,  of  this  town, 
merchant,  was  married  to  Miss  Polly  Burrows, 
daughter  of  William  Burrows,  Esq.,  Master  in  Chan- 
cery, etc.     (Monday,  October  17,  1774.) 


The  same  day  Mr.  Thomas  Rose,  of  St.  Andrew's 
parish,  was  married  to  Miss  Polly  Blake,  daughter  of 
Mr.  Edward  Blake,  of  this  town.     (Ibid.) 

On  Sunday,  the  2d  instant,  Mr.  John  Imrie,  was 
married  to  Mrs.  Margaret  Esmand,  widow  of  Mr. 
George  Esmand,  late  printer  in  Barbados.     (Ibid.) 

[No  papers  issued  between  Monday,  October  31, 
and  Monday,  November  21.] 

On  Thursday  last  David  Rhind,  Esq.,  was  mar- 
ried to  Miss  Elizabeth  Cleiland,  daughter  of  the  late 
Dr.  John  Cleiland.     (Monday,  December  26,  1774.) 

[No  papers  issued  between  Monday,  January  2, 
1775,  and  January  23,  1775.] 

In  the  evening  of  the  same  day  (Thursday),  Dr. 
David  Ramsay,  a  young  gentleman,  whose  abilities 
promise  that  he  will  rise  to  eminence  in  his  profes- 
sion, and  be  a  useful  member  of  this  community,  was 
married  to  Miss  Sabina  Ellis,  eldest  daughter  of  the 
late  Mr.  William  Ellis ;  by  which  it  is  probable  his 
residence  will  be  fixed  in  this  town.  (Monday, 
February  13,  1775.) 

Lately  married:  John  Purves,  Esq.,  to  Miss  Anne 
Pritchard,  daughter  of  James  Pritchard,  Esq.;  Mr. 
George  Heriot,  of  George-Town,  merchant,  to  Miss 
Sally  Tucker,  daughter  of  Capt.  Thomas  Tucker; 
Mr.  William  Allision,  Jr.,  to  Miss  Rachel  Moore, 
daughter  of  John  Moore,  Esq.;  Mr.  Andrew  Cuming, 
to  Miss  Mary  Baker;  Capt.  Isaac  Burton,  to  Miss 
Nancy  Remington,  daughter  of  John  Remington, 
Esq.      (Ibid.) 

The  same  evening  (Saturday,  January  21)  were 
married  :  Mr.  Daniel  Hall,  merchant,  to  Miss  Susan- 


nah  Matthewes  ;  and  Mr.  James  Hampden  Thomson, 
A.  M.,  late  tutor  in  the  New-Jersey  college,  and 
now  master  of  a  very  flourishing  academy  here,  to 
Miss  Elizabeth-Martha  Trezevant.  (Monday,  Febru- 
ary 27,  1775,) 

[No  paper  issued  Monday,  March,  20.] 

On  Tuesday  last,  Mr.  Benjamin  Webb,  of  Ashe- 
poo,  was  married  to  Miss  Nancy  Doyley,  daughter 
of  the  late  Daniel  Doyley,  Esq.  (News  for  Monday, 
March  20,  in  same  issue  of  Monday,  March  27,  1775.) 

Last  Thursday  the  Hon.  John  Drayton,  one  of  the 
members  of  his  Majesty's  council,  was  married  to  the 
amiable  Miss  Rebecca  Perry,  daughter  of  the  late 
Mr.  Benjamin  Perry,  of  St.  Paul's  parish.     (Ibid.) 

The  same  day  Rowland  Rugeley,  Esq.,  was  also 
married  to  Miss  Hamilton  Dawson,  another  amiable 
young  lady,  daughter  of  the  late  Rev.  Mr.  Dawson. 

Yesterday  Mr.  Plowden  Weston  was  married  to 
Miss  Mary-Anne  Mazyck.     (Ibid.) 

Lately  married,  the  Rev.  Mr.  James  Latta,  of 
John's  Island,  to  Miss  Sally  Wilson,  daughter  of  the 
late  Mr.  Hugh  Wilson,     (Monday,  March  27,  1775.) 

On  Thursday  last,  Mr.  John  Bradwell  was  mar- 
ried to  Miss  Betsey  Lloyd,  daughter  of  the  late  Mr. 
William  Lloyd,  merchant.     (Monday,  April  3,  1775.) 

Yesterday  was  married,  Mr.  Robert  Moncreef, 
merchant,  to  Miss  Polly  Dewar,  daughter  of  Mr. 
Charles  Dewar,  merchant.     (Monday,  April  3,  1775.) 

Yesterday  Mr.  Hext  Prioleau  was  married  to  Miss 
Peggy    Williams,     an    accomplished     young     lady, 


daughter  of  Rdbert  Williams,  Jr.,  Esq.  (Monday, 
April  10,  1775.) 

[Only  three  papers  were  issued  between  Monday, 
April  10,  and  Thursday,  September  7,  1775,  and  these 
are  not  with  the  file  preserved  in  the  Charleston 
Library.  No  paper  issued  between  Thursday,  Sep- 
tember 7,  and  Tuesday,  September  19,  1775.  There- 
after issued  regularly  on  Tuesdays.] 

On  the  29th  of  August  last  was  married  at  the 
seat  of  Thaddeus  Burr,  Esq.,  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Elliot, 
the  Hon.  John  Hancock,  Esq.,  president  of  the  Con- 
tinental Congress,  to  Miss  Dorothy  Quincy,  daughter 
of  Edmund  Quincy,  Esq.,  of  Boston.  (Tuesday, 
October  17,  17  5.) 

[No  paper  issued  between  Tuesday,  November  28, 
and  Tuesday,  December  11,  1775,  and  only  one  was 
issued  between  the  latter  date  and  Wednesday,  April 
9,  1777,  when  it  resumed  publication  after  having 
been  suspended  for  nearly  two  years.  The  next 
paper  appeared  Monday,  April  14,  1777,  and  there- 
after issued  regularly  on  Mondays.  It  now  appeared 
as  The  Gazette  of  the  State  of  South-Carolina!\ 

Last  Thursday  Mr.  John  Bryan,  merchant,  was 
married  to  Miss  Rachel  Simons,  daughter  of  the  late 
Benjamin  Simons,  Esq.     (Monday,  April  28,  1777.) 

The  following  marriages  were  solemnized  here  last 
week,  viz.  :  Between  John  Harleston,  Jr.,  Esq.,  and 
Miss  Elizabeth  Lynch,  daughter  of  the  late  Hon. 
Thomas  Lynch,  one  of  our  first  delegates  to  the 
Continental  Congress;  Mr.  Edward  Trescott,  mer- 
chant, and  Miss  Rachel  Bouquet,  and  Mr.  Jonathan 
Lawrence  and  Miss  Elizabeth  Daniel,  daughter  of 
Mr.  Robert  Daniel.     (Monday,  May  5,  1777.) 


Yesterday  se'nnight  Mr.  James  M'Call  was  mar- 
ried to  Miss  Anne  Dart,  daughter  of  the  Hon.  Ben- 
jamin Dart,  Esq.  On  Thursday  John  Barnwell,  Jr., 
Esq.,  to  Miss  Anne  Hutson,  daughter  of  the  late  Rev. 
Mr.  Hutson,  and  Mr.  William  Wayne  to  Miss  Esther 
Trezevant,  daughter  of  the  late  Mr.  Daniel  Treze- 
vant;  and  yesterday  George  Cogdell,  Esq.,  a  captain 
in  the  first  regiment  of  riflemen,  to  Miss  Stevens, 
only  daughter  of  John  Stevens,  Esq.,  secretary  of  the 
late  general  post-office.      (Monday,   May  12,  1777.) 

Last  Thursday  Mr.  Richard  Cole  was  married  to 
Miss  Bommer,  only  daughter  of  Mr.  Jacob  Bommer. 
(Monday,  June  2,  1777.) 

On  Thursday  last  Mr.  George  Cook,  merchant,  was 
married  to  Mrs.  Eleanor  Wade,  relict  of  the  late  Mr. 
Richard  Wade,  wine-merchant.  (Monday,  July  21, 

[No  paper  issued  Monday,  July  28.  Only  one  was 
issued  between  Monday,  August  4,  and  Monday, 
September  15,  1777,  and  that  is  not  in  the  Charles- 
ton Library's  file.  Next  paper  issued  Tuesday, 
September  23,  instead  of  Monday,  September  22. 
Thereafter  issued  on  Tuesdays.] 

The  same  day  (Wednesday)  Mr.  Abraham  Mendez 
Sexias,  of  the  State  of  Georgia,  was  married  to  Miss 
Ritcey  Hart,  a  young  lady  of  the  most  amiable 
qualifications,  daughter  of  Mr.  Joshua  Hart,  of  this 
town.     (Tuesday,  November  18,  1777.) 

On  Wednesday  last  Mr.  Benjamin  Smith,  Jr.,  was 
married  to  Miss  Sarah  Dry,  a  very  amiable  young 
lady  of  distinguished  merit,  daughter  of  the  Hon. 
William  Dry,  of  North  Carolina.  (Tuesday,  Novem- 
ber 25,  1777.) 


[Only  six  papers  were  issued  between  Tuesday, 
November  25,  1777,  and  January  15,  1778,  when 
Timothy's  printing  office  was  destroyed  by  fire,  and 
these  are  not  in  the  Charleston  Library's  file.  When 
the  paper  was  revived  with  the  issue  of  Wednesday, 
June  24,  1778,  Nicholas  Borden  was  associated  with 
Peter  Timothy  in  the  printing  thereof.  Thereafter 
it  was  issued  on  Wednesdays.  No  paper  issued 
Wednesday,  January  27,  1779.  Two  papers  only 
were  issued  between  May  5  and  July  9,  1779,  and 
neither  of  these  are  in  the  Charleston  Library's  file. 
No  paper  issued  Wednesday,  August  18,  1779.  The 
files  in  the  Charleston  Library  end  with  the  issue  for 
Wednesday,  February  9,  1 780.  The  siege  of  Charles 
Town  beginning  about  that  time,  the  paper  was 
shortly  afterwards  suspended,  and  Peter  Timothy 
was  drowned  at  sea  in  1781  while  going  from 
,  after  having  been  a  British  prisoner 
in  exile  in  St.  Augustine  for  many  months.  His 
widow,  Mrs.  Ann  Timothy,  and  E.  Walsh  revived 
the  paper  in  1783,  the  first  number  appearing  Wed- 
nesday, July  16,  1783.  Walsh  retired  after  August 
13-  I/83-] 

Married:  Dr.  Mathew  Irwin,  of  the  State  of  Vir- 
ginia, to  Miss  Mary  Bulline,  daughter  of  the  deceased 
John  Bulline,  Esq.;  Mr.  John  McCollough,  of  St. 
John's  parish,  to  Miss  Mary  Stocker,  daughter  of 
the  deceased  Dr.  Stocker;  Mr.  Thomas  Gough,  of 
Jacksonborough,  merchant,  to  Mrs.  Leslie  Creighton, 
widow  of  the  deceased  Mr.  William  Creighton;  Mr. 
Anthony  Ashby,  of  St.  John's  parish,  to  Miss  Char- 
lotte Marion,  niece  to  Brigadier-General  Marion; 
Capt.  Jabez  Chalker  to  Miss  Ann  Compton;  Mr. 
John   M'Clean  to  Mrs.    Mary   Pratt,  widow  of  Mr. 


James  Pratt;  Mr.  James  Theus,  merchant,  to  Miss 
Mary  Theus,  daughter  of  the  deceased  Mr.  Jeremiah 
Theus;  Mr.  John  Lovedale  to  Miss  Margaret  Nearon. 
(Wednesday,  August  27,  1783.) 

Married:  Mr.  William  Capers,  of  Christ-Church 
parish,  to  Miss  Mary  Singletary,  daughter  of  John 
Singletary,  Esq.,  of  St.  Thomas's  parish;  Mr.  Peter 
Peyott  to  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Hurst,  widow  of  Mr.  Her- 
mon  Hurst.     (Wednesday,  September  10,  1783.) 

Married:  Mr.  John  Rogers  to  Mrs.  Sarah  Yates, 
widow  of  the  deceased  Mr.  Joseph  Yates.  (Wednes- 
day, September  24,  1783.) 

Married:  Last  Thursday  evening  Henry  Peron- 
neau,  Esq.,  attorney  at  law,  to  Miss  Polly  Hall, 
daughter  of  the  deceased  Mr.  William  Hall,  of  this 
town.  The  same  evening  Capt.  Lewis  Ogier  to  Miss 
Susanna  Martin,  second  daughter  of  the  Rev.  Mr. 
John  Martin,  deceased,  of  Will-Town.  At  Philadel- 
phia, William  Burrows,  Esq.,  son  of  the  late  William 
Burrows,  Esq.,  of  this  town,  to  Miss  Mary  Bond, 
daughter  of  Thomas  Bond,  Esq.,  purveyor-general  of 
the  United  States  of  America.  (Wednesday,  Octo- 
ber 8,  1783.) 

The  same  evening  (Thursday)  the  Hon.  Hugh 
Rutledge,  Esq.,  Speaker  of  the  House  of  Representa- 
tives, was  married  to  the  amiable  Miss  Ann  Smith, 
daughter  of  Thomas  Smith,  Esq.,  of  Broad  street. 
(Wednesday,  October  15,  1783.) 

Married:  Hext  M'Call,  Esq.,  to  Miss  Elizabeth 
Pickering,  daughter  of  the  deceased  Joseph  Picker- 
ing, Esq.  At  Edisto,  Mr.  Paul  Fripp,  Jr.,  of  St. 
Helena,  to  Miss  Betsey  Jenkins,  daughter  of  the  de- 
ceased Mr.  Richard  Jenkins,  of  Edisto.     Lately,  at 


St.  Augustine,  Lieut.  Col.  John  Hamilton,  of  the 
Royal  North-Carolina  regiment,  to  Miss  Claudia 
Tattnall,  daughter  of  Josiah  Tattnall,  Esq.,  formerly 
of  Savannah.     (Thursday,  October  23.  1783.) 

Married:  Mr.  William  Doughty,  merchant,  of  this 
city,  to  Mrs.  Susannah  Broughton.  widow  of  the 
deceased  Mr.  Thomas  Broughton,  Jr.;  Mr.  Charles 
Brown,  of  Georgetown,  to  Miss  Susanna  Tennent, 
daughter  of  the  Rev.  William  Tennent,  deceased, 
late  pastor  of  the  Independent  Church  in  this  town. 
At  Georgetown,  on  Thursday,  the  23d  ultimo,  Mr. 
Joseph  Wragg,  of  that  place,  to  Miss  Nelly  Mouzon, 
daughter  of  Mr.  Peter  Mouzon,  of  St.  Thomas's 
parish.     (Thursday,  November  6,  1783.) 

Married:  On  Thursday,  the  23d  ult.,  in  Christ 
Church  parish,  near  this  city,  the  Hon.  John  Ashe, 
Esq.,  elder  son  of  the  late  Major-General  Ashe,  of 
North  Carolina,  to  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Legare,  relict  of 
Mr.  Nathan  Legare,  a  lady  possessed  of  every  amiable 
qualification  that  can  render  the  marriage  state  happy; 
Mr.  John  Morant  to  Miss  Isabella  Norvill.  (Thurs- 
day, November  13,  1783.) 

Married:  Last  Thursday  evening  Mr.  Joseph  Bee, 
Esq.,  to  Mrs.  Susanna  Duboise,  widow  of  the 
deceased  Mr.  David  Duboise,  and  daughter  of  Mr. 
Richard  Muncreef. 

Yesterday  evening  Mr. -John  Holmes,  son  of  Isaac 
Holmes,  Esq.,  deceased,  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Edwards, 
daughter  of  John  Edwards,  Esq.,  deceased. 

The  same  evening  Mr.  Philip  Gadsden,  youngest 
son  of  Gen.  Gadsden,  to  Miss  Catharine  Edwards, 
youngest  daughter  of  John  Edwards,  Esq.,  deceased. 
(Thursday,  November  20,  1783.) 


Married  :  On  Thursday  night  last  Philip  Prioleau, 
Esq.,  to  Miss  Alice  Edith  Homeyard.  (Thursday, 
December  4,  1783.) 

Married :  Mr.  Francis  Wilkinson,  of  St.  Paul's 
parish,  to  Miss  Susanna  Wilkinson,  daughter  to  Col. 
Morton  Wilkinson  ;  Mr.  John  Griggs,  of  St.  Bar- 
tholomew's parish  to  Miss  Sarah  Webb  ;  Mr.  Arthur 
Simmons,  of  St.  Mark's  parish,  to  Miss  Elizabeth 
Axson  ;  Mr,  Thomas  Axson  to  Miss  Esther  Fogartie. 
(Wednesday,  January  1,  1784.) 

Married  :  Mr.  Daniel  Doyley,  of  St.  Bartholomew's 
parish,  to  Miss  Ann  Rebecca  Webb ;  Mr.  Ezekiel 
Mills,  of  Virginia,  to  Mrs.  Mary  Addison,  widow  of 
Mr.  John  Addison,  of  St.  Thomas's  parish ;  John 
Julius,  Esq.,*  barrister  at  law,  to  Miss  Reid.  (Thurs- 
day, January  8,  1784.) 

Married  :  Thursday  evening  Mr.  James  Simons, 
merchant,  to  Miss  Sarah  Dewar,  youngest  daughter 
of  the  deceased  Mr.  Charles  Dewar,  merchant. 
(Thursday,  January  15,  1784.) 

[Papers  between  Thursday,  January  15,  1784,  and 
Thursday,  February  5,  1784,  missing  from  Charles- 
ton Library's  file.] 

Married  :  Brigadier-General  Mordecai  Gist  to  Mrs. 
Mary  Cattell ;  William  Fraser,  Esq.,  attorney  at  law, 
to  Miss  Sophia  Miles,  of  St.  Bartholomew's  parish. 
(Thursday,  February  5,  1784.) 


Mr.  William  Bellinger,  of  St.  Bartholomew's  par- 
ish, to  Miss  Elizabeth  Pinckney,  daughter  of  William 

*  John  Julius  Pringle. 


Pinckney,  Esq.,  deceased ;  Mr.  Samuel  Bonsall,  of 
this  city,  to  Miss  Ann  Smith,  daughter  of  Henry 
Smith,  Esq.,  of  Goose-Creek,  deceased  ;  Mr.  John 
Geyer,  merchant,  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Bampfield,  only 
daughter  of  the  deceased  William  Bampfield. 
(Thursday,  February  26,  1784.) 

Thursday  last  Mr.  John  Hume  was  married  to 
Miss  Mary  Mazyck,  daughter  of  the  deceased  Wil- 
liam Mazyck,  Esq.,  of  this  city.  (Thursday,  March 
25,  1784.) 

Same  evening  (Tuesday),  was  married  in  Christ- 
Church  parish,  Mr.  Hugh  Rose,  to  the  amiable  Miss 
Susanna  Read,  daughter  of  the  deceased 
Read,   Esq.,  of  the   State  of   Georgia.     (Thursday, 
April  8,  1784.) 

Thursday  last  was  married  at  Santee,  Joseph 
Glover,  Esq.  (son  of  the  deceased,  Col.  Joseph 
Glover),  to  Miss  Betsey  Jeanerette,  daughter  of  the 
deceased  Capt.  John  Jeanerette.  (Thursday,  April 
22,  1784.) 

Last  Thursday  was  married  at  Beaufort,  Mr. 
Daniel  John  Greene,  merchant,  to  Mrs.  Elizabeth 
Adams,  of  Beaufort.     (Thursday,  April  29,  1784,) 

The  same  day  was  also  married  at  Beaufort,  Mr 
Richard  Ellis,  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Greene.     (Ibid.) 

A  few  days  ago  was  married  at  Georgetown,  Mr. 
Robert  Simons,  of  that  place,  to  Miss  Mary  White, 
daughter  of  the  late  Mr.  Anthony-Martin  White. 

Married  :  At  Georgetown,  Mr.  Geo.  Ford,  to  Miss 
Kitty  Wayne,  daughter  of  Air.  William  Wrayne. 
(Thursday,  May  6,  1  784.) 


Thursday  was  married  at  Stono,  Lieut.  Campbell, 
of  the  63d  British  regiment,  to  Miss  Betsey  Smith, 
daughter  of  the  deceased  Thomas  Loughton  Smith, 
Esq.,  of  this  city.      (Thursday,  May  13,  1784.) 

Saturday  last  was  married  at  Beaufort,  Mr.  Ben- 
jamin Duche  to  Miss  Agness  Given,  youngest  daugh- 
ter to  Mr.  John  Given,  of  that  place.     (Ibid.) 

Married:  In  this  city,  Mr.  Sanders  Glover  to  Miss 
Lydia  Tucker,  only  daughter  of  the  deceased  Capt. 
Thomas  Tucker;  Capt.  John  Addison,  of  George- 
town, to  Miss  Tamson  Ralph,  daughter  of  Mr.  John 
Ralph  ;  Mr.  Archibald  Carsan  to  Mrs.  Elizabeth 
Ross,  widow  of  the  deceased  Mr.  James  Ross  ;  in 
St.  Paul's  parish,  Mr.  James  Legate,  of  John's-Island, 
to  Miss  Mary  Wilkinson,  daughter  of  the  deceased 

Wilkinson,  Esq.;  In  St.  Bartholomew's  parish, 

George  Smith  to  Miss  Mary  Smith  ;  in  St.  Thomas's 
parish,  Mr.  James  McKnight,  of  Prince  Frederick's 
parish,  to  Miss  Kezia  Addison,  daughter  of  the 
deceased  Mr.  Thomas  Addison,  of  St.  Thomas's 
parish.     (Thursday,  May  20,  1784.) 

Thursday  last  was  married  at  Jacksonborough,  Mr. 
Francis  Forgatt,  merchant,  to  Miss  Mary  Culliatt, 
daughter  of  the  late  Mr.  Adam  Culliatt.  (Thursday, 
June  3,  1784.) 

Last  Thursday  evening  Mr.  Adam  Gilchrist,  of 
New  York,  was  married  to  Miss  Hetty  Budd,  the 
youngest  daughter  of  Dr.  John  Budd,  of  this  city. 

The  same  evening  was  married  Mr.  Thomas  Jack- 
son, of  St.  Thomas's  parish,  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Duke. 
(Thursday,  June  17,  1784.) 

Saturday  evening  last  Mr.  Thomas  Foster,  mer- 
chant, was  married  to  Mrs.  Mary  Brewton,  widow  of 


the  deceased  Mr.  John  Brewton,  and  eldest  daughter 
of  Edward  Weyman,  Esq.,  of  this  city.  (Thursday, 
June  24,  1784.) 

On  Sunday  evening  Capt.  John  Porter,  of  this  city, 
was  married  to  Miss  Polly  Cox,  eldest  daughter  of 
the  deceased  Mr.  Joseph  Cox,  late  of  the  State  of 
New-York.     (Ibid.) 

Last  Thursday  Mr.  Charles  Warham,  of  this  city, 
merchant,  was  married  to  Miss  Mary  Gibbes,  daugh- 
ter of  William  Gibbes,  Esq.     (Ibid.) 

The  same  evening  was  married  in  St.  Thomas's 
parish,  Capt.  John  Hart  to  Miss  Mary  Screven, 
youngest  daughter  of  Gen.  James  Screven,  deceased, 
late  of  the  State  of  Georgia.     (Ibid.) 

On  Monday,  the  21st  instant,  was  married  at  Cane- 
Acre,  Lambert  Lance,  Esq.,  of  this  city,  to  Miss 
Sarah  Harvey,  only  daughter  of  the  deceased  Maurice 
Harvey,  Esq.      (Thursday,  July  1,  1784.) 

On  Tuesday  was  married  at  Edisto,  Mr.  Thomas 
Baynard  to  Miss  Sally  Calder,  daughter  of  the 
deceased  Mr.  John  Calder,  of  that  place.  ( Thursday, 
JulyS,  1784. 

Married  :  At  Chehaw,  Mr.  William  Elms,  to  Miss 
Sarah  Fields,  of  that  place;  Last  Tuesday,  Mr.  John 
Warner  to  Miss  Ann  Elizabeth  Ruger,  both  of 
Charleston.     (Thursday,  July  22,  1784.) 

[Paper  now  appeared  twice  a  week — Mondays 
and  Thursdays.] 

On  Thursday,  the  17th  of  June,  was  married  at 
Philadelphia  Mr.  Francis  Barbe  de  Marbois,  consul- 
general  of  France,  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Moore,  daugh- 


ter  of  the  late  president  of  that  State.  (Monday, 
August  2,  1784.) 

Last  Thursday  evening  Capt.  Simeon  Theus  was 
married  to  Miss  Rebecca  Legar6,  eldest  daughter  of 
Mr.  Daniel  Legare,  Jr.,  of  this  city.     (Ibid.) 

Thursday  last  Mr.  James  Gordon  was  married  to 
Miss  Martha  Wells,  daughter  of  the  deceased  Mr. 
William  Wells,  of  St.  Thomas's  parish.  (Monday, 
August  9,  1784.) 

Married  :  In  this  city  Mr.  Daniel  Russell,  carpen- 
ter, to  Miss  Sarah-Susannah  Cross;  in  St.  John's 
parish.  Mr.  John  Burkhard,  late  of  Philadelphia,  to 
Miss  Catherine  Will,  daughter  of  Mr.  Philip  Will. 
(Thursday,  August  12,  1784.) 

Last  Thursday  evening  James  Nelson,  Esq.,  one 
of  the  wardens  of  this  city,  was  married  to  Miss  Bet- 
sey Villepontoux,  daughter  of  Benjamin  Villepontoux, 
Esq.     (Monday,  August  16,  1784.) 

Married:  Mr.  John  Logan  to  Miss  Rachel  Perry, 
daughter  of  the  deceased  J osiah  Perry,  Esq.  (Mon- 
day, August  23,  1784.) 

On  Thursday  last  was  married,  in  Prince  George's 
parish,  Thomas  Dunbar,  Esq.,  of  this  city,  captain  in 
the  second  South-Carolina  regiment,  to  Miss  Mary 
Withers,  second  daughter  of  the  deceased  Francis 
Withers,  Esq.,  of  Georgetown.  Sunday  evening  Mr. 
Benjamin  Duke,  carpenter,  to  Mrs.  Rachel  Higgins, 
widow  of  the  deceased  Mr.  Thomas  Higgins,  of  this 
city.     (Monday,  September  6,  1784.) 

Married:  Mr.  Alex.  M'Nilago,  of  Christ  Church 
parish,  to  Miss  Margaret  Field,  eldest  daughter  of 
Mr.  John  Field,  of  this  city.  (Monday,  September 
27,  1784.) 


Last  Sunday  evening  was  married,  in  this  city,  John 
Farr,  Esq.,  of  St.  Paul's  parish,  to  Miss  Margaret 
Hartley,  daughter  of  the  deceased  Thomas  Hartley, 
Esq.     (Thursday,  October  y,  1784.) 

On  Thursday  evening  last  Mr.  Peter  Sinkler,  of 
St.  Stephen's  parish,  was  married  to  Miss  Polly 
Walter,  daughter  of  Mr.  Richard  Walter,  merchant, 
deceased.     (Monday,  October  n,  1784.) 

Married:  Tuesday  evening  the  Hon.  John  Fau- 
chereaud  Grimkie,  Esq.,  to  Miss  Polly  Smith,  daughter 
of  Thomas  Smith,  Esq.  (Thursday,  October  14, 

Last  Thursday  evening  was  married  Mr.  Peter 
Boillat  to  Miss  Jane  Elizabeth  Dupont,  daughter  of 
the  deceased  Mr.  John  Dupont.  (Monday,  October 
18,  1784.) 

Sunday  last  was  married,  at  Beaufort,  John  Lea- 
croft,  Esq.,  sheriff  for  Beaufort  district,  to  the  amiable 
Miss  Elizabeth  Black,  eldest  daughter  of  the  late 
Mr.  James  Black,  of  that  place.  (Thursday,  October 
28,  1784.) 

Last  Thursday  evening  was  married  Mr.  Henry 
Bedon  Stocker,  of  this  city,  merchant,  to  Miss  Jane 
Fickland,  a  young  lady  of  great  merit  and  beauty, 
daughter  of  Mr.  George  Fickland,  of  Wadmalaw 
Island.  Rev.  Mr.  Samuel  Fenner  Warren,  of  St. 
James,  Santee,  to  Miss  Lydia  Perdriau.  Mr.  George 
Evans,  of  St.  George's  parish,  to  Miss  Harriet 
Baker,  daughter  of  the  deceased  Richard  Bohun 
Baker,  Esq.     (Monday,  November  1,  1784.) 

On  Thursday  evening  last  Charles  Lining,  Esq., 
ordinary  for  Charleston  district,  was  married  to  Mrs. 
Mary  Rose,  eldest  daughter  of  Edward  Blake,  Esq. 


And  at  Newport,  Rhode-Island,  Mr.  Stephen  Mazyck, 
of  this  State,  to  Miss  Nancy  Easton,  daughter  of 
Mr.  Walter  Easton,  of  that  city.  (Monday,  Novem- 
ber 8,  1784.) 

A  few  days  ago  was  married,  at  the  seat  of  Gen. 
Huger,  on  the  Congaree  river,  Jehu  Wilson,  Esq.,  to 
Miss  Sarah  Chalmers,  daughter  of  the  deceased  Dr. 
Lionel  Chalmers,  of  this  city.  (Monday,  November 
15,  1784-) 

Married :  Last  Tuesday,  at  Ashepoo,  John  Boy, 
Esq.,  of  this  city,  to  the  amiable  Miss  Sally  Miles, 
daughter  of  John  Miles,  Esq.,  deceased.  On  Tues- 
day night  Colonel  John  Baddeley,   of  this  city,  to 

Miss  Ann  Golden,  daughter  of  the  deceased  Mr. 

Golden,  of  North-Carolina.  (Thursday,  November 
18,  1784.) 

Thursday  last  was  married,  at  Goose-Creek,  Mr. 
William  Scott,  of  this  city,  to  Miss  Francis  Daniell, 
only  child  of  the  deceased  Adam  Daniell,  Esq. 
(Thursday,  November  25,  1784.) 

Last  Sunday  week  was  married,  in  St.  Stephen's 
parish,  Santee,  Thomas  Cordes,  Esq.,  a  member  of 
the  House  of  Representatives,  to  Miss  Charlotte 
Evance,  daughter  of  the  deceased  Thomas  Evance, 
Esq.,  of  this  city.  Last  Tuesday  evening,  in  this 
city,  Mr.  Cotton-Mather  Stevens  to  Miss  Elizabeth 
Brett.  And  last  Thursday  evening  Joseph  Brown, 
Esq.,  of  Georgetown,  to  Miss  Harriet  Lowndes, 
daughter  of  the  Hon.  Rawlins  Lowndes,  Esq.,  of  this 
city.     (Monday,  November  29,  1784.) 

Married,  yesterday  evening,  Doctor  Henry  Collins 
Flagg  to  Mrs.  Allston.     And  last  Thursday  evening 

Mr.  Cornelius  du  Pre  to  Mrs.  Mary  Hartley,  of  this 
city.     (Monday,  December  6,  1784.) 

Married  :  Last  Tuesday  evening  Captain  James 
Kennedy  to  Miss  Nancy  Chalmers,  daughter  of  the 
late  Doctor  Lionel  Chalmers.  (Thursday,  Decem- 
ber 9,  1784.) 

Married  :  At  Georgetown,  Captain  Albert  Roux  to 
Mrs.  Elizabeth  Trapier;  Doctor  Rees  to  Miss  Eliza- 
beth Bromly,  at  the  same  place.  At  Edisto,  Mr. 
Benjamin  Seabrook  to  Miss  Margaret  Meggett, 
daughter  of  Mr.  William  Meggett.  (Monday, 
December  13,  1784.) 

Last  Thursday  evening  Mr.  John  Walker,  of  this 
city,  merchant,  was  married  to  Miss  Mary-Ann  Wil- 
liamson, daughter  of  Andrew  Williamson,  Esquire. 
(Monday,  December  20,  1784.) 

Last  night  was  married  Mr.  William  Griffin  to 
Miss  Polly  Wyley,  daughter  of  the  late  Alexander 
Wyley,  of  this  city,  deceased.     (Ibid.) 

Last  Tuesday  evening  Captain  Enos  Reeves,  of 
the  late  Pennsylvania  line,  was  married  to  Miss  Amy 
Legare,  daughter  Mr.  Daniel  Legare,  jun.  of  this 
city.     (Monday,  December  27,  1784.) 

Last  Thursday  evening  Doctor  William  Smith 
Stevens,  of  this  city,  was  married  to  Miss  Elizabeth 
Maltby,  daughter  of  the  Rev.  Mr.  Maltby,  deceased, 
of  Bermuda.     (Monday,  December  27,  1784.) 

The  same  evening  Captain  Jarvis-Henry  Stevens, 
of  this  city,  was  married  to  Mrs.  Susanna  Sullivan. 

Married:  Thursday,  the  16th  inst.,  Major  Felix 
Warley,  of  this  city,  to  Miss  Ann  Turquand,  daughter 


of  the  Rev.  Mr.  Turquand,  of  St.  Matthew's  parish. 
Last  Saturday  evening  Captain  Adrian  Proveaux 
was  married  to  Miss  Jane  Knowles  Alleyn,  of  Bar- 
badoes.  And  last  Tuesday  night  Lieutenant  Chris- 
topher Hart,  of  the  artillery,  to  Miss  Elizabeth 
Graham,  of  this  city.  .  (Thursday,  December  30, 

Tuesday  last  Captain  Ralph  M'Neil  was  married 
to  Mrs.  Martha  M'Neil.     (Monday,  January  3,  1785.) 

Last  Thursday  evening  Mr.  Thomas  Singletary 
was  married  to  Miss  Mary  Gillideau.  (Monday, 
January  10,  1785.) 

Married:  On  Monday  evening  Captain  Brook 
Roberts  to  Miss  Van  Braam.  On  Tuesday  evening 
Mr.  John  Huger  to  Mrs.  Cusack.  (Thursday,  Jan- 
uary 13,  1785.) 

Last  Thursday  evening  Mr.  John  Cart  was  married 
to  Miss  Susannah  Rumph,  both  of  this  city.  (Mon- 
day, January  17,  1785.) 

Married,  at  Ponpon,  last  Sunday  evening,  Mr. 
Benjamin  Postell  to  Miss  Maria  Skirving.  (Thurs- 
day, January  20,  1785.) 

Married:  Mr.  Alexander  Petrie  to  Mrs.  Sarah 
Frederick.     (Monday,  January  24,  1785.) 

On  Tuesday,  the  18th  inst.,  was  married  at  the 
Congarees,  Major  John  Compty,  of  the  Pennsylvania 
line,  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Rugborck.  (Thursday,  Jan- 
uary 27,  1785.) 

On  Thursday  last  Mr.  John  Gibbes,  of  John's 
Island,  was  married  to  Miss  Susanna  Guerin.  (Mon- 
day, January  31,  1785.) 


Married:  On  Thursday  evening  Mr.  Thomas 
Townsend,  of  Edisto,  to  the  amiable  Miss  Mary 
Robinson,  eldest  daughter  of  the  deceased  Mr.  John 
Robinson,  of  this  city.  A  few  days  ago  Mr.  Joseph 
Dulles,  merchant,  to  the  agreeable  Miss  Sophia 
Heatley,  daughter  of  William  Heatley,  Esq.,  of 
Amelia  township.     (Monday,  February  7,  1785.) 

Married:  Last  Thursday  evening  Mr.  Simon  Kings- 
ton, lately  from  London,  to  Miss  Margaret  Hatfield, 
eldest  daughter  of  Mr.  John  Hatfield,  of  this  city. 
(Monday,  February  21,  1785.) 

Married:  Last  Sunday  a  week,  at  Beaufort,  the 
Rev.  Mr.  Stephen  Lewis  to  the  amiable  Miss  Polly 
Greene,  daughter  of  Mr.  Daniel  John  Greene,  mer- 
chant, of  that  place.     (Monday,  March  7,  1785.) 

Married:  Doctor  James  Hartley,  of  St.  Paul's 
parish,  to  Miss  Perry;  Obrien  Smith,  Esq.,  to  Miss 
Webb.     (Thursday,  March  10,  1785.) 

Married:  Last  Sunday  Mr.  Peter  Joseph  More, 
formerly  surgeon  of  the  camps,  army,  and  military 
hospital  of  France,  to  Miss  Susan  Delatour. 

On  Thursday,  the  24th  ult.,  at  Beaufort,  Thomas 
Ladson,  Esq.,  of  St.  Helena,  to  Miss  Elizabeth 
Capers,  daughter  of  Charles  Capers,  Esq.,  of  that 
place.     (Thursday,  March  17,  1785.) 

Last  Saturday  night  was  married  incognito  Henry 
Timrod,  Taylor,  to  his  amiable  house-keeper,  Miss 
Susannah  Hargan,  lately  arrived  from  the  northward. 


Meine  Wuensche  sind  gestillt, 
Ehre  hab'  ich  mir  erworbeii, 
Meine  Frau  ist  mir  gestorben; 


Meine  Kasten  sincl  gefuellt, 
Meine  Wuensche  sind  gestillt. 

Meine  Wuensche  sind  gestillt, 
Trauren  fahre  fort  ich  Weibe  ! 

H n  mir  zum  Zeitvertreibe  : 

0  !  Du  Lieb  raein  trautes  Bild  ! 
Meine  Wuensche  sind  erfuellt. 

Meine  Wuensche  sind  erfuellt ! 
Freunde  hab'  ich  und  Vergnuegen, 
Muss  ich  gleich  noch  Kinder  wiegen, 
Recht  nach  meinem  Ebenbild, 
Sind  doch  meine  Wuensch'  erfuellt. 

(Thursday,  March  24,  1785.) 

[With  the  issue  for  Monday,  March  28,  1785,  the 
name  was  changed  to  The  State  Gazette  of  South- 
Carolina,  and  a  cut  of  the  arms  of  the  State  was 
inserted  in  the  title  head  to  the  paper.] 

Married :  Mr.  Robert  Pillans,  schoolmaster,  to 
Miss  Ann  Clark  ;  Mr.  Seth  Lothrop,  grocer,  to  Mrs. 
Sarah  Weyman  ;  Mr.  James  Allison,  cooper,  to  Miss 
Elizabeth  Augeton.     (Monday,  April  4,  1785.) 

Married  :  Last  Thursday,  Mr.  John  Hutchinson, 
of  Dorchester,  to  Miss  Esther  Perdriau,  of  this  city. 
Last  Saturday  evening,  Mr.  Godwin,  belonging  to 
the  American  Company  of  Comedians,  to  Miss  Sarah 
Townsend,  of  this  city.     (Monday,  April  11,  1785.) 

Married  :  Last  Thursday  night,  John  Vanderhorst, 
Esq.,  secretary  of  this  State,  to  Miss  Dorothy  Waring, 
daughter  of  Thomas  Waring,  Esq.,  of  this  city;  Mr. 
Greenberry  Hughes,  printer,  to  Miss  Abigail  Mun- 
creef,  daughter  of  Mr.  John  Muncreef,  carpenter. 
(Monday,  April  18,  1785.) 


Married  :  Mr.  Benjamin  Stiles,  of  James  Island,  to 
Miss  Jane  Scott,  of  the  same  place.  (Monday,  April 

Married  :  Last  Thursday  evening,  in  this  city, 
Captain  John  Frierson,  of  Santee,  to  Miss  Ann  Ban- 
nister, of  the  same  place  ;  Dr.  William  Remington 
to  Miss  Nancy  Watts.     (Monday,  May  2,  1785.) 

Married  :  Last  Sunday  evening,  Gabriel  Manigault, 
Esq.,  son  of  the  Hon.  Peter  Manigault,  Esq.,  deceased, 
to  the  amiable  Miss  Margaret  Izard,  daughter  of 
Ralph  Izard,  Esq.,  of  this  city;  Last  Tuesday  evening, 
Mr.  Samuel  Magee,  of  Philadelphia,  to  Miss  Eliza- 
beth Harrys,  of  this  city.  A  few  days  ago  in  George- 
town, Mr.  James  Taylor,  to  Miss  Mary  Mann,  of 
that  town.      (Monday,  May  9,  1785.) 

Married:  Last  Sundaty  evening,  Mr.  Smith,  of 
New  York,  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Millegan,  of  this  city. 
A  few  days  ago,  William  Parsons,  Esq.,  late  captain 
of  the  fifth  Continental  regiment  of  the  South  Caro- 
lina line,  to  the  amiable  Mrs.  Mary  Wardrop,  a  lady 
endowed  with  every  accomplishment  to  render  the 
marriage   state   happy.     (Thursday,  May  12,  1785.) 

Married:  Last  Saturday  evening,  Mr.  T.  White- 
house  to  Miss  Catherine  Marion.  (Monday,  May 
16,  1785-) 

Married  :  Last  Saturday  evening,  at  the  Quarter- 
house,  Mr.  Richard  Ellis  to  Miss  Polly  Snell.  A  few 
days  ago  at  Sunberry,  in  Georgia,  Mr.  Alexander 
Mclver,  formerly  of  this  city,  merchant,  to  Miss 
Elizabeth  Munro,  daughter  of  Simon  Munro,  Esq., 
of  that  place.     (Thursday,  May  19,  1785.) 

Married  :  Dr.  John  Poyas  to  Miss  Catharine 
Smith,  daughter  of  the  deceased  Henry  Smith,  Esq., 


of  Goose-Creek  ;  Mr.  Duncan  McRa  to  Mrs.  Steward, 
widow  of  the  deceased  Charles  Augustus  Steward, 
Esq.,  of  Cheraws.  Yesterday  evening,  Mr.  John 
Sheerer,  to  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Stall,  both  of  this  city. 
(Monday,  May  30,  1785.) 

Married  :  Thursday  last  in  Christ  Church  parish, 
Mr.  William  Cleiland  to  Miss  Hester  Maybank, 
daughter  of  the  deceased  Joseph  Maybank,  Esq. 
Last  Thursday  evening,  on  James-Islands,  Mr. 
Robert  Rivers  to  Miss  Jane  Taylor,  of  said  island. 
(Monday,  June  6,  1785.) 

Married:  Captain  William  Minott,  of  this  city  to 
Miss  Dorcas  Rivers,  daughter  of  the  deceased  Mr. 
Nehemiah  Rivers ;  Mr.  Thomas  Whithenberry,  of 
the  ship  Catherine,  of  Bristol,  to  Miss  Anne  Nichol- 
son ;  Mr.  John  Grant  to  Mrs.  Mary  Cameron;  Mr. 
Thomas  Hamlin,  of  Christ  Church  parish,  to  Miss 
Sarah  Wingwood.     (Monday,  June  13,  1785.) 

Married  :  Mr.  Robert  Struthers  to  Miss  Susannah 
Scrivenger.     ( Monday,  June  27,  1785.) 

Married :  Last  Tuesday  evening,  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Thomas  Hill,  to  the  amiable  Miss  Jane  Wells,  of 
this  city.     (Thursday,  July  7,  1785.) 

Married :  Last  Thursday  evening  Mr.  Stephen 
Mazyck  (son  of  the  deceased  Stephen  Mazyck,  Esq.), 
to  the  amiable  Miss  Ann  Wilson,  second  daughter 
of  Dr.  Robert  Wilson,  of  this  city  ;  at  Beaufort,  Port- 
Royal,  Mr.  Samuel  Ash,  of  this  city,  to  Miss  Han- 
nah   Deveaux,  daughter    of    the    deceased, 

Deveaux,  Esq.,  of  that  place.  (Monday,  July  18, 
1 785-) 

Married  :  Last  Monday  week,  Jacques  Philippe  de 
Bonnesons,   Esq.,  of  the  Kingdom  of  France,  coun- 


sellor  at  law,  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Sarah  Godin,  daughter 
of  Isaac  Godin,  Esq.,  late  of  this  city,  deceased  ;  on 
Tuesday  George  Haig,  Esq.,  to  Miss  Mary  Maham, 
a  most  amiable  and  agreeable  lady,  and  daughter  of 
Colonel  Maham.     (Thursday,  July  21,  1785.) 

Married  :  Last  Thursday  night  Thomas  Allston, 
Esq.,  to  the  amiable  Miss  Mary  Allston,  daughter  of 
John  Allston,  jun.  Esq.,  of  Waccamaw.  (Monday, 
July  25,  1785.) 

Married  :  In  this  city  last  Thursday  Mr.  Joseph  de 
Palacios,  of  the  Portuguese  Jewish  nation,  factor  and 
grocer,  to  Mrs.  Harriss,  widow  of  Nathan  Harriss,  of 
the  Island  of  St.  Eustatius  ;  Capt.  William  Smith, 
of  Virginia,  to  Mrs.  Fairchild;  at  Pedee,  Capt.  Shad- 
rick  Simons  to  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Britton,  widow  of  the 
deceased  Mr.  Henry  Britton  ;  Joseph  Grier,  Esq.,  to 
Miss  Rebecca  Grier.     (Monday,  August  8,  1785.) 

Married  :  Last  Thursday  Major  Samuel  Nelson 
Holt,  of  Virginia,  to  Mrs.  Martha  Wright,  of  St. 
Andrew's  parish,  relict  of  the  deceased  Capt.  Wright. 
(Thursday,  August  n,  1785.) 

Married  :  Mr.  William  Semple,  of  Santee,  to  Mrs. 
Sarah  Hill,  widow  of  the  deceased  Capt.  Francis 
Hill  ;  Capt.  Swan,  of  the  brig  Betsey,  to  Miss  Ann 
Irvin  ;  Mr.  Andrew  Kreps  to  Miss  Ann  Pattison, 
both  of  this  city.     (Monday,  August  15,  1S75.) 

Married :  Lately  in  New-Jersey,  Mr.  William 
Desaussure,  son  of  the  Hon.  Daniel  Desaussure, 
Esq.,  of  this  city,  to  Miss  Ford,  of  Morriston,  in  that 
state.     (Thursday,  September  1,  1785.) 

Married  :  Last  Wednesday  evening  Mr.  Charles 
Rivers,  of  James's  Island,  to  the  amiable  and  accom- 


plished  Miss  Elizabeth  Newton,  of  this  city.  (Mon- 
day, September  5,  1785.) 

Married  :  Mr.  Robert  Ewing,  merchant,  to  Mrs. 
Jane  Bonneau,  relict  of  the  deceased  Mr.  Josiah 
Bonneau,  of  this  city.    (Monday,  September  26, 1 785.) 

Married  :  Mr.  Thomas  Roberts,  of  this  city,  to 
Miss  Mary  Harvey.     (Thursday,  October  6,  1785.) 

Married :  At  New  York,  by  the  Rev.  Doctor 
Rogers,  the  Hon.  Jacob  Read,  Esq.,  one  of  the  dele- 
gates in  Congress  from  this  state,  to  Miss  Catherine 
Van  Home,  third  daughter  of  the  late  David  Van 
Home,  Esq.,  of  that  city.  (Thursday,  October  13, 

Married  :  Last  Thursday  evening  Mr.  Theodore 
Gourdine,  of  St.  John's  parish,  to  the  accomplished 
Miss  Elizabeth  Gaillard,  of  this  city  ;  on  Wednesday 
Mr.  Abraham  Jacobs,  of  the  Jewish  nation,  to  Miss 
Shankey  Hart,  daughter  of  Mr.  Joshua  Hart,  of  this 
city.     (Monday,  October  24,  1785.) 

Married  :  Mr.  Paul  Taylor,  of  this  city,  carpenter, 
to  Miss  Sarah  Piercy.of  Santee.  (Thursday,  October 
27.  I785-) 

Married :  Last  Thursday  night  Thomas  Elliot, 
Esq.,  to  Miss  Mary  Pinckney,  daughter  of  Charles 
Pinckney,  Esq.,  deceased,  of  this  city.  (Monday, 
October  31,  1785.) 

Married:  Last  Wednesday  Mr.  Joseph  Tobias, 
jun.  of  the  Jewish  nation,  to  Miss  Rachel  Aarons, 
daughter  of  Mr.  Jacob  Aarons,  late  from  Cape  Fran- 
cois.    (Monday,  November  7,  1785.) 

Married :  Last  Monday  evening  Thomas  Hall, 
Esq.,  of  this  city,  to  Miss  Mary  Newton,  of  Round  O. 
In   this   city,  on    Thursday  morning,    Mr.   Solomon 


Legare,  to  Miss  Sally  Lining,  daughter  of  the 
deceased  Dr.  John  Lining,  of  this  city.  (Monday, 
November  14,  1785.) 

Married  :  Capt.  Hill  to  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Butler,  of 
this  city.     (Thursday,  Decembers,  1785.) 

Married  :  Last  Thursday  evening,  Francis  Kin- 
loch,  Esq.,  to  the  amiable  and  accomplished  Miss 
Martha  Rutledge,  eldest  daughter  of  the  Honorable 
John  Rutledge,  Esq.,  of  this  city.  On  Saturday  the 
3d  inst.,  Mr.  William  Smith,  merchant,  Coosaw 
hatchie,  to  Mrs.  Margaret  Vanbebber,  Pocotaligo 
widow  of  the  deceased  Jacob  Vanbebber,  Esq 
(Monday,  December  12,  1785.) 

Married  :  Last  Thursday,  Mr.  Francis  Deliesseline 
factor,  of  this  place,  to  Miss  Nancy  Allston,  of 
Waccamaw,  a  young  lady  possessed  of  every  qualifi 
cation  requisite  to  render  a  marriage  state  happy 
(Monday,  December  19,  1785.) 

Married  :  Last  Thursday,  in  Christ-Church  Parish 
Mr.  Cleiland,  to  Miss  Hester  Maybank,  eldest 
daughter  of  the  deceased  Colonel  Joseph  Maybank 
On  Thursday  last  John  Mark  Verdier,  Esq.,  mer 
chant,  of  Beaufort,  to  the  amiable  Miss  Elizabeth 
Grayson,  second  daughter  of  John  Grayson,  Esq. 
deceased.     (Thursday,  December  22,  1785.) 

Married  :  At  the  Congarees  Mr.  Alexander  Bell 
merchant,  to  Miss  Betsey  Geiger,  daughter  of  the 
deceased  Mr.  John  Geiger.  In  St.  Andrew's  Parish 
Mr.  Benjamin  Gibbes  to  Miss  Betsey  Rivers.  (Mon 
day,  December  26,  1785.) 

Married  :  At  Beaufort  Mr.  James  Bowman,  to  the 
amiable  Miss  Margaret  Green,  of  the  same  place. 
(Thursday,  December  29,  1785.) 

Married  :  Mr.  Thomas  Lesesne,  of  Daniel's  Island, 
to  Miss  Elizabeth  Boyd,  daughter  of  the  deceased 
Capt.  Robert  Boyd.  Mr.  John  Williams  to  Mrs. 
Bonner,  of  this  city.  At  Amelia  Township,  Mr.  John 
Howser,  aged  76,  to  Mrs.  Mary  Fleck,  aged  70. 
(Monday,  January  2,  1786.) 

Married  :  Last  Sunday  Mr.  John  Todd,  merchant, 
to  Mrs.  Frances  Darrell,*  widow  of  Maj.  Joseph  Dar- 
rell,  and  daughter  of  Col.  Robert  Rivers,  deceased. 
(Thursday,  January  5,  1786.) 

Married :  Peter  Porcher,  sen.  Esq.,  of  St.  Peter's 
parish,  to  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Wilkinson,  of  Yonge's 
Island.     (Monday,  January  9,  1786.) 

Married  :  Captain  Joseph  Bell,  of  the  ship  Thomp- 
son, to  Miss  Langstaff,  of  this  city.  (Thursday,  Jan- 
uary 12,  1786.)    . 

Married :  Mr.  George  Ross,  tinplate  worker,  to 
Miss  Margaret  Gilbroy,  only  daughter  of  Mr.  John 
Gilbroy,  of  London,  deceased.  (Monday,  January 
16,  1786.) 

Married:  Mr.  John  Farquhar,  to  Miss  Bisset, 
daughter  of  the  Provost  of  Montrose,  in  Scotland. 
(Monday,  January  23,  1786.) 

Married  :  Last  Thursday  Mr.  Paul  Ravenell,  son 
of  Henry  Ravenell,  Esq.,  to  Miss  Susannah  Lloyd, 
daughter  of  William  Lloyd,  Esq.  Last  Thursday 
week,  at  Ponpon,  Thomas  Waties,  Esq.,  to  the  ami- 
ble  Miss  Glover.     (Thursday,  January,  26,  1786.) 

Married:  In  St.  Andrew's  Parish,  Mr.  Meyers  to 
Miss  Westcote,  both  late  of  the  State  of  Georgia. 
(Monday,  January  30,  1786.) 

*  Other  authorities  say  Dorrell. 


Married  :  On  Tuesday  evening,  Mr.  William  Pos- 
tell,  to  Miss  Mary  Dawson.  (Thursday,  February  2, 

A  few  days  ago  was  married  in  Savannah,  Josiah 
Tattnall,  jun.  Esq.,  to  Miss  Harriet  Fenwicke. 
(Thursday,  February  9,  1786.) 

Married  :  In  this  city,  Mr.  John  Roberson,  to  Miss 
Marian  Keal,  daughter-in-law  of  Mr.  John  Welch. 
(Monday,  February  13,  1786.) 

Married  a  few  days  ago,  Mr.  Abraham  Waight,  of 
John's  Island,  to  Miss  Sarah  Maxwell  Lowrey,  of 
Wadmelaw  Island.     (Thursday,  February  23,  1786.) 

On  Thursday  evening  last,  married  Mr.  Jonah 
Rivers,  of  James-Island,  to  Miss  Rachel  Bee,  of  this 
city.     (Monday,  March  6,  1786.) 

On  Thursday  evening  last  was  married,  Mr.  John 
Webb,  of  this  city,  merchant,  to  Miss  Elizabeth 
Legare,  eldest  daughter  of  Mr.  Nathan  Legare,  of 
Christ  Church  Parish,  deceased.  (Monday,  April  3. 

Married:  Benjamin  Guerard,  Esq.,  to  Miss  Mary- 
Ann  Kennan.     (Thursday,  April  6,  1786.) 

Married:  Mr.  William  Hayne,  of  Ponpon,  to  Miss 
Elizabeth  Peronneau,  daughter  of  Arthur  Peronneau, 
Esq.,  of  this  city,  deceased.  At  Beaufort,  Mr.  Archi- 
bald C.  Clarke  to  Mrs.  Susannah  Sutter.  (Monday, 
April  10,  1  786.) 

Married:  Cleiland  Kinloch,  Esq.,  to  Miss  Harriet 
Simmons,  daughter  of  the  deceased  Ebenezer  Sim- 
mons, Esq.,  of  this  city;  Mr.  Isaac  Singletary  to  Miss 
Elizabeth  Attmore,  daughter  of  Mr.  Ralph  Attmore, 
of  this  city.     (Thursday,  April  20,  1786.) 

Married:  Mr.  William  Crafts,  merchant,  of  this 
city,  to  Miss  Margaret  Tebout,  eldest  daughter  of 
the  deceased  Tunes  Tebout,  Esq.,  of  Beaufort,  Port 
Royal;  Brigadier  General  Marion  to  Miss  Mary 
Esther  Videau,  of  St.  John's  parish;  Mr.  Nathan 
Legare,  son  of  the  deceased  Mr.  Nathan  Legare,  of 
Christ  Church  parish,  to  Miss  Mary  Toomer,  daughter 
of  Joshua  Toomer,  Esq.,  of  said  parish.  (Monday, 
April  24,  1786.) 

Married:  Mr.  Theodore  Samuel  Marion,  of  St. 
John's  parish,  to  Mrs.  Charlotte  Ashby,  widow  of  the 
deceased  Anthony  Ashby,  Esq.,  of  St.  Stephen's 
parish;  Mr.  Martin  Clime  to  Miss  Mary  Martin,  of 
this  city;  Mr.  Joseph  Ball,  jun.  to  Miss  Jane  Wise, 
daughter  of  the  deceased  Major  Samuel  Wise,  of 
Pedee.     (Thursday,  April  27,  1786.) 

Married:  Last  Thursday  evening  Mr.  Daniel  Rave- 
nell  to  Miss  Catherine  Prioleau,  eldest  daughter  of 
Samuel  Prioleau,  jun.  Esq.,  a  young  lady  endowed 
with  every  qualification  necessary  to  render  the  con- 
nubial state  happy;  Capt.  Richard  Withers,  of  San- 
tee,  to  Mrs.  Mary  Arthar,  of  Christ  Church  parish. 
(Monday,  May  1,  1786.) 

Married:  At  the  Elms,  William  Smith,  Esq.,  of 
this  city,  to  the  amiable  Miss  Charlotte  Izard,  daughter 
of  Ralph  Izard,  jun.  Esq.  In  this  city  Thomas  Hey- 
ward,  jun.  Esq.,  to  Miss  Susanna  Savage,  daughter 
of  Thomas  Savage,  Esq.;  Capt.  George  Warley  to 
Miss  Elizabeth  Giles,  daughter  of  the  deceased  Mr. 
John  Giles.     (Monday,  May  8,  1786.) 

Married:  At  Ponpon,  Mr.  George  H.  Hutchinson, 
of  Jamaica,  to  Miss  Mary  Hutchinson,  daughter  of 
the  deceased  John  Elias  Hutchinson,  Esq.      In  this 


city,  Capt.  Amos  Minot  to  Miss  Martha  Brown;  Mr. 
Robert  Knox  to  Miss  Christiana  Frederick,  daughter 
of  the  deceased  Mr.  Andrew  Frederick.  (Thursday, 
May  18,  1786.) 

Married:  Thomas  Bee,  Esq.,  to  Mrs.  Susannah 
Shubrick,  widow  of  Capt.  Richard  Shubrick,  deceased; 
Dr.  Robert  Younge,  of  St.  Paul's  parish,  to  Miss 
Mary  Peronneau,  daughter  of  the  deceased  Arthur 
Peronneau,  Esq.     (Monday,  June  3,  1786.) 

Married  last  Sunday  evening,  Mr.  Alexander 
Chisholm,  senior,  merchant,  of  this  city,  to  Mrs. 
Sarah  Maxwell,  widow  of  the  deceased  William 
Maxwell,  Esq.,  of  Edisto.  (Thursday,  June  15, 

Married:  Mr.  David  Cruger,  factor,  of  this  city, 
to  Miss  Elizabeth  Guerin;  Mr.  Isham  Williams, 
merchant,  to  Miss  Eliza  Shrewsbury,  of  this  city. 
(Monday,  June  19,  1786.) 

Married:  At  the  Euhaw,  Mr.  William  Brailsford, 
of  this  city,  merchant,  to  Miss  Maria  Hey  ward, 
daughter  of  the  deceased  Daniel  Heyward,  sen.  Esq. 
In  this  city,  Capt.  Charles  Love,  of  Jamaica,  to  Miss 
Eliza  Warner,  of  St.  Augustine.  (Monday,  June  26, 

Married:  Capt.  William  Hext  to  Miss  Ann  Hart- 
ley, daughter  of  Thomas  Hartley,  Esq.,  deceased. 
In  Georgetown,  Mr.  John  Gamier  to  Miss  Ann  Keen. 
(Monday,  July  10,  1786.) 

Married:  Mr.  John  Sloman  to  Miss  Rebecca  Wil- 
kins,  of  this  city.     (Thursday,  July  20,  1786.) 

Married:  The  Honorable  Brigadier  General 
Pinckney    to    Miss    Stead,    daughter    of    Benjamin 


Stead,  Esq.,  deceased,  formerly  of  this  city.  (Mon- 
day, July  24,  1786.) 

Married:  Last  Thursday  evening  Mr.  William 
M'Whann,  merchant,  to  Mrs.  Jane  Thompson,  both 
of  this  city.  In  St.  Paul's  parish,  Mr.  James  Stobo 
to  Miss  Ann  Wilkinson,  daughter  of  Morton  Wilkin- 
son, Esq.     (Monday,  August  7,  1786.) 

Married:  Col.  Wade  Hampton  co  Miss  Harriet 
Flud,  daughter  of  the  deceased  Col.  William  Flud, 
of  Santee.     (Monday  August  14,  1786.) 

Married:  Last  Thursday  night  John  Holland, 
Esq.,  of  Wilmington,  North  Carolina,  to  Mrs.  Jane 
Marshall,  widow  of  Abraham  Marshall,  Esq.,  of  East 
Florida,  deceased.     (Thursday,  September  7,  1786.) 

Married  :  Mr.  James  Thompson  to  Mrs.  Elizabeth 
Kennedy,  both  of  this  city.  (Monday,  September  18, 

Married  :  In  London,  Colonel  Smith,  Secretary  to 
the  American  Embassy,  to  Miss  Adams,  daughter  to 
his  Excellency  John  Adams,  Esq.,  Minister  Plenipo- 
tentiary from  the  United  States  to  the  Court  of 
Great  Britain.  In  this  city,  Mr.  Thomas  Martin  to 
Miss  Charlotte  Ogier.  (Thursday,  September  21, 

Married :  Mr.  James  Badger  to  Miss  Elizabeth 
Swint.     (Monday,  October  2,  1786.) 

Yesterday  was  married  the  Hon.  John  Ewing  Col- 
houn,  Esq.,  of  this  city,  to  Miss  Floride  Bonneau, 
daughter  of  Samuel  Bonneau,  Esq.,  of  St.  John's 
parish,  an  agreeable  young  lady,  with  every  accom- 
plishment to  render  the  marriage  state  happy.  (Mon- 
day, October  9,  1786.) 


Married  :  Mr.  William  Wood  to  Miss  Peggy 
Morris,  daughter  of  Mr.  George  Morris,  both  of  this 
city.     (Monday,  October  16,  1786.) 

[The  Charleston  Library  Society's  file  of  The 
State  Gazette  of  South-Carolina,  for  1  786,  ends  with 
October  19th,  and  the  Library  has  no  files  between 
that  date  and  July  1,  1794.  In  the  meantime 
Mrs.  Ann  Timothy  had  been  succeeded  by  her  son, 
Benjamin  Franklin  Timothy,  and  William  Mason,  Jr., 
and  the  paper  now  appeared  daily  as  the  South- 
Carolina  State-Gazette  &  Timothy  &  Masons  Daily 

Married :  On  Thursday  evening  Mr.  Samuel 
Rogers  to  Miss  Susannah  Baker,  daughter  of  Mr. 
John  Baker,  deceased. 

Married  :  Lately,  at  New  York,  Charles  Edmund 
Genet,  late  minister  plenipotentiary  from  the  repub- 
lick  of  France  to  the  United  States  of  America,  to 
Miss  Clinton,  daughter  of  George  Clinton,  governor 
of  New  York.     (Friday,  July  11,  1794.) 

Married  :  On  Tuesday  evening  last  Captain  George 
Stevens,  of  Charleston,  to  Miss  Peggy  Sample,  of 
Boston,  daughter  of  Captain  Sample,  of  that  place. 
(Friday,  August  1,  1794.) 

[With  the  issue  for  Wednesday,  August  13,  1794, 
The  was  prefixed  to  the  title  of  the  paper.] 

Married  :  On  Thursday  last,  in  St.  George's  parish, 
John  Cox,  Esq.  (of  Wadmelaw),  to  Miss  Pricila 
Wood,  of  that  parish.     (Thursday,  August  21,  1794.) 

Married :  On  Thursday  evening  last  Mr.  John 
Harman  Kahnle  to  Mrs.  Arabella  Booner,  youngest 
daughter  of  the  late  Mr.  John   Hambleton,  planter 


in  Georgia,  Savannah.  (Monday,  September  22, 
1 794-) 

Married:  On  Monday  night  last  Mr.  William 
Lenox,  merchant,  to  Miss  Mary  Greenage,  both  of 
this  city.     (Friday,  October  10,  1794.) 

Married :  On  Thursday  the  2d  inst.,  Mr.  John 
Smith,  of  this  city,  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Cameron,  of 
Christ  Church  parish.     (Saturday,  October  11,  1794.) 

Married  :  On  Thursday  evening  last  Mr.  William 
Chitty  to  Miss  Ann  Cole,  both  of  this  city.  (Mon- 
day, October  13,  1794.) 

Married  :  On  Thursday  evening  last  Mr.  Benjamin 
Langstaff  to  Miss  Ann  Howard,  daughter  of  Mr. 
Robert  Howard,  deceased.  (Monday,  November  3, 
1 794-) 

Married  :  Edward  Tonge,  Esq.,  of  St.  Paul's,  to 
Miss  Ann  Stewart,  of  St.  George's,  Dorchester. 
(Wednesday,  November  5,  1794.) 

Married  :  On  Thursday  evening  last  John  Dray- 
ton, Esq.,  to  Miss  Mary  Tiddiman.  (Monday,  No- 
vember 10,  1794.) 

Married :  On  Tuesday  evening  last  Dr.  Chi- 
chester to  Miss  Mary  Beatrix  Powell,  daughter  of 
Robert  Powell,  Esq.,  formerly  of  this  city.  (Tues- 
day, November  18,  1794.) 

Married  :  At  New  York,  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Pilmore, 
rector  of  Christ  church  in  that  city,  Henry  Charles 
Jones,  Esq.,  merchant,  to  Miss  Amy  Whipple  Bur- 
rough,  of  Providence.  (Thursday,  November  20, 
1 794-) 

Married :  On  Monday  evening  Mr.  Nicholas 
Boylston  to  Miss  Mary  Bentham,  daughter  of  James 


Bentham,  Esq.  And  on  Wednesday  evening  Johnson 
Hogood,  Esq.,  to  Miss  Nancy  O'Hear,  daughter  of 
Mr.  James  O'Hear,  both  of  this  city.  (Thursday, 
December  u,  1794.) 

Married:  On  Tuesday,  the  nth  instant,  George 
Taylor,  jun.  of  Coosawatchie,  attorney-at-law,  to 
Miss  Eliza  Ladson,  second  daughter  of  the  late 
Major  Thomas  Ladson,  deceased.  (Saturday,  De- 
cember 20,  1  794.) 

Married  :  On  Sunday  evening  last  Mr.  Thomas 
Bythewood  to  Miss  Sarah  Mallery.  (Tuesday,  De- 
cember 23,  1794.) 

Married:  On  Sunday  evening,  Mr.  Jeremiah  Smith 
Thomson  to  Miss  Beatrix  Fleming,  both  of  this  city. 
(Friday,  December  26,  1794.) 

Married:  On  Wednesday  evening  last,  Mr.  Mc- 
Cully  Righton  to  Mrs.  Mary  Cook.  And  on  Wed- 
nesday night,  Mr.  William  Smith  to  Miss  Mary 

Yesterday,  in  the  country,  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Coste, 
M.  Michel,  a  French  military  man,  to  Mrs.  Rosina 
Arnold.     (Saturday,  January  3,  1795.) 

Married  :  On  Saturday  last,  Mr.  Marlborough  S. 
Hamilton  to  Mrs.  Euphame  Miller,  both  of  this  city. 
(Monday,  January  12,  1795) 

Married  :  In  St.  Paul's  parish,  on  Thursday,  the 
22d  instant,  William  Brisbane,  Esq.,  to  Miss  Mary 
Deveaux.  On  Tuesday  evening,  Captain  Benjamin 
Harvey,  formerly  of  the  Georgia  line,  to  Mrs.  Susan- 
nah Keeley,  of  James  Island. 

Yesterday  evening,  Mr.  Joseph  Brown  to  Mrs.  Mary 
Ash,  both  of  this  city.     (Friday,  January  30,  1795.) 


Married  :  On  Tuesday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Coste,  Mr.  Joseph  Olman  to  Madame  Deverge, 
formerly  of  St.  Domingo.  (Thursday,  February  5, 
1 795-) 

Married :  On  Saturday  evening,  Citizen  Rene 
Godard,  chancelor  of  the  French  consulate  at 
Charleston,  to  Miss  Maria  Juhoan.  (Monday,  Feb- 
ruary 9,  1 795.) 

Married :  Last  evening,  Captain  Barnard  Much- 
more  to  Miss  Sally  Little.    (Thursday,  March  5,  1 795.) 

Married:  On  Thursday  evening,  Capt.  John  Wat- 
lington  to  Miss  Susannah  Swain,  daughter  of  Capt. 
Luke  Swain  of  this  city.     (Saturday,  March  7,  1795.) 

Married :  On  Tuesday  evening,  Tobias  Bowles, 
Esq.,  to  Miss  Drayton,  daughter  of  John  Drayton, 
Esq.,  deceased,  both  of  this  city.  (Thursday,  March 
14.  1 795-) 

Married :  On  Thursday  evening  last,  William  S# 
Brisbane,  Esq.,  of  John's  Island,  to  Miss  Maria  Hall, 
daughter  of  the  late  George  Abbot  Hall,  Esq.  (Mon- 
day, March  23,  1795.) 

Married :  On  Thursday  evening,  Mr.  Mathias 
Rush  to  Miss  Ann  Fair,  youngest  daughter  of  Mr. 
William  Fair,  both  of  this  city.  Monday,  April  5, 
1 795-) 

Married :  on  Saturday  evening,  at  the  house  of 
Hary  Grant,  Esq.,  James  Jaffray  to  Miss  Adams,  of 
Edisto  Island.     (Tuesday,  April  21,  1795.) 

Married:  The  1st  instant,  Captain  Adrian  D. 
Provaux,  of  the  late  Continental  army,  to  Mrs.  Eliza 
Perry,  of  Dorchester.     (Friday,  May  8,  1795.) 

Married  :  On  Wednesday  evening  last,  Mr.  John 
Robertson,  merchant,  to  the  amiable  Miss  Ann 
Trenholm,  youngest  daughter  of  Mr.  William  Tren- 
holm,  merchant,  of  this  city.  (Saturday,  May  23, 1 795.) 

Married:  On  Tuesday  evening  last  Mr.  John  G. 
Hapoldt  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Ernst. 

And  on  Thursday  evening,  at  Ponpon,  Thomas 
Rhett  Smith,  Esq.,  to  the  amiable  and  accomplished 
Miss  Ann  Skirving,  daughter  of  Col.  William  Skirv- 
ing.      (Saturday,  May  30,  1795.) 

Married:  On  Wednesday  last  Richard  H.  Peyton, 
Esq.,  to  Miss  Anne  Stobo.     (Monday,  June  1,  1795.) 

Married:  On  Monday  evening  last  Henry  Izard, 
Esq.,  son  of  the  Hon.  Ralph  Izard,  to  Miss  Middle- 
ton,  daughter  of  the  Hon.  Arthur  Middleton,  de- 
ceased.    (Wednesday,  June  3,  1795.) 

Married:  On  Thursday,  the  21st  instant,  Dr. 
Robert  Hendrick  to  the  amiable  Miss  Polly  Daniel, 
both  of  this  town.  (Columbia,  S.  C,  letter  of  May 
29th,  in  Supplement  to  Monday,  June  8,  1795.) 


On  Monday,  February  the  16th,  at  Longmeadow 
(Mass.),  Mr.  John  M.  Dunham,  citizen,  bachelor  and 
printer,  to  the  amiable  and  adorable  Miss  Emily 
Burt.      (Saturday,  June  13,  1795.) 

Married:  At  Norfolk,  in  May  last,  Mr.  J.  West  to 
Mrs.  Bignell,  of  the  Charleston  Company  of  Come- 
dians.    (Friday,  June  19,  1795.) 

Married:  On  Wednesday  last,  at  Sullivan's  Island, 
by  the  Rev  Dr.  Purcell,  Mr.  Elias  Smerdon  to  Miss 
Pricilla  Coburn,  both  of  this  city.  (Friday,  June  19, 
1 795-) 


[Between  June  30,  1795,  and  April  22,  1796,  only 
one  issue  of  The  South-Carolina  State  Gazette 
Timothy  &  Masons  Daily  Advertiser  (December  30, 
1 795)  is  to  be  found  in  the  Charleston  Library's  files.] 

Married  :  On  Wednesday  last  by  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Abraham  Azuby,  Mr.  Benjamin  Milhado,  of  Kings- 
ton, Jamaica,  to  the  amiable  Miss  Hannah  Depass, 
youngest  daughter  of  Mr.  Ralph  Depass,  vendue 
master,  of  this  city.     (Friday,  April  22,  1796.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Mr.  Hammet,  Capt.  Wm.  Ormond,  of  the  ship  Rain- 
bow, to  Miss  Arabella  Faesch,  of  this  city.  (Monday, 
May  9,  1796.) 

Married,  on  Saturday  evening  in  St.  Thomas's 
parish,  by  the  Reverend  Mr.  Thompson,  Mr.  James 
Paterson,  of  this  city,  vendue  master,  to  Miss  Martha 
Wilks,  daughter  of  the  deceased  Capt.  Hardy  Wilks, 
of  Santee.      (Wednesday,  May  11,  1796.) 

Married  last  evening  Mr.  John  Cape  to  Miss 
Providence  Adams,  daughter  of  Nathaniel  Adams, 
Esq.,  of  Edisto  Island.     (Wednesday,  May  11,  1796.) 

Married  on  Saturday  evening,  Mr.  James  Carson 
to  Miss  Elizabeth  Neal,  of  Charleston.  (Thursday, 
May  12,  1796.) 

Married,  on  the  31st  of  March  last,  by  the  Rev. 
John  Thompson,  at  the  plantation  of  I.  Porter,  Esq., 
Black  River,  the  Rev.  Mr.  Fraser  to  Miss  Elizabeth 
Clegg  Porter,  daughter  and  heiress  of  Benjamin 
Porter,  Esq.,  deceased.     (Thursday,  May  19,  1796.) 

Married  :  On  Thursday  evening,  Mr.  William  Lee, 
merchant,  to  the  amiable  Miss  Harriett  Hrabowski. 
(Saturday,  May  21,  1796.) 

Married  :  On  Saturday  evening'  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Mr.  Hollingshead,  Mr.  John  S.  Bee  to  Miss  Mary 
Warnock,  daughter  of  Mr.  Samuel  Warnock,  de- 
ceased, both  of  this  city.     (Monday,  May  23,  1796.) 

Married  :  Last  evening  by  the  Rev.  Dr.  Purcell, 
Monsieur  Gabriel  Francemir  Germaine  Richomme 
Des  Molleres  to  Miss  Ann  Ginness,  both  of  this  city. 
(Saturday,  June  4,  1796.) 

Married  on  Wednesday  last,  by  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Abraham  Azuby,  Mr.  Samuel  Levy,  merchant,  of 
this  city,  to  the  amiable  Miss  Hannah  Abrahams, 
lately  from  London.     (Friday,  June  10,  1796.) 

Married,  on  Sunday  the  5th  instant,  in  St.  Bar- 
tholomew's parish,  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Gourlay,  Mr. 
Henry  Calhoun  to  Miss  Ann  Simons,  of  that  parish. 
(Monday,  June  20,  1796.) 

Married,  in  this  city  on  Monday  evening  last. 
Miles  Brewton  Pinckney,  Esq.,  to  Miss  Lucia  Bel- 
linger, eldest  daughter  of  Edmund  Bellinger,  Esq., 
of  Ashepoo.     (Thursday,  June  23,  1796.) 

Married,  on  Sunday  evening  the  26th  instant,  on 
James  Island,  by  the  Rev.  Dr.  Mills,  Mr.  William 
Gibbes  to  Miss  Mary  Evans,  both  of  that  place. 
(Wednesday,  June  29,  1796.) 

Married  :  Last  Tuesday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Hollingshead,  Joseph  Peace,  Esq.,  attorney  at  law, 
to  Miss  Anne  Maria  Rudhall,  daughter  of  Mr.  Wil- 
liam Rudhall,  formerly  of  this  city,  deceased.  (Thurs- 
day, July  7,  1796.) 

Married  at  Wilmington  (N.  C),  John  London, 
Esq.,  to  Miss  Mauger,  of  this  city.  (Monday,  July 
10,  1796.) 


Married  on  Saturday  evening,  Mr.  Robert  Beard 
to  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Higgin,  both  of  this  city.  (Tues- 
day, July  19,  1796.) 

Married,  on  Monday  forenoon,  by  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Coste,  Mr.  Alexander  Placide  to  Miss  Charlotte 
Sophia  Wrighten.     (Wednesday,  August  3,  1  796.) 

Married  last  Thursday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Dr. 
Keith,  Mr.  Oliver  Cromwell  to  Miss  Sarah  Johnson, 
daughter  of  John  Johnson,  Esq.  (Saturday,  Septem- 
ber 3,  1796.) 

Married  on  Saturday  evening  last,  Capt.  James 
Dennison  to  Mrs.  Ann  Elizabeth,  Saylor,  widow  of 
the  late  Mr.  David  Saylor,  of  thfs  city.  (Tuesday, 
September  6,  1 796.) 

Married  on  Thursday  evening,  by  the  Right 
Reverend  Bishop  Smith,  Benjamin  Webb,  Esq.,  of 
St.  Bartholomew's,  to  Miss  Rebecca  Pinckney,  young- 
est daughter  of  the  late  Hon.  Col.  Pinckney.  (Mon- 
day, September  19,  1796.) 

[The  Charleston  Library  possesses  no  files  between 
October  14,  1796,  and  March  1,  1797.] 

Married,  on  Thursday  the  23d  instant,  Mr.  Paul 
Severance  to  Miss  Hannah  Huggins.  (Wednesday, 
March  1.  1797.) 

Married  on  Thursday  evening  last,  Mr.  John 
M'Cready  to  Miss  Jane  Johnson,  daughter  of  Mr. 
Wm.  Johnson,  of  this  city.    (Saturday,  March  4,  1 797.) 

Married  on  Saturday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Dr. 
Keith,  Mr.  John  Ruberry,  jun.  to  Miss  Jane  Medel. 
(Monday,  March  6,  1797.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening,  the  16th  inst,  by 
the  Rev.  Mr.  Frost,  Mr.  James  C.  Green  to  the  ami- 


able  Miss  Margaret  M.  Farquhar,  both  of  this  city. 
(Tuesday,  March  21,  1797.) 

Married,  on  Tuesday  evening  last,  Doctor  John 
Ramsay,  to  Mrs.  Deas,  widow  of  the  late  John  Deas, 
jun.  Esq.     (Friday,  March  24,  1797.) 

Married,  on  Tuesday,  the  21st  instant,  by  the  Rev. 
Daniel  M'Call,  Mr.  Arnold  Wells,  of  St.  Thomas's 
Parish,  to  the  amiable  Miss  Hannah  Hibben,  of  Christ 
Church  Parish.     (Ibid.) 

Married,  on  the  5th  January  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Doctor  Frost,  Mr.  Alexander  Henry  to  Miss  Eliza- 
beth Flemming,  both  of  this  city.  (Tuesday,  March 
28,  1797.) 

Married,  on  Sunday  last,  Mr.  Nicholas  Silberg  to 
Mrs.  Margaret  Clark,  both  of  this  city.  (Thursday, 
March  30,  1797.) 

Married  by  the  Rev.  William  Hammet,  on  Wednes- 
day evening,  Mr.  Henry  Muckenfuss  to  Mrs.  Frances 
Postlethwait,  relict  of  Capt.  Postlethwait,  deceased, 
both  of  this  city.     (Saturday,  April  29,  1  797.) 

Married  last  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Edward  Jenkins, 
Mr.  James  Watson  to  the  amiable  Miss  Sarah  Wall. 
both  of  this  city.     (Friday,  May  5,  1797.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  the  25th  instant,  by  the  Rev. 
Dr.  Isaac  Keith,  Mr.  Daniel  Boyden  to  the  amiable 
Miss  Martha  Stent,  both  of  James  Island.  (Tues- 
day, May  30,  1797.) 

Married,  on  Sunday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev.  Par- 
son Hammet,  Mr.  Rama  Sity  to  the  amiable  relict  of 
Mr.  George  McKenzie,  mariner.*  (Tuesday,  May 
30.  1 797-) 

*  "  We  are  requested  to  contradict  the  marriage  of  Mr.  Ramasetty  to  Mrs. 
M'Kenzie,  inserted  in  our  paper  of  Tuesday  last,  the  report  being  false." 
(Thursday,  June  I,  1797) 


Married  last  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Dr.  Frost,  Mr. 
Thomas  Corker,  ship  carpenter,  to  the  amiable  Miss 
Eliza  Glew,  both  of  this  city.  (Thursday,  June  i,  1797.) 

On  Saturdy  evening  last,  by  the  Rev.  Dr.  Frost, 
Capt.  George  Nicholls  to  the  amiable  Miss  Marga- 
ret Revell,  both  of  this  city. 

Endearing  sweetness  in  her  smiles, 

With  each  becoming  art, 
Attracting  to  his  eyes  appears 

Tho'  prudence  won  his  heart.      (Ibid.) 

Married,  lately,  at  Camden,  by  the  Rev.  Thomas 
Adams,  Benjamin  Perkins,  Esq.,  attorney-at-law,  to 
Miss  Sarah  Kershaw,  daughter  of  the  late  Col.  Ker- 
shaw.     (Tuesday,  June  13,  1797.) 

Married,  on  the  1st  inst,  in  St.  Luke's  Parish, 
Thomas  Coachman,  Esq.,  to  Mrs.  Jane  Mary  Saltus. 
(Monday,  June  19,  1797.) 

Married,  on  Sunday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev.  Dr. 
Purcell,  Capt.  J.  P.  Sargeant  to  Mrs.  Elizabeth 
Ruple,  widow  of  Mr.  Daniel  Ruple,  deceased.  (Tues- 
day, June  27,  1797.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Dr. 
Hollingshead,  Mr.  James  Williams  to  Miss  Jane 
Hislop,  both  of  this  city.     (Saturday,  July  1,  1797.) 

Married,  on  Saturday  last,  by  Rev.  Dr.  Purcell,  Mr. 
Charles  Carrere,  planter,  of  Hispaniola,  to  the  ami- 
able Miss  Eliza  Rugge,  daughter  of  Mr.  John  Rugge, 
merchant  of  Philadelphia,  deceased.  (Monday,  July 
10,  1797.) 

Married,  last  Thursday  evening,  on  Port  Royal 
Island,  Mr.  Arthur  Bryan  to  Miss  Helen  Cumming, 
daughter  of  the  late  Mr.  Andrew  Cumming.  (Thurs- 
day, July  13,  1797.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Thomas  Adams,  Capt.  Isaac  Dubose  to  the  amiable 
Miss  Catherine  Dubose,  both  of  the  town  of  Cam- 
den.    (Ibid.) 

Married,  on  Tuesday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Dr. 
Purcell,  Dr.  Philip  Neale  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Nash 
Ford.     (Friday,  July  21,  1797.) 

Married,  on  Sunday  last,  by  the  Rev.  Dr.  Mills, 
Mr.  George  Nettles  to  Mrs.  Anderson,  widow  of  the 
late  Dr.  Anderson,  of  Wassamsaw.  (Tuesday,  August 
8,  1797.) 

Married,  on  Saturday  evening,  the  5th  instant,  by 
the  Reverend  Mr.  Jenkins,  Mr.  George  Brown  to 
the  amiable  Miss  Ann  Leibert,  both  of  this  city. 
(Tuesday,  August  15,  1797.) 

Married,  last  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Bishop  Smith, 
Mr.  William  Darby  to  the  amiable  Miss  Margaret 
Evans.     (Saturday,  August  19,  1797.) 

[The  Charleston  Library  Society  possesses  no  files 
of  the  paper  between  August  31,  1797,  and  July  1, 
1799.  In  the  meantime  Wm.  Mason,  Jr.,  had  retired 
from  the  paper,  which  now  appeared  as  South-Caro- 
lina State  Gazette  and  Timothy  s  Daily  Advertiser.  ] 

Married,  on  Sunday  evening  last,  by  the  Reverend 
Dr.  Buist,  Mr.  James  M'Dowell,  merchant,  to  Miss 
Catherine  Cochran,  both  of  this  city.  (Tuesday, 
July  2,  1799.) 

Married,  on  Tuesday  last,  Mr.  James  Fogartie  to 
Miss  Sarah  Boulton  Scott,  both  of  this  city.  (Thurs- 
day, July  4,  1799.) 

Married,  on  Sunday  evening,  14th  instant,  by  the 
Rev.  Mr.  Frost,  Captain  Henry  Dolliver,  a  native  of 

Boston,  to  the  agreeable  Mrs.  Margaret  Hazzard, 
widow  of  Capt.  Wm.  Hazzard,  late  of  this  city. 
(Monday,  July  22,  1799.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Mr.  Frost,  Mr.  John  Haslett  to  the  amiable  and 
accomplished  Miss  Mary  Wilson.  (Monday,  August 
5.  1 799-) 

Married,  on  the  13th  instant,  at  Fayetteville,  Mr. 
Robert  Lane,  merchant,  of  this  city,  to  Miss  De 
Berniere,  daughter  of  John  De  Berniere,  Esq.,  late 
Lieut.-Col.  of  his  Britannic  Majesty's  60th  regiment 
of  foot.     (Wednesday,  August  7,  1799.) 

Married,  on  Monday  evening  last,  Mr.  Thomas 
Handy  to  Mrs.  Dorothy  Gilchrist,  relict  of  the  late 
Mr.  Malcom  Gilchrist.     (Friday,  August  9,  1799.) 

Married,  on  Saturday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Dr. 
Buist,  Arthur  Harper,  Esq.,  to  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Milli- 
gan.     (Monday,  August  12,  1799.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev, 
Dr.  Harper,  Mr.  John  T.  Millar  to  the  amiable  and 
agreeable  Miss  Lydia  Lane,  both  of  this  city. 
(Monday,  August  12,  1799.) 

Married  last  evening,  by  the  Right  Rev.    Bishop 
Smith,  Mr.  Turner  Bynum  to  the  amiable  and  agree-' 
able  Miss  Elizabeth  Miller,  daughter  of  John  Miller, 
Esq.,  both  of  this  city.   (Wednesday,  August  14,  1 799.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Dr. 
Keith,  Mr.  John  S.  Rose  (son  of  John  Rose,  Esq.,  of 
St.  George's  parish),  to  Miss  Eliza  Barton,  both  of 
this  city.     (Saturday,  September  21,  1799.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Dr.  Keith,  Mr.  Edward  Marlin   to  the  amiable  and 

agreeable  Mrs.  Malinda  Strattler,  both  of  this  city. 
(Tuesday,  October  i,  1799.) 

Married,  on  Tuesday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Doctor  Purcell.  Nicholas  Cruger,  jun.  Esq.,  of  the 
Island  of  St.  Croix,  to  Mrs.  Ann  Heyward,  relict  of  the 
late  Daniel  Heyward,  Esq.    (Friday,  October  4,  1799.) 

Married,  on  Saturday  evening  last,  Mr.  John  Reid 
to  Mrs.  Mary  Brinley,  relict  of  Mr.  Stephen  Brinley, 
deceased,  both  of  this  city.  (Monday,  October  14, 

Married,  on  Tuesday  evening  last,  at  Sullivan's 
Island,  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Frost,  Henry  Middleton 
Rutledge,  Esq.,  major  in  the  army  of  the  United 
States,  to  Miss  Septima  Sexta  Middleton,  daughter 
of  the  late  Arthur  Middleton,  Esq.  (Friday,  October 
18,  1799.)- 

Married,  on  Tuesday  evening,  in  this  city,  by  the 
Rev.  Mr.  Jenkins,  Moses  Glover,  Esq.,  to  Mrs.  Hep- 
burn, widow  of  James  Hepburn,  Esq.,  late  of  the 
town  of  Nassau,  New  Providence.     (Ibid.) 

Married  on  Thursday  evening  last,  at  Manchester, 
Anthony  Butler,  Esq.,  attorney-at-law,  to  Miss  Ann 
Mary  James  Moore,  daughter  of  Isham  Moore,  Esq. 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Dr. 
Buist,  Mr.  George  Kempton  to  Miss  Henrietta 
Warner,  both  of  this  city.  (Saturday,  October  19, 
1 799-) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Dr.  Purcell,  Mr.  Peter  Sader  to  the  amiable  Mrs. 
Ann  Brown  Chalmers,  both  of  this  city.  (Monday, 
October  21,  1799.) 

Married,  on  Saturday  evening  last,  by  the  Reverend 
Dr.  Price,  Mr.  Edward  Ainger  to  Miss  Elizabeth 
Shaw,  both  of  this  city.    (Monday,  October  28,  1799.) 

Married,  on  Sunday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Mathews,  Mr.  Daniel  Bize  to  the  amiable  Miss 
Joanna  Sophia  Rechon,  both  of  this  city,  (Wednes- 
day, November  6,  1799.) 

Married  a  few  days  since,  in  St.  Matthew's  parish, 
Mr.  John  Stoutmire  to  the  amiable  and  most  accom- 
plished Miss  Jennet  Carr,  of  that  place.  (Friday, 
November  8,  1799.) 

Married,  on  Monday  last,  the  4th  inst,  by  the 
Right  Reverend  Bishop  Smith,  Capt.  William  Miles, 
of  St.  Andrew's  Parish,  to  Miss  Mary  Ann  Blake 
Rose,  of  this  city.     (Saturday,  November  9,  1799.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening  last,  by  the  Right 
Rev.  Bishop  Smith,  Mr.  Robert  Roulain  to  Miss 
Hannah  Livingston,  both  of  this  city.     (Ibid.) 

Married,  on  Wednesday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Jenkins,  Theodore  Gaillard,  Esq.,  barrister  at  law,  to 
Miss  Cornelia  Marshall.     (Ibid.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  last,  by  the  Rev.  John 
Thompson,  Mr.  Samuel  A  Greenland  to  Miss  Esther 
Johnston,  youngest  daughter  of  Robert  Johnston, 
Esq.,  of  St.  Thomas's  parish,  deceased.  (Tuesday, 
November  19,  1799.) 

Married,  on  Wednesday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Dr.  Hotlingshead,  William  Clement,  Esq.,  to  Miss 
Sarah  Wilkinson,  daughter  of  the  late  Col.  Wilkin- 
son.    (Friday,  November  22,  1799.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Dr.  Gallagher,  Mr.  Edmund  Mead  Phelon,  merchant, 

to  the  amiable  and  accomplished  Mrs.  Mary  Eliza 
Sigourney,  both  of  this  city.  (Monday,  November 
25.  1 799-) 

Married,  on  Tuesday  evening,  by  the  Right  Rev. 
Bishop  Smith,  Gabriel  Manigault  Bounetheau,  Esq., 
clerk  of  the  city  council,  to  Miss  Ann  Maria  Petsch, 
daughter  of  the  late  Dr.  Adam  Petsch,  deceased. 
(Thursday,  November  28,  1799.) 

Married,  on  Sunday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Jenkins,  James  Lowndes,  Esq.,  to  the  accomplished 
Miss  Catharine  Osborne,  daughter  of  Col.  Thomas 
Osborne,  of  St.  Paul's  Parish,  planter.  (Wednesday, 
December  4,  1  799.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Mr.  Frost,  Robert  B.  Gibbes,  Esq.,  to  Miss  Ann 
Smith,  only  daughter  of  Peter  Smith,  Esq.     (Ibid.) 

Married,  last  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Furman, 
Mr.  George  Raworth  to  Miss  Margaret  Welch,  both 
of  this  city.     (Friday,  December  6,  1799.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening  last,  Mr.  Thomas 
Gibson,  jeweler,  to  Miss  Louisa  Poyas,  daughter  of 
Mr.  John  L.  Poyas.     (Saturday,  December  7,  1799.) 

Married,  on  the  same  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Faber,  Mr.  J.  G  Werdeman  to  Miss  Christina 
Dorothy  Strohacker.     (Ibid.) 

Married,  last  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Dr.  Fabre,  Mr. 
George  Daniel  Row  to  Miss  Mary  Bradley.  (Mon- 
day, December  9,  1 799.) 

Married  on  Sunday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev.  Dr. 
Jenkins,  Mr.  John  Lewis,  merchant,  to  Miss  Judith 
Van  Assendelft,  both  of  this  city.  (Tuesday,  De- 
cember 17,  1799.) 

Married,  last  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Dr.  Jenkins, 
Robert  D.  Lawrence,  Esq.,  attorney  at  law,  to  Miss 
Eliza  M.  Hall,  eldest  daughter  of  Daniel  Hall,  Esq., 
of  this  city.     (Friday,  December  20,  1799.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Dr.  Fabre,  Mr.  Benjamin  Casey  to  Miss  Elizabeth 
Strohecker.     (Saturday,  December  21,  1799.) 

Married,  on  Sunday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Frost,  Mr.  John  Stewart  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Mary 
Wish,  both  of  this  city.  (Tuesday,  December  24, 
1 799-) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Dr.  Hollingshead,  Mr.  Thomas  Cochran,  jun.  to 
Miss  Eliza  Torrans,  both  of  this  city.     (Ibid.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Dr. 
Hollingshead,  Capt.  Thomas  Mclntire  to  Miss  Cor- 
nelia Cohen.     (Ibid.) 

Married,  on  Tuesday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Mr.  Frost,  Mr.  Charles  Brown  to  Miss  Sarah  Chitty, 
both  of  this  city.     (Friday,  December  27,  1799.) 

Married,  on  Tuesday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Mr.  Frost,  Mr.  Charles  Vesey  to  Miss  Mary  Morris. 

Married,  last  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Jenkins, 
Peyre  Gaillard,  Esq.  of  St.  James's,  Santee,  planter, 
to  Miss  Susan  Mathews  Hall;  and,  on  the  same  eve- 
ning, Thomas  Thomson,  Esq.  of  Nassau,  New  Prov- 
idence, to  Miss  Anna  Hall,  daughters  of  Daniel  Hall, 
Esq.,  of  this  city.     (Friday,  December  27,  1799.) 

Married,  on  Sunday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev.  J. 
C.   Faber,   Mr.  William    Dunbar    to  Mrs.  Elizabeth 


Simons,  both  of  this  city.     (Tuesday,  December  31, 
1 799-) 

Married,  in  St.  John's  Parish,  on  the  12th  ult.,  by 
the  Rev.  Mr.  Parker,  Paul  VVarley,  Esq.  of  St.  Mat- 
thew's Parish,  to  Mrs.  Martha  Roche,  of  St.  John's 
Parish,  Santee.     (Saturday,  January  4,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Dr.  Hollingshead,  Mr.  James  Vinson,  merchant,  to 
Mrs,  Eliza  Porter,  both  late  of  Georgetown.     (Ibid.) 

Married,  on  Tuesday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Dr. 
Hollingshead,  Mr.  Jacob  Axson  to  Miss  Ann  Bee, 
daughter  of  Mr.  Joseph  Bee,  deceased.  (Thursday, 
January  9,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Saturday  11th  inst.,  by  the  Rev.  Dr. 
Fabre,  Mr.  Thomas  Gyles  to  Miss  Rosena  Bouysson, 
daughter  of  Mr.  Peter  Bouysson,  captain  of  gendar- 
merie national  in  St.  Domingo,  and  planter  of  said 
island.     (Saturday,  January  18,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Dr. 
Buist,  Mr.  James  Gordon  to  Mrs.  Margaret  Gray, 
both  of  this  city.     (Ibid.) 

Married,  on  Saturday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Mr.  Munns,  Mr.  Joseph  D.  Bell  to  the  amiable  and 
accomplished  Mrs.  Hannah  Mitchell.  (Tuesday, 
January  21,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Tuesday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Jenkins,  Thomas  Hunt,  Esq.,  barrister  at  law,  to 
Miss  Mary  Jennings,  daughter  of  the  late  Daniel 
Jennings,  Esq.      (Wednesday,  January  22,  1800.) 

Married,  at  Beaufort,  on  Wednesday  the  23d  inst., 
Mr.    Robert    Brown,    merchant,  to    Miss    Catharine 


Graham,  daughter  of  the  Rev.  Mr.  William  E. 
Graham.     (Tuesday,  January  28,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Tuesday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Dr.  Buist,  Isaac  Motte  Dart,  Esq.  secretary  of  the 
state,  to  Miss  Arabella  Ann  Rhind,  daughter  of  the 
late  Mr.  David  Rhind.  (Saturday,  February  1, 

Married,  on  Sunday  last,  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Frost, 
Daniel  Blake,  Esq.  to  Miss  Anne  Louisa  Middleton, 
daughter  of  Arthur  Middleton,  Esq.  deceased. 
(Friday,  February  7,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Saturday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Dr- 
Purcell,  Mr.  Edward  Woodrouffe  to  Miss  Elizabeth 
Forshaw.     (Monday,  February  17,  1800.) 

Married  at  Waccamaw,  on  Tuesday  evening  last, 
by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Speirin,  Doctor  William  Allston,  of 
this  town,  to  Miss  Mary  Pyatt,  daughter  of  the  late 
John  Pyatt,  Esq.  (Georgetown  letter  of  February 
8th  in  paper  of  Monday,  February  17,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Bishop  Smith,  Mr.  Archibald  Scott  Ball,  of  Charles- 
ton, to  the  amiable  Miss  Mary  St.  John,  daughter  of 
James  St.  John,  Esq.,  of  John's  Island.  (Thursday, 
February  20,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Wadmelaw  Island,  on  Thursday  last, 
by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Matthews,  Mr.  David  Dubose  to 
Miss  Susannah  Young  Muncreef,  second  daughter 
of  Richard  Muncreef,  Esq.  (Tuesday,  February  25, 

Married,  on  Saturday  evening  last,  Mr.  John 
Ryder,  comedian,  to  Miss  Sarah  Munroe,  of  this  city. 


Married,  last  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Frost,  Bar- 
tholomew Gaillard,  Esq.  merchant,  to  Miss  Rebecca 
C.  Doughty,  daughter  of  Wm.  Doughty,  Esq., 
planter.     (Friday,  March  7,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev, 
Mr.  Buist,  Dr.  Richard  Bedon  Screven,  of  Beaufort, 
to  the  accomplished  Miss  Alice  Pendarvis,  daughter 
of  Josiah  Pendarvis,  Esq.  of  St.  Bartholomew's 
parish.     (Monday,  March  10,  1800.) 

Married,  by  the  Rev.  Dr.  Keith,  on  the  13th  inst., 
the  Rev.  James  M'Elhenney,  of  John's  island,  to 
Miss  Susanna  Wilkinson,  relict  of  the  late  Francis 
Wilkinson,  Esq.     (Friday,  March  14,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Saturday  the  15th  inst.,  by  the  Rev. 
Dr.  Gallaher,  Mr.  Joseph  Brunet,  merchant,  of  this 
city,  to  Mrs.  Jane  Columbe  Messan,  widow  of  the 
late  Emmanuel  Pincell.  (Wednesday,  March  19, 

Married  last  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Dr.  Buist,  Mr. 
James  Drummond  to  the  amiable  and  accomplished 
Miss  Gracey  Thompson,  both  of  this  city.  (Thurs- 
day, March  20,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Tuesday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Dr. 
Frost,  Charles  Rutledge,  Esq.  to  Miss  Caroline 
Smith,  daughter  of  Roger  Smith,  Esq  (Friday, 
March  28,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Saturday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
J.  C.  Faber,  Benjamin  Perrey,  Esq.  to  the  amiable 
and  accomplished  Miss  Ann  Maria  Werner,  both  of 
this  city.     (Monday,  March  31,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Sunday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Dr. 
Holinshead,   Mr.  John  Sandiford  Chinners  to  Miss 


Hortance  Francis  Gare,  both  of  this  city.  (Tuesday, 
April  i,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening  last,  Mr.  Daniel  M. 
Kelley  Saddleer,  of  Jacksonborough,  to  the  amiable 
Miss  Elizabeth  Swindersine,  of  Jehosa  island.  (Mon- 
day, April  7,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Saturday  evening,  the  5th  inst,  Mr.  J. 
J.  Negrin,  school  master,  to  Mrs.  Eliza  Shroudy, 
widow  of  the  late  Capt.  William  Shroudy.     (Ibid.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening  last,  Mr.  Daniel 
Miscaley,  of  Jacksonborough,  to  the  amiable  Miss 
Elizabeth  Swindersine,  of  this  town.  (Tuesday, 
April  8,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Tuesday,  the  1st  inst.,  by  the  Rev. 
Parson  Adams,  Mr.  William  Martin  to  the  agreeable 
Miss  Eliza  Perry,  of  St.  Paul's  Parish.  (Wednesday, 
April  9,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Sunday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Hollingshead,  Mr.  Peter  Pedro  to  Miss  Patsey 
Graves,  both  of  this  city.  (Wednesday,  April  16, 

Married,  on  Tuesday  evening,  the  15th  inst,  Mr. 
Felix  Countz  to  the  most  amiable  Miss  Margaret 
Herring,  both  of  the  Dutch  Fork,  Broad-River. 
(Saturday,  April  26,  1800.) 

Married  at  Whitehall,  John's  Island,  last  evening, 
by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Jenkins,  Thomas  Tunno,  Esq.  to 
Miss  Harriot  Ward,  daughter  of  John  Ward,  Esq. 
deceased.     (Friday,  May.  2,  1800.) 

Married,  last  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  John 
Harper,  Mr.  Oliver  Hillard  to  the  truly  amiable  Miss 
Ann  Crawford,  both  of  this  city.     (Ibid.) 


Married,  last  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Dr.  Keith,  Mr. 
Charles  M.  Pickton  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Byers,  both  of 
this  city.      (Friday,  May  9,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Mr.  Holinshead,  Mr.  George  Dener  to  Miss  Eliza- 
beth Patrick,  both  of  this  city.  (Saturday,  May  17, 

Married,  on  Sunday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Dr. 
Buist,  Captain  George  Thompson  to  the  agreeable 
Mrs.  Mary  Halliday,  both  of  this  city.  (Tuesday, 
May  20,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Frost,  Mr.  Andrew  Holmes  to  Miss  Margaret  Gray, 
both  of  this  city.     (Saturday,  May  24,  1800.) 

Married,  last  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Dr.  Hollings- 
head,  Mr.  Jacob  Thorn  to  Miss  Susannah  Quackin- 
buss.     (Monday,  May  26,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Dr.  Faber,  Mr.  John  Strohecker  to  Miss  Mary 
Charles.     (Tuesday,  May  27,  1800.) 

Married,  on  the  30th  ult.,  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Frost, 
Captain  William  Torrey  to  Miss  Anne  Prince,  only 
daughter  of  Capt.  Charles  Prince,  of  this  city.  (Mon- 
day, June  2,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Mr.  Frost,  Mr.  Joseph  Purdie  to  Miss  Johanna  Bes- 
selleu,  both  of  this  city.     (Monday,  June  9,  1800.) 

—  same  evening,  by  the  Rev.    Mr.  Harper,  Mr. 

John  Brunson,  to  Mrs.  Susannah  Bryan,  both  of  this 
city.     (Monday,  June  9,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  last,  at  Sullivan's  Island,  by 
the  Rev.  Mr.  Faber,  Mr.  John   E.  Shirmer  to  Miss 


Margaret  Helena  Sass,  daughter  of  Mr.  Jacob  Sass, 
of  this  city.     (Monday,  June  16,  1800.) 

Married,  last  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Harper, 
Mr.  John  Gensel  to  Miss  Hannah  Lane.,  (Friday, 
June  20,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Saturday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Mr.  Frost,  Mr.  Elias  Jennings  to  Mrs.  Elizabeth 
Austen,  both  of  this  city.     (Friday,  June  27,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Mr.  Holinshead,  Mr.  James  Oliver  to  Mrs.  Alice 
Clark,  widow  of  the  late  Mr.  Durie  Clark,  both  of 
this  city.      (Wednesday,  July  2,  1800.) 

Married,  last  evening,  by  the  Rev.  G.  Seixas,  Mr. 
Isaac  Moses,  of  Charleston,  merchant,  to  Miss 
Esther  Isaacks,  daughter  of  the  late  Mr.  Moses 
Isaacks,  of  this  city.     (Thursday,  July  3,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Sunday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev.  Dr. 
Gallagher,  Mr.  Charles  Baugniet  to  Mrs.  Wilhelmina 
Beyerly.     (Tuesday,  July  15,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Sunday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Thompson,  Mr.  Thomas  Baker,  of  this  city,  insur- 
ance broker,  to  Miss  Frances  Withers,  eldest  daughter 
of  Mr.  John  Withers,  of  St.  Philip's  parish,  planter, 
(Wednesday,  July  16,  1800.) 

Philadelphia,  July  5. 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Dr.  Blackwell,  Dr.  James  Mease  to  Miss  Sarah 
Butler,  daughter  of  P.  Butler,  Esq.  (Saturday, 
July  19,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Sunday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev.  Dr. 
Frost,  Mr.  Isaac  Parker  to  the  agreeable  Miss  Mary 


Milligan,  both  of  this  city.  (Tuesday,  July  22, 

Married,  on  Sunday  evening,  the  3d  inst.,  by  the 
Rev.  John  C.  Faber,  Mr.  William  Reside  to  Mrs. 
Mary  M.  Clarkson,  both  of  this  city.  (Friday,  Au- 
gust 8,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Saturday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Mr.  Frost,  Capt.  Nicholas  Darrell  to  Mrs.  Mary 
M'Dougal,  both  of  this  city.  (Monday,  August  n, 

Married,  on  Saturday  last,  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Jenkins, 
Capt.  William  Jackson,  of  N.  York,  to  Miss  Hetty 
Brooks,  of  Norwalk,  in  Connecticut.  (Wednesday, 
August  13,  1800.) 

Married,  on  the  20th  ult.,  in  St.  Luke's  parish,  by 
the  Rev.  Mr.  O'Donnald,  Mr.  Archibald  Longworth, 
of  Newark,  New  Jersey,  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Rich, 
niece  of  James  Garvey,  Esq.  (Wednesday,  Septem- 
ber 3,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Sunday  last,  Capt.  Benjamin  Webly 
to  Mrs.  Hubbard,  widow  of  Mr.  John  Hubbard. 
(Tuesday,  September  23,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Wednesday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Dr.  Frost,  Mr.  John  Wodrop,  merchant,  to  Miss  Ann 
McCall,  daughter  of  John  McCall,  Esq.  (Friday, 
October  3,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Dr.  Buist,  Mr.  John  Duffus,  merchant,  to  Miss  Ann 
Johnson.      (Saturday,  October  4,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Saturday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Dr. 
Best,  Capt.  Hugh  Hutchinson  to  Miss  Peyton. 
(Wednesday,  October  8,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Monday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Mathews,  Dr.  William  DeBow  to  Miss  Hannah 
Hunt,  both  of  this  place.     (Ibid.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Dr.  Buist,  Mr.  John  Coburn  to  the  agreeable  and 
accomplished  Miss  Ann  Pendarvis.  (Monday,  Octo- 
ber 13,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Munds,  Mr.  William  Haughton  to  Miss  Mary  Leslie. 
(Saturday,  October  18,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Saturday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Jenkins,  David  Deas,  Esq.  to  Miss  Mary  Sommers. 
(Tuesday,  October  21,  1800.) 

Married,  last  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Dr.  Buist,  Mr. 
Thomas  Maybanks  to  Miss  Peronneau.  (Thursday, 
October  23,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Mr.  Frost,  Mr.  Robert  A.  Darby  to  Miss  Rebecca 
Sinkler,  both  of  this  city.  (Saturday,  October  25, 

Married,  on  Thursday,  the  16th  instant,  by  the 
Rev.  Mr.  M'Calla,  Mr.  Joseph  Dubose,  of  St. 
Thomas's,  to  Miss  Mary  Ann  Mell,  of  St.  James, 
Santee.     (Wednesday,  October  29,  1800.) 

Married,  last  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Abraham 
Azuby,  Mr.  Abraham  Tores,  of  Boordeaux,  to  the 
amiable  Miss  Sarah  Daquilar,  of  Bayonne.  (Thurs- 
day, October  30,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Thursday,  the  23d  ult.,  at  Camden,  by 
the  Rev.  Mr.  Smith,  Mr.  William  Adamson,  mer- 
chant, only  son  of  John  Adamson,  Esq.  to  Miss 
Amelia  Alexander,  only  daughter  of  Dr.  Isaac  Alex- 

ander,  both  of  that  place.     (Saturday,  November  i, 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Mr.  J.  C.  Faber,  Mr.  John  Spring  to  Miss  Catharine 
Reader,  both  of  this  city.      (Ibid.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Mr.  Furman,  Capt.  Benjamin  Pearson  to  the  amiable 
and  accomplished  Miss  Frances  Ann  Adely,  both  of 
this  city.      (Ibid.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Munds,  Captain  Joshua  Jones  to  the  amiable  and 
accomplished  Miss  Maria  Ann  Gibbs.  (Saturday, 
November  8,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Saturday  evening,  the  1st  instant,  by 
the  Rev.  Buist,  Mr.  James  Turnbull  to  Miss  Emma 
Whitaker,  both  of  this  city.  (Tuesday,  November 
1 1,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Sunday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev.  Dr. 
Buist,  Mr.  John  Anthony  Woodle  to  the  amiable 
Miss  Susanna  Sansom,  both  of  this  city.     (Ibid.) 

Married,  on  Saturday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Frost,  Mr.  Wm.  Hutson  to  Miss  Maryann  Miller, 
both  of  this  city.      (Wednesday,  November  12,  1800.) 

Married,  on  the  3d  October  last,  in  St.  Barthol- 
omew's parish,  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Gourlay,  Mr.  John 
Witsel  to  Miss  Mary  Oswald.  (Thursday,  November 
13,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Sunday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Faber,  Mr.  J.  J.  Scroter  to  Miss  Elizabeth  R.  Dub- 
bert,  youngest  daughter  of  the  late  Rev.  Mr.  Dub- 
bert,  of  the  German  Church  in  this  city.     (Ibid.) 

Married,  on  Tuesday  last,  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Keith, 
Daniel  Boyle,  Esq.  to  Mrs.  Jane  Slann,  both  of  St. 
Paul's  Parish.     (Friday,  November  14,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Sunday  evening,  the  9th  inst.,  by  the 
Rev.  Mr.  Gourlay,  William  Youngblood,  Esq.  to  Miss 
Elizabeth  Singleton,  both  of  St.  Bartholomew's 
parish.     (Thursday,  November  20,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Sunday,  the  2d  instant,  by  the  Rev. 
Mr.  Gourley,  Thomas  G.  Scott,  Esq.  to  the  amiable 
Miss  Mary  Stevens,  both  of  Prince  William's  parish. 
(Friday.  November  21,  1800.) 

Married,  in  St.  Thomas's  Parish,  last  Thursday 
evening,  by  the  Rev.  Bishop  Smith,  Capt.  Robert 
Wilson  to  Miss  Charity  Latham,  daughter  of  Mr. 
Daniel  Latham,  all  of  this  city.  (Monday,  Novem- 
ber 24,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Jenkins,  Mr.  John  Hannahan,  jun.  to  the  amiable  and 
accomplished  Miss  Ann  Godfrey,  of  this  city.     (Ibid.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening  last,  Mr.  Thomas 
Lacey  to  Miss  Ruth  Mitchell,  both  of  this  city. 

Married,  at  Beaufort,  on  Tuesday,  18th  inst.,  Mr. 
James  Mair,  of  this  city,  merchant,  to  Miss  Ann  Gra- 
ham, daughter  of  the  Rev.  W.  E.  Graham,  deceased. 
(Tuesday,  November  25,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Frost,  Timothy  Ford,  Esq.  to  Miss  Mary  Magdalen 
Prioleau,  daughter  of  Samuel   Prioleau,  Esq.  (Ibid.) 

Married,  on  Tuesday  evening,  the  18th  inst.,  by 
the  Rev.  J.  C.  Faber,  Mr.  John  Stecker  to  Miss  Mag- 
dalen Row.     (Ibid.) 

Married,  on  Sat 
Mr.  Keith,  Mr.  Sy 
Oliver,  both  of  this 

Married,  on  Satin 
Mathews,  Capt.  Ebei 
both  of  this  place.     ( 

Married,  on  Tuesda 
go,  Mr.  James  Davids 
Dickey.     (Wednesday, 

Married,  last  evening 
Mr.  Michael  J  ordain  tc 
this  city.      (Friday,  No\ 

Married,  on  Wednesd. 
Mr.   Thompson,  Daniel 
Isabella  Joanna  Middleto 
day,  December  i,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Thursday 
Yeitch,  of  this  city,  to  M  - 
daughter  of  Charles  Brow 
Santee.     (Saturday,  Decern 

Married,  on  Tuesday  even, 
by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Edmund   A 
mons,    Esq.    to    Miss    Amelia    \ 
Joshua  Ward,  Esq.     (Ibid.) 

Married,  at  Augusta,  on  Tu 
the  Rev.  Dr.  Hull,   Mr.  Charl- 
chant,  to  Miss  Ann   Pritchard 
of   captain    Oswald    Eve.     (Ti 

Married,  on  Thursday  last,  ]N 
to  Mrs.  Margaret  Pickam,  both 
day,  December  15,  1800.) 

ening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
\rms  to  Miss  Elizabeth 

ning,  by  the  Rev.    Mr. 

itt  to  Miss  Jane  Clark, 

th  inst.,  at  Black  Min- 
a  amiable  Miss  Sarah 
ber  26,  1800.) 

Rev.  Mr.  Mathews, 
i;liza  Smith,  both  of 
S,  1800.) 

lg  last,  by  the  Rev. 
luger,  Esq.  to  Miss 
.  f  this  city.     (Mon- 

last,  Mr.  William 
Goodby  Brown, 

deceased,  late  of 

>n  John's  Island, 

s    Thomas  Sim- 
,    daughter    of 

e  25th  ult.,  by 
ingham,   mer- 

dest  daughter 
December  9, 

'bald  Gillen 
ity.     (Mon- 


Married,  on  Thursday  ig  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Bishop  Smith,  Stephen  Ra  .  Esq.  to  Miss  Cath- 
arine Mazyck,  second  daughl  i  jf  William  Mazyck, 
Esq.,  deceased.     (Thur?-  cember  18,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  last,  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Jen- 
kins, Mr.  John  Turnbull,  merchant,  of  Savannah,  to 
Miss  Henrietta  Guer'n  '  his  city.  (Saturday, 
December  20,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Thursr.;:  ling,  by  the  Rev.   Mr. 

Jenkins,  Mr.  Williar1  C.  j  1  irlen  to  the  agreeable 
Miss  Margaret  Davi5    I  oth  of  this  city.     (Ibid.) 

Married,  on  Tuesday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Doctor 
Keith,  Mr.  John  Stent  to  Miss  Elizabeth  North. 
(Monday,  Decembf  1800.) 

Married,  on  Satu    I  ning  last,  by  the  Rev.  Mr. 

Frost,  Dr.  Isaac  Chanlrr  to  Mrs.  Catharine  M'Cord, 
relict  of  the  late  W  '     im  M'Cord,  Esquire.      (Ibid.) 

Married,  on  Tu  ening  last,  by  the  Rev.  Mr. 

Frost,  Mr.  David  Johnston  to  Miss  Eleanor  Clement, 
youngest  daught-j    .!  John  Clement.     (Tuesday, 

December  23,  1' 

Married,  on  evening,  by  the    Rev.    Mr. 

Furman,  Mr.  J  to    C    W.  Cox,  of  this  city,  to  Miss 

Eleanor  Sere-  of  Goose-Creek.  (Wednesday, 
December  24, 

Married,  o  .ay  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Munds,  Mr.  J  inton  to  Miss  Charlotte  Duns- 

comb.     (Thu     "  'ecember  25,  1800.) 

Married,  c  Sunday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Furman,  M'  !J-  ta  nan  Estel  to  Mrs.  Sarah  Huff, 
both  of  thi?  ( ■  Ibid.) 


Married,  on  Wednesday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Mr.  Matthews,  Mr.  James  M' Heath  to  the  amiable 
and  accomplished  Miss  Ann  M'Herron,  both  of  this 
city.     (Monday,  December  29,  1800.) 

Married,  on  Wednesday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Mr.  Furman,  Mr.  Henry  Romering,  merchant,  to 
Miss  Martha  Adams,  of  St.  Helena  Island.  (Satur- 
day, January  3,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Wednesday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Dr.  Gallaghar,  Mr.  Nicholas  Fitzpatrick,  store  keeper, 
of  this  city,  to  Miss  Eleanor  Haly,  late  from  Ireland. 
(Monday,  January  5,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Dr.  Buist,  Mr.  Alexander  Douglas  to  Miss  Eleanor 
Carew,  both  of  this  city.     (Ibid.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Dr.  Gallagher,  Capt.  Paterson  to  the  agreeable  Miss 
Ann  Halliday,  of  this  city.     (Ibid.) 

Married,  on  Wednesday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Mr.  Munds,  Capt.  Joshua  Clark  to  the  amiable  and 
accomplished  Miss  Charlotte  Harper.  (Tuesday, 
January  6,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Tuesday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Dr.  Jenkins,  Mr.  Benjamin  Leefe,  merchant,  to  Miss 
Harriet  Sophia  Bentham,  daughter  of  James  Bent- 
ham,  Esq.     (Thursday,  January  8,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Dr.  Keith,  Mr.  John  You  to  Miss  Antoinette  Tar- 
duie,  daughter  of  the  late  Mons.  Louis  Tarduie,  of 
St.  Domingo.     (Saturday,  January  10,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Saturday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Dr.  Holinshead,  Mr.  Joshua  Hargreaves,  merchant, 


to  Mrs.  Elizabeth  B.  Canty,  widow  of  the  late  James 
Canty,  Esq.  of  Georgia.    (Monday,  January  12,  1801.) 

Married,  at  Beaufort,  on  Tuesday  evening  last,  by 
the  Rev.  Mr.  Cook,  Mr  Robert  Guerrard  to  Miss 
Harriot  L.  De  Treville,  daughter  of  the  late  Captain 
John  L.  De  Treville.     (Thursday,  January  15,  1801.) 

Same  day,  Mr.  Robert  L.  De  Treville  to  Miss 
Sarah  Ellis,  youngest  daughter  of  Richard  Ellis, 
Esq.  planter.     (Ibid.) 

Married,  last  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Jenkins, 
Mr.  Gilbert  Davidson,  merchant,  to  Mrs.  Eliza 
Hahnbaum,  relict  of  Dr.  G.  F.  Hahnbaum.     (Ibid.) 

Married,  last  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Jenkins, 
Mr.  Angus  Bethune,  merchant,  to  Miss  Margaret 
Willeman,  daughter  of  Christopher  Willeman,  Esq. 

Married,  on  the  Wateree,  on  Sunday  the  4th  in- 
stant, Mr.  Austin  F.  Peay,  merchant,  of  Camden,  to 
the  agreeable  Miss  Mary  English,  daughter  of  Joshua 
English,  Esq.  deceased.  (Saturday,  January  17, 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Fabre,  Mr.  Lewis  Strobel  to  Miss  Jane  Stent  Austen. 
(Saturday,  January  17,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Dr.  Purcell,  the  Rev.  Edmund  Matthews  to  Miss 
Eliza  Ward,  youngest  daughter  of  Joshua  Ward, 
Esq.     (Monday,  January  19,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Wednesday  the  14th  instant,  at  the 
Hills,  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Roberts,  James  S.  Guignard, 
Esq.  to  Miss  Carolina  Richardson.  (Friday,  January 
23,  1801.) 


Married,  on  the  6th  instant,  in  Prince  William's 
Parish,  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Gourlay,  Mr.  John  Wilkins  to 
Miss  Mary  Eliza  Broughton,  both  of  this  city.    (Ibid.) 

Married,  on  Sunday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Faber,  Mr.  John  R.  Switzer  to  Mrs.  Mary  Hahn- 
baum,  widow  of  the  late  Doctor  Christian  Hahn- 
baum.     (Saturday,  January  24,  1801.) 

Married,  by  the  Rev.  Dr.  Buist,  on  Thursday  even- 
ing, Capt.  Wm.  B.  Brown  to  Miss  Anne  Denoon. 

Married,  by  the  Rev.  Dr.  Buist,  on  Saturday  even- 
ing last,  Capt.  James  Baird  to  Miss  Margaret  Bonnor, 
of  this  city.     (Monday,  January  26.  1801.) 

Married,  at  Beaufort,  on  Thursday,  the  15th 
instant,  by  the  Rev.  Dr.  Cook,  Mr.  John  Burton, 
merchant,  to  Miss  Sarah  Oliver  Joyner,  eldest 
daughter  of  J.  Joyner,  Esq.  of  that  place.  (Tues- 
day, January  27,  1801.) 

Married,  at  Beaufort,  on  Sunday  evening,  the  18th 
instant,  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Cook,  Mr.  Samuel  Law- 
rence, merchant,  to  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Givens,  widow  of 
Mr.  John  Givens,  deceased.     (Ibid.) 

Married,  on  James  Island,  on  Thursday,  the  17th 
of  December,  by  the  Rev.  G.  H.  Price,  Mr.  William 
Stone  to  Mrs.  Francis  Holmes.  (Wednesday,  Janu- 
ary 28,  1801.) 

Married,  on  James  Island,  on  Tuesday,  the  23d  of 
December,  by  the  Rev.  G.  H.  Price,  Mr.  Mallory 
Rivers  to  Miss  Lois  Burchell,  eldest  daughter  of  Mr, 
Thomas  Burchell.     (Ibid.) 

Married,  last  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Dr.  Isaac  S. 
Keith,  Mr.  William  Alexander  to  Miss  Mary  Witter, 
of  John's  Island,     (Saturday,  January  31,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Sunday  evening,  the  28th  of  Decem- 
ber last,  Joseph  Gist,  Esq.  to  Miss  Sarah  M'Daniel, 
both  of  Union  county.     (Ibid.) 

Married,  on  Tuesday  last,  by  the  Rev.  Edward 
Jenkins,  T.  R.  Wilmer,  Esq.  late  of  Maryland,  to 
Miss  Sarah  R.  Gibbes,  daughter  of  the  deceased 
Robert  Gibbes,  Esq.     (Ibid.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  last,  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Geo, 
Buist,  Mr.  John  Hughes  to  the  amiable  Miss  Bulah' 
Lawton,  of  this  city.     (Monday,  February  2,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Wednesday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Mr.  Frost,  James  Gregory,  jun.  Esq.  to  Miss  Ann 
Ladson,  second  daughter  of  Major  James  Ladson. 
(Saturday,  February  7,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Holinshead,  Mr.  Alexander  Thompson  to  Miss 
Susannah  Rose,  daughter  of  Mr.  Jeremiah  Rose, 
both  of  this  city.     (Ibid.) 

Married,  on  Saturday  evening,  the  7th  instant,  by 
the  Rev.  J.  C.  Fabre,  Mr.  Julien  Henry  to  Miss  Mary 
Coburn,  both  of  this  city.  (Tuesday,  February  10, 

Married,  on  Friday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Munds,  Mr.  John  Hosley  to  Miss  Isabella  Avery, 
both  of  this  city,     (Monday,  February  16,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Saturday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Mr.  Philip  Mathews,  Mr.  William  Laider  to  Miss 
Sarah  M'Caully,  both  of  this  city.     (Ibid.) 

Married,  on  Tuesday  evening,  the  17th  instant, 
by  the  Rev.  Dr.  Gallagher,  John  Grochan,  Esq.  to 
the  amiable  Miss  Adelle  De  Grasse,  daughter  to  the 
late  Count   De  Grasse,    Lieutenant-General  of    the 

naval   army  of  the  late  King  of  France.     (Friday, 
February  20,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Dr. 
Keith,  Mr.  Thomas  Bennett,  jun.,  lumber  merchant, 
to  Miss  Mary  Lightbourn  Stone,  daughter  of  Benja- 
min Stone,  deceased,  both  of  this  city.  (Saturday, 
February  21,  1801.)  • 

Married,  last  evening,  by  the  Rev.  John  Harper, 
Mr.  George  Smith  to  the  amiable  Miss  Maryann  Ann 
Rivers,  both  of  this  city.     (Ibid.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening,  by  the  Right  Rev. 
Bishop  Smith,  Samuel  Wragg,  Esq.  to  Miss  Mary 
Ashby  Ton.     (Monday,  February  23,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Tuesday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev.  Dr. 
Isaac  Keith,  William  Simmons,  Esq.  to  Miss  Sarah 
Yonge,  daughter  of  Francis  Yonge,  Esq.  (Satur- 
day, March   7,  1S01.) 

Married,  on  Tuesday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev.  Dr. 
Buist,  Mr.  William  Walker  to  Mrs.  Jane  Reid,  relict 
of  the  late  Mr.  Joseph  Reid.  (Thursday,  March  12, 

Married,  on  Saturday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev.  Dr. 
Keith,  Mr.  Joseph  Gladding  to  the  amiable  Miss 
Martha  Wilkins,  both  of  this  city.  (Tuesday,  March 
24,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Tuesday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev.  Dr. 
Purcell,  Mr.  Roger  Heriot,  merchant,  to  Miss  Cath- 
arine Booth.     (Saturday,  March  28,  1S01.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening  last,  at  Prince  Wil- 
liam's Parish,  John  Alston,  Esq.,  second  son  of 
William    Alston,    Esq.    to    Miss   Sarah    M'Pherson, 

daughter  of  Isaac  M'Pherson,  Esq.,  deceased.     (Wed- 
nesday, April  i,  1801.) 

Married,  on  the  6th  March  last,  in  St.  Paul's  parish, 
by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Bladen,  Mr.  John  Williams,  of  St. 
Bartholomew's  to  Miss  Mary  Chapman,  of  this  city. 
(Friday,  April  3,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Saturday,  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Thompson, 
Mr.  John  Stoney,  merchant,  to  Miss  Harriot  E.  Wells, 
both  of  this  city.     (Monday,  April  6,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Tuesday,  the  9th  inst.,  by  the  Rev. 
James  Gourlay,  Mr.  Abraham  Huguenin  to  Miss 
Anna  Maria  Gillison,  daughter  of  Derry  Gillison, 
Esq.,  of  St.  Luke's  Parish.  (Saturday,  April  11, 

Married,  on  Saturday,  the  nth  inst.,  by  the  Rev. 
Mr.  Harper,  Mr.  Daniel  Collins  to  Mrs.  Jane  Fontain, 
both  of  this  city.     (Tuesday,  April  14,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Saturday  last,  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Jenkins, 
Mr.  William  Allan,  merchant,  to  Miss  Sarah  Haig, 
daughter  of  the  late  Dr.  George  Haig.  (Tuesday, 
April  21,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Saturday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Dr.  Frost,  Mr.  David  Oswald,  tailor,  to  the  agreeable 
and  accomplished  Miss  Elizabeth  Oliphant,  both  of 
this  city.     (Ibid.) 

Married,  at  Portland,  Edward  Prebble,  Esq.  capt. 
of  the  United  States  frigate  Essex,  to  Miss  Maria 
Deering.     (Wednesday,  April  22,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Sunday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev.  Dr. 
Frost,  Mr.  John  Hasell  to  Miss  Mary  Shelback, 
both  of  this  city.     (Wednesday,  April  29,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Monday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev.  Dr. 
Purcell,  Mr.  John  Bride,  merchant,  to  Mrs.  Elizabeth 
Sargeant,  relict  of  the  late  Mr.  John  P.  Sargeant. 
(Thursday,  April  30,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Tuesday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Dr. 
Furman,  Mr.  Thomas  Blackwood,  merchant,  to  Miss 
Harriot  Ouelch,  both  of  this  city.     (Ibid.) 

Married,  on  Tuesday  evening,  28th  April,  by  the 
Rev.  Dr.  Buist,  Mr.  George  Kiernan,  grocer,  to  Mrs. 
Montgomery,  latelv  from  Europe.  (Saturday,  May, 
2,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening,  30th  April,  by  the 
Rev.  Mr.  Furman,  Mr.  Thomas  P.  Shaw,  of  this  city, 
insurance  broker,  to  Miss  Mary  P.  Adams,  of  St. 
Helena  Island.     (Ibid.) 

Married,  on  Tuesday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Dr. 
Hollingshead,  Mr.  John  Calhoun  to  Miss  Sarah 
Stevens,  both  of  this  city.     (Thursday,  May  7,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Daniel  M'Calla,  Mr.  Samuel  Jones,  of  this  city,  to 
Miss  Mary  Legare,  daughter  of  Joseph  Legare,  Esq., 
of  St.  James's,  Santee      (Monday,  May  11,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Friday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Mathews,  Thomas  Bannatyne  to  Miss  Susanna  Rose, 
both  of  this  city.     (Wednesday.  May  13,  1801.) 

Married,  at  Camden,  on  Wednesday  evening,  the 

13th  inst.,  by  the  Rev.  J.  M.  Roberts,  Mr. Reese, 

of  the  High  Hills  of  Santee,  planter,  to  Miss  Eliza- 
beth Adamson,  daughter  of  Joseph  Adamson,  Esq., 
merchant,  of  said  place.     (Tuesday,  May  19,  1S01.) 

Married,  on  the  7th  inst.,  at  the  city  of  Annapolis, 
by  Bishop  Carroll,  the   Hon.  Robert  G.  Harper,  late 

Member  of  Congress  from  South  Carolina,  to  Miss 
Carroll,  daughter  of  the  Hon.  Charles  Carroll,  of 
Carrollton.     (Saturday,  May  23,  1801.) 

Married,  last  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Dr.  Jenkins, 
Mr.  Acey  Hill,  of  Boston,  to  the  agreeable  Mrs.  Jane 
Thorney,  of  this  city,  and  relict  of  the  late  William 
Thorney.     (Saturday,  May  30,  1801.) 

Married,  last  evening,  by  the  Rev.  J.  C.  Fabre, 
Mr.  Sampson  Rogers  to  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Martin,  relict 
of  the  late  John  Christian  Martin.  (Tuesday,  June 
2,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Tuesday,  the  26th  ult,  by  the  Rev. 
Dr.  Jenkins,  Mr.  John  Muncreef  to  Mrs.  Sarah  Clark 
Schepeler,  relict  of  the  late  George  Schepeler,  mer- 
chant, deceased.     (Wednesday,  June  3,  1801.) 

Married,  last  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Dr.  Keith,  Mr. 
Lewis  Griffin,  of  this  city,  to  the  amiable  Miss  Susan- 
nah Davidson,  of  Jacksonborough.  (Saturday,  June 
6,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Saturday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Mr.  Thompson,  at  the  eight-mile  Green  Grove,  Mr. 
John  Hunter  to  the  amiable  Mrs.  Mary  Watson,  both 
of  this  city.     (Tuesday,  June  15,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Sunday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Pur 
cell,  Capt.  John  Morrison  to  Miss  Elizabeth  Watson 
both  of  this  city.     (Ibid.) 

Married,  on  the  6th  inst,  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Jenkins 
Mr.  Wm.  Abbott,  merchant,  from  England,  to  Miss 
Barbara  Dawson,  of  this  city.  (Wednesday,  June  1 7 

Married,  on  Thursday,  the  18th  June,  by  the  Rev, 
Moses  Waddel,  John  S.  Newby,  Esq.  to  Miss  Lucy 

Bickly,    both    of    Southampton.      (Friday,    July    3, 

Married,  on  Sunday  evening,  July  5th,  in  St.  Paul's 
Parish,  by  the  Rev.  Dr.  Meyler,  Mr.  Moses  M'Clellan 
to  Miss  Hannah  Roberts.    (Wednesday,  July  8,  1801.) 

Married,  a  few  days  since,  Colonel  Wade  Hamp- 
ton, of  Richland  district,  to  Miss  Polly  Cantey, 
daughter  of  the  late  John  Cantey,  Esq.  deceased,  of 
Santee      (Saturday,  July  18,  1801.) 

Married,  last  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Dr.  Purcell, 
Wm.  Smith,  Esq.  of  the  frigate  John  Adams,  to  Miss 
Harriet  Valk.     (Saturday,  August  15,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening,  the  27th  ult.,  by 
the  Rev.  Moses  Waddle,  Mr.  Zachariah  Bowman  to 
Miss  Nancy  Goodman,  both  of  Vienna,  S.  C. 
(Thursday,  September  3,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Monday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev.  Dr. 
George  Buist,  Mr.  John  Paton  to  the  agreeable  Miss 
Sarah  Dobel,  both  of  this  city.     (Friday,  September 

4,  1 801.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Matthews,  the  Rev.  Israel  Munds  to  Mrs.  Charlotte 
D.  Meyer,  both  of  this  place.     (Saturday,  September 

5,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Jenkins,  Mr.  Lawrence  Quackenbush  to  Miss  Mary 
Pringle,  both  of  this  citv.  (^Saturday,  September  5, 
1 801.) 

Married,  on  Monday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Munds,  Capt.  Jonathan  Bogle  to  the  amiable  Miss 
Mary  Easter.     (Wednesday,  September  9,  1801.) 


Married,  on  the  evening  of  the  first  inst.,  in  Barn- 
well district,  Mr.  James  Furse  to  the  truly  amiable 
and  accomplished  Miss  Martha  Wyld. 

"  In  her  what  kings,  what  saints  have  wish'd  is  given, 
Her  heart  is  empire,  and  her  love  is  heaven." 

(Wednesday,  September  9,  1801.) 

Married,  at  Smithfield  (Mass.),  Capt.  Peter  Warren 
to  Miss  Ann  Shrine,  of  Georgetown  (S.  C).  (Thurs- 
day, September  10,  1801.) 

Married,  on  the  16th  inst.,  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Bla- 
den, in  St.  Paul's  parish,  Mr.  Hardy  Pitman  to  Mrs. 
Avey  Gulliatt,  of  Jacksonborough.  (Thursday,  Sep- 
tember 24,  1 801.) 

Married,  on  Monday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Munds,  Mr.  Joseph  Sharp  to  Miss  Sarah  Fields.  (Ibid.) 

Married,  on  the  27th  September,  by  the  Rev. 
Moses  Waddle,  Mr.  Sterling  Dixon  to  Mrs.  Mary 
Ann  Noble,  both  of  Abbeville  district.  (Friday, 
October  2,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Thursday,  the  17th  ult.,  in  Richmond, 
Virginia,  Col.  Douglass  Starke,  of  South  Carolina, 
to  Miss  Lucy  Starke,  daughter  of  Mrs.  Elizabeth 
Starke,  of  Hanover.     (Thursday,   October  8,  1801.) 

Married,  at  Sullivan's  Island,  on  Monday  last,  the 
5th  inst.,  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Spierin,  Captain  Israel  G. 
Collins  to  Miss  Mary  Ann  Allan.     (Ibid.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening,  by  the  Right  Rev. 
Bishop  Smith,  Mr.  Andrew  Smylie  to  Mrs.  Susannah 
Bruce.     (Saturday,  October  10,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Dr. 
Hollinshead,  Mr.  John  Cummings,  merchant,  to  Miss 
Elizabeth  Airs,  both  of  this  city.     (Ibid.) 


Married,  on  Wednesday  last,  by  the  Rev.  Abraham 
Azuby,  Mr.  Cherry  Moses  to  Miss  Esther  Moses, 
youngest  daughter  of  Mr.  Myer  Moses,  deceased. 
(Friday,  October  16,  1801.) 

Married,  on  the  26th  of  August,  at  Augustine, 
William  Gibson,  Esq.  merchant,  of  St.  Mary's,  to 
Miss  Mary  Fatio,  daughter  of  Lewis  Fatio,  Esq. 
deceased.      (Friday,  October  23,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Sunday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Jenkins,  Dr.  Henry  Richardson  to  Miss  Mary  Fraser, 
daughter  of  James  Fraser,  Esq.  of  Dawfuskie  Island. 
(Tuesday,  November  3,  1S01.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Dr. 
Hollinshead,  Mr.  James  Oliver,  bricklayer,  to  Miss 
Elizabeth  Limehouse,  both  of  this  city.  (Saturday, 
November  7,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Saturday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Dr. 
Purcell,  Capt.  Samuel  Kerrison  to  Mrs.  Elizabeth 
M'Giverin.     (Tuesday,  November  10,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Saturday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Dr.  Keith,  Mr.  Joseph  N.  Warnock  to  Miss  Sarah 
Harvey,  both  of  this  city.  (Friday,  November  13, 

Married,  last  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Dr.  Frost,  Mr. 
William  Akin,  merchant,  to  the  amiable  and  accom- 
plished Miss  Henrietta  Wyatt.     (Ibid.) 

Married,  on  Tuesday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev.  Dr. 
Buist,  Mr.  Patrick  Mair,  merchant,  to  Miss  Martha 
Begelow.     (Thursday,  November  19,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Sunday  the  8th  inst.,  by  the  Rev.  Dr. 
Hollinshead,  Captain  Millen,  to  Mrs.  Humphreys. 
(Friday,  November  20,  1801.) 


Married,  on  Tuesday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev.  Dr. 
Holinshead,  Mr.  Samuel  Frickling,  of  Edisto  Island, 
to  Miss  Ann  Eliza  Wilkie,  only  daughter  of  Major 
Wilkie.     (Tuesday,  November  24,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Wednesday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Mr.  Jenkins,  at  Sandy -Hill,  James  H.  Ancrum,  Esq. 
to  Miss  Jane  Washington,  daughter  of  the  Hon. 
Gen.  Wm.  Washington.     (Ibid.) 

Married,  on  Saturday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Mr.  Munds,  Mr.  Lewis  F.  Harper  to  Miss  Caroline 
Raynoldes.     (Wednesday,  November  25,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Monday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Mr.  Munds,  Mr.  Robert  Foster  to  Miss  Louisa  Gill- 
man.     (Wednesday,  November  25,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Sunday  the  15th  instant,  by  the  Rev. 
Mr.  Jenkins,  Mr.  George  Perman  to  Miss  Isabella 
Fell.     (Ibid.) 

Married,  on  Saturday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Mr.  Faber,  Mr.  John  Ward  to  Mrs.  Ann  Brown,  both 
of  this  city.     (Ibid.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Dr. 
Gallagher,  Mr.  Daniel  Remoussin,  planter,  of  the 
island  of  St.  Domingo,  to  Mrs.  Mary  Snipes.  (Mon- 
day, November  30,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Wednesday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Mr.  Balden,  Richd.  Singleton,  jun.  Esq.  to  Miss  Jane 
Eliza  Postell,  daughter  of  Major  John  Postell,  de- 
ceased, of  the  Round  O.  (Tuesday,  December  1, 
1 801.) 

Married,  on  Wednesday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Dr.  Parker,  in  St.  Thomas's  Parish,  William  Pritch- 
ard,  sen.   Esq.  to    the  agreeable    and    accomplished 

Miss  Eliza  Latham,  daughter  of  Daniel  Latham,  Esq. 
of  this  city.     (Saturday,  December  5,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Sunday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Dr.  Pur- 
cell,  Mr.  Samuel  Dubose,  of  St.  Stephen's  parish,  to 
Mrs.  Martha  White,  of  this  city.  (Tuesday,  Decem- 
ber 8,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Sunday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Frost,  Mr.  Samuel  Richards,  broker,  to  Miss  Mary 
Singleton,  only  daughter  of  Daniel  Singleton,  Esq., 
deceased.     (Tuesday,  December  8,  1801.) 

Married,  near  Statesburg,  on  the  evening  of  the 
5th  inst.,  by  the  Rev.  I.  M.  Roberts,  Col.  Colclough, 
of  Santee,  to  the  amiable  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Wright. 
(Wednesday,  December  9,  1801.) 

Married,  last  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Munds,  Mr. 
Thomas  Appleton  to  Mrs.  Mary  Piercy.  (Saturday, 
December  12,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Saturday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev. 
Dr.  Keith,  Mr.  William  Butler  Minott  to  Miss  Jane 
Field  Smith,  both  of  this  city.  (Tuesday,  Decem- 
ber 15,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Sunday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Furman,  Mr.  Samuel  Rain,  pilot,  to  the  amiable  Miss 
Hester  Nelson,  both  of  this  city.  (Tuesday,  Decem- 
ber 15,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Best,  Dr.  T.  Reilly  to  Miss  Eliza  Haward  Maybery, 
both  of  this  city.      (Saturday,  December  19,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Thursday  evening,  the  10th  instant, 
by  the  Rev.  Dr.  Keith,  Mr.  Henry  W.  Paxton  to 
Miss  Eliza  Ann  Yeadon,  both  of  this  city.  (Mon- 
day, December  21,  1801.) 


Married,  on  Wednesday  evening,  by  the  Rev.  Dr. 
Keith,  Capt.  Jared  Bunce,  of  Weathersfield,  Con- 
necticut, to  Miss  Mary  Ann  Dickinson,  of  this  city. 
(Friday,  December  25,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Friday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Mathews,  Mr.  Samuel  Redmann  to  Mrs.  Sarah 
Andrews,  late  relict  of  Mitchel  Andrews,  both  of 
this  place.     (Monday,  December  28,  1801.) 

Savannah,  December  25. 

Married,  on  Monday  evening  last,  by  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Smith,  Mr.  George  D.  Sweet  to  Miss  Rachel  R. 
Porcher,  daughter  of  the  late  Paul  Porcher,  Esq.,  of 
South  Carolina. 

Married,  on  the  22d  inst.,  Mr.  Nathan  Beal,  of  this 
city,  to  Miss  Ann  Kirkland,  of  South  Carolina. 
(Tuesday,  December  29,  1801.) 

Married,  on  Wednesday  evening,  23d  inst.,  by  the 
Rev.  Mr.  Holingshead,  Mr.  G.  Petre,  of  Charleston, 
to  Mrs.  Ester  Randal,  of  Bermuda.  (Thursday, 
December  31,  1801.) 

[The  Charleston  Library  Society's  file  of  The 
South-Carolina  State  Gazette,  and  Timothy  s  Daily 
Advertiser  ends  with  the  issue  for  December  31,  1801, 
but  the  paper  did  not  suspend  publication  until  some- 
time in  1802.] 


I.   Index  to  Gazettes. 

The  South-Carolina  Gazette  (i  732-1  775),  4-61. 
The  Gazette  of  the  State  of  South-Carolina  (1 777— 

1785;,  61-76. 
The  State  Gazette  of  South-Carolina  (1785-17     ), 

The  South- Carolina  State  Gazette  &   Timothy  & 

Masons  Daily  Advertiser,  87-97. 
South-Carolina  State  Gazette  and  Timothy  s  Daily 

Advertiser,  97-128- 

II.   Index  to  Names. 

Aarons,  Jacob,  80. 
Aarons,  Rachel,  80 
Abbott,  William,  122. 
Abrahams,  Hannah,  93. 
Adams,  Miss,  daughter  of 

President  John,  86. 
Adams,   Miss,    of    Edisto 

Island,  S.  C,  90. 
Adams,    Mrs.     Elizabeth, 

Adams,    His    Excellency 

John,  86. 

Adams,  Martha,  115. 
Adams,  Mary  P.,  121. 
Adams,  Nathaniel,  92. 
Adams,  Rev.  Parson,  106. 
Adams,  Rev.  Thomas,  96, 

Adams,  Providence,  92. 
Adamson,  Elizabeth,  121. 
Adamson,  John,   1 10. 
Adamson,  Joseph,  121. 
Adamson,  William,  1 10. 
Addison,  John,  66. 



Addison,  Capt.  John,  68. 

Addison,  Kezia,  68. 

Addison,  Mrs.  Mary,  66. 

Addison,  Thomas,  68. 

Adely,  Frances  Ann,  in. 

Aiken,  William,  125. 

Ainger,  Edward,  100. 

Ainslie,  John,  14,  22. 

Ainslie,  Lady  Mary  (Mac- 
kenzie), 26. 

Air,  William,  43. 

Airs,  Elizabeth,  124. 

Alcock,  Capt,  31. 

Aldborough,  the,  4,  11. 

Alexander,  Alexander, 
school-master,  34. 

Alexander,  Capt.  Alexan- 
der, 56. 

Alexander,  Amelia,  110. 

Alexander,  Dr.  Isaac,  1 10- 

Alexander,  William,    117. 
Alison,  Rev.  Hugh,  41. 
Allan,  Mary  Ann,  124. 
Allan,  William,  120. 
Allen,  Andrew,  6. 
Allen,  Elizabeth,  20. 
Allen,  Jane,  6. 
Allen,  Mrs.,  14. 
Alleyn,  Jane  Knowles,  74. 
Allison,  James.  76. 
Allison,   William,  Jr.,  59. 
Allston,  John,  Jr.,  79. 
Allston,  Mary,  79. 

Allston,  Nancy,  81. 
Allston,     Mrs.     Rachel 

(Moore),  72. 
Allston,  Thomas,  79. 
Allston,  Dr.  William,  104. 
Alpress,  George,  29. 
Alpress,  Mrs.,  29,  30. 
Alston,  John,  1 19. 
Alston,  William,  119. 
Ancrum,  George,  40. 
Ancrum,  James  H.,  126. 
Ancrum,  John,  36. 
Anderson,  Dr.,  97. 
Anderson,  Mrs.,  97. 
Anderson,  Rachel,  34. 
Anderson,  Sally,  49. 
Andrews,  Mitchell,  128. 
Andrews,  Mrs.  Sarah,  128. 
Appleton,   Thomas,  127. 
Argyll,    John,    4th    Duke 

of,  23. 
Arms,  Sylvester,  113. 
Arnold,  Mrs.   Rosina,  89. 
Arthur,  Mrs.  Mary,  84. 
Ash,  Mrs.  Ann,  55. 
Ash,  Mrs.  Mary,  89. 
Ash,     Richard     Cochran, 

Ashby,  Anthony,  63,  84. 
Ashby,  Mrs.  Charlotte 

(Marion),  84. 
Ashe,  Hon.  John,  65. 
Ashe,  Major-General,  65. 
Ashe,  Samuel,  78. 

Atkin,  Lady  Anne  (Mac- 
kenzie),  26. 

Atkinson,  Joseph,  58. 

Attmore,  Elizabeth,  83. 

Attmore,  Ralph,  83. 

Augeton,  Elizabeth,  76. 

August,  John,  54. 

Austen,  Mrs.  Elizabeth, 

Austen,  Jane  Stent,   116. 

Avery,  Isabella,    118. 

Axson,  Elizabeth,  66. 

Axson,  Jacob,  103. 

Axson,  Thomas,  66. 

Azuby,  Rev.  Abraham,  92, 
93,  no,  125. 

Bacot,  Peter,  27. 

Baddeley,  Col.  John,  72. 

Badger,  James,  86. 

Baird,  Capt.  James,  117. 

Baker,  Harriet,  71. 

Baker,  John,  33,  87. 

Baker,  Mary,  59. 

Baker,  Richard  Bohun,  71. 

Baker,  Sally,  35. 

Baker,  Susannah,  87. 

Baker,  Thomas,  108. 

Baker,  William,  25. 

Balden,  Rev.  Mr.,  126. 

Ball,  Archibald  Scott,  104. 

Ball,  Mrs.  Charity,  57. 

Ball,  Elias,  47. 

Ball,  Elizabeth,  27. 

Ball,  John  Coming,  27,  53. 

Ball,  Joseph,  Jr.,  84. 
Ball,  Katharine,  53. 
Ball,  Lydia,  47. 
Ball,  William,  58. 
Ballantine,  James,  48. 
Bampfield,  Elizabeth,  67. 
Bampfield,    William,  67. 
Bannatyne,  Thomas,  121. 
Bannister,  Ann,  77. 
Barksdale,  George,  55. 
Barksdale,  Polly,  55. 
Barnes,  Miss,  35. 
Barnwell,  John,  43. 
Barnwell,  John,  Jr.  (1748- 

1799),  62. 
Barnwell,  Martha,  43. 
Baron,    Rev.     Alexander, 

Baron,  Dr.  Alexander,  52. 
Baron,  Mrs.  Anne,  34. 
Barton,  Eliza,  98. 
Basset,  Rev.  Nathan,  5,  9. 
Basset,  Mrs.,  9. 
Baugniet,  Charles,  108. 
Baynard,  Thomas,  69. 
Beal,  Nathan,  128. 
Beard,  Robert,  34,  94. 
Bedon,  John,  Jr.,  6. 
Bedon,  Stephen,   Jr.,  8. 
Bee,  Ann,  103. 
Bee,  Col.  John,  20. 
Bee,  John  S.,  93. 
Bee,  Joseph,  65,  103. 
Bee,  Rachel,  83. 


Bee,  Rebecca,  20. 
Bee,  Thomas,  21,  85. 
Beekman,  Barnard,  40. 
Begelow,  Martha,  125. 
Bell,  Alexander,  81. 
Bell,  Andrew,  34. 
Bell,  Capt.  Joseph,  82. 
Bell,  Joseph  D.  103. 
Bellamy,  Sally,  5. 
Bellinger,   Edmund   (3d), 

3i.  38. 
Bellinger,  Edmund  (4th), 

Bellinger,  Eliza,  38. 
Bellinger,  Lucia,  dau.   3d 

Edmund,  3  t, 
Bellinger,  Lucia,  dau.  4th 

Edmund,  93. 
Bellinger,  William,  66. 
Bennett,  Thomas,  Jr.,  119. 
Bentham,  Harriet  Sophia, 


Bentham,  James,  53,  88- 

89,  115. 
Bentham,  Mary,  88. 
Beresford,  Elizabeth,    44. 
Beresford,  Richard,  44. 
Berwick,  John,  55. 
Besselleu,  Johanna,  107. 
Best,  Rev.  Dr.,  109,  127. 
Beswicke,  John,  8. 
Bethune,  Angus,  116. 
Betsey,  the,  79. 
Beyerly,  Wilhelmina,  108. 

Bickley,  Lucy,  122-123. 
Bignell,  Mrs.,  91. 
Bisset,  Miss,  82. 
Bize,  Daniel,  100. 
Black,  Elizabeth,  71. 
Black,  James,  71. 
Blackwell,  Rev.  Dr.,  108. 
Blackwood,  Thomas,  121. 
Bladen,  Rev.  Thomas  D., 

120,  124. 
Blake,  Anne,  22. 
Blake,    Daniel    (1731- 

1780),  20. 
Blake,  Daniel  (1 775— 

1834),  104. 
Blake,  Edward,  59,  71. 
Blake,  Polly,  59. 
Blake,  William,  20. 
Blakey,  George,  34. 
Blewer,  Capt.,  51. 
Boden,  Nicholas,  63. 
Bogle,     Capt.     Jonathan, 

Boillat,  Peter,  71. 
Bommer,  Jacob,  62. 
Bommer,  Miss,  62. 
Bond,  Catharine,  20. 
Bond,  Jacob,  20. 
Bond,  Mary  (1759),  20. 
Bond,  Mary  (1783),  64. 
Bond,  Thomas,  64. 
Bonneau,  Floride,  86. 
Bonneau,  Mrs.  Jane,  80. 
Bonneau,  Josiah,  58,  80. 


Bonneau,  Samuel,  86. 

Bonner,  Mrs.,  82. 

Bonner,  Margaret,  117. 

Bonnesons,  Jacques  Phil- 
ippe de,  78. 

Bonsall,  Samuel,  67. 

Boomer,  John,  58. 

Boone,  Rebecca,  16. 

Booner,  Mrs.  Arabella,  87. 

Booth,  Catharine,  119. 

Boquet,  Rachel,  61. 

Bosomworth,  Abraham, 

Bounetheau,  Gabriel 
Manigault,  101. 

Bourdeaux,  Daniel,  41, 

Bourquin,  Elizabeth,  48. 

Bouysson,  Peter,  103. 

Bouysson,  Rosina,  103. 

Bowles,  Tobias,  90. 

Bowman,  James,  81. 

Bowman,  Zachariah,   123. 

Boy,  John,  72. 

Boyd,  Mrs.  Anne,  33. 

Boyd,  Elizabeth,  82. 

Boyd,  Capt.  Robert,  ^,^. 

Boyden,  Daniel,  95. 

Boyle,  Daniel,  1 12. 

Boylston,  Nicholas,  88. 

Bradley,  Mary,  101. 

Bradwell,  John,  60. 

Brailsford,  John,  40. 

Brailsford,  Joseph,  29. 

Brailsford,  Morton,  17. 

Brailsford,  Sarah,  29. 
Brailsford,  William,  85. 
Branford,  Elizabeth,  44. 
Branford,  Thomas,  49. 
Branford,  William,  15,44, 

Brett,  Elizabeth,  72. 
Brewton,  Frances,  16. 
Brewton,  John,  45,  69. 
Brewton,    Mary,    dau.    of 

Miles  (1675-1 745),  6. 
Brewton,     Mrs.     Mary, 

(Weyman),  68. 
Brewton,  Col.  Miles(i675- 

1745).  8. 
Brewton,    Miles    (1  73  1- 

1775),  21. 
Bride,  John,  1  21. 
Brinley,  Mrs.  Mary,  99. 
Brinley,  Stephen,  99. 
Brisbane,  Catharine,  23. 
Brisbane,  James,  49. 
Brisbane,  Mrs.,  54. 
Brisbane,  Dr.  William,  23, 

Brisbane,  William,  89. 
Brisbane,  William  S.,  90. 
Britton,Mrs.  Elizabeth, 79. 
Britton,  Henry,  79. 
Bromly,  Elizabeth,  73. 
Brooks,  Hetty,  109. 
Broughton,  Charlotte,  44. 
Broughton,  Christiana,  4. 
Broughton,  Johannah,  4. 


Broughton,    Mary    Eliza, 

Broughton,    Nathaniel 

(2d.),  44- 
Broughton,    Mrs.    Sarah, 


Broughton,    Mrs.    Susan- 
nah, 65. 

Broughton,  Hon.  Thomas, 


Broughton,  Thomas  (2d.), 

son  of    Hon.    Thomas, 

10,  23. 
Broughton,    Thomas,   Jr., 

grandson  of    Hon. 

Thomas,  65. 
Broughton's  Bastion,  50. 
Broun,  Anne,  53. 
Broun,  Margaret,  31. 
Broun,  Dr.  Robert,  31,  53. 
Brower,  Jeremiah,  58. 
Brown,  Mrs.  Ann,  126. 
Brown,  Ann  Goodby,  1 13. 
Brown,   Charles,  65,    102, 

Brown,  Fanny,  45. 
Brown,  George,  97. 
Brown,  John,  45. 
Brown,  Joseph,  45. 
Brown,   Joseph,     Son     of 

above,  72,  89. 
Brown,  Martha,  85. 
Brown,  Robert,  103. 
Brown,  Capt.  Wm.  3.,  1 1 7. 

Bruce,  David,  28. 

Bruce,  Mrs.  Susannah, 

Brunet,  Joseph,  105. 

Brunson,  John,  107. 

Bryan,  Arthur,  96. 

Bryan,  James,  49. 

Bryan,  John,  61. 

Bryan,  Mrs.  Susannah, 

Buchanan,  Sally,  48. 

Budd,  Hetty,  68. 

Budd,  Dr.  John,  68. 

Buist,  Rev.  Dr.  George, 
97,  98,  99,  103,  104,  105 
(2),  107,  109,  110(2), 
in  (2),  115,  117  (2), 
1 18,  1 19,  121,   123,   125. 

Bull,  John,  35,  39. 

Bull,  Mrs.  Judith  (May- 
rant),  15. 

Bull,  Stephen,   27,  49. 

Bull,  Thomas,  46. 

Bulline,  John,  63. 

Bulline,  Mary,  63. 

Bulline,  Susannah,  50. 

Bulline,  Thomas,  50. 

Bunce,  Capt.  Jared,  128. 

Bunch,  Mrs.  Sarah,  49. 

Bunch,  Thomas,  49. 

Burchell,  Lois,  117. 

Burchell,  Thomas,  117. 

Burkhard,  John,  70. 

Burn,  Hon.  John,  34. 


Burr,  Thaddeus,  61. 
Burrington,  Thomas,  15. 
Burrough,  Amy  Whipple, 

Burrows,  Polly,  58. 
Burrows,  William,  58,  64. 
Burrows,    William    (2d.). 

Burt,  Emily,  91. 
Burton,  Col.,  24. 
Burton,  Capt.  Isaac,  59. 
Burton,  John,  1 1  7. 
Butler,  Anthony,  99. 
Butler,  Mrs.  Elizabeth,  81. 
Butler,  Major  Pierce,  45, 

Butler,  Polly,  32. 
Butler,  Sarah,  108. 
Butler,  William,  32. 
Byers,  Elizabeth,  107. 
Bynum,  Turner,  98. 
Bythewood,   Thomas,  89. 

Calder,  John,  69. 
Calder,  Sally,  69. 
Calhoun,  Henry,  93. 
Calhoun,  John,  121, 
Camden  (Pine  Tree  Hill), 

Cameron,  Elizabeth,  88. 
Cameron,  Mrs.  Mary,  78. 
Campbell,  Capt.  Hugh,  12. 
Campbell,   Right  Hon. 

Lord  William,  23. 

Campbell,  Lieut,  f8. 
Cannon,  Daniel,  47. 
Cannon,  Sally,  47. 
Cantey,  Mrs.  Elizabeth  B., 

Cantey,  James,  1 16. 
Cantey,  Capt.  John,  40. 
Cantey,  John,    1  23. 
Cantey,  Mary,  40. 
Cantey,  Polly,  123. 
Cape,  Brian,  42. 
Cape,  John,  92. 
Capers,  Charles,  75. 
Capers,  Elizabeth,  75. 
Capers,  William,  64. 
Carew,  Eleanor,  115. 
Carne,  Dr.  Samuel,  20. 
Carr,  Jennet,  100. 
Carrere,  Charles,  96. 
Carroll,  Bishop,  121. 
Carroll,  Miss,  122. 
Carroll,  Hon.   Charles,  of 

Carrollton,  122. 
Carroll,  Henrietta,  30. 
Carsan,  Archibald,  68. 
Carsan,  William,  41. 
Carson,  James,  92. 
Cart,  John,  74. 
Cartwright,  Mary,  16. 
Casey,  Benjamin,  102. 
"  Castle  Braun,"  38. 
Cattell,  Anne,  5. 
Cattell,  Benjamin,  50. 
Cattell,  John,  54. 

1 36 

Cattell,   Mrs.  Mary   (Mc- 
Cain, 66. 
Cattell,  Sarah,  54. 
Cattell,  William,  5. 
Cattell,  William,   Jr.,   11, 

Chalker,  Capt.  Jabez,  63. 
Chalmers,      Mrs.    Ann 

Brown,  99. 
Chalmers,  Dr.    Lionel,  30, 

72,  73- 
Chalmers,  Nancy,  73. 
Chalmers,  Sarah,  72. 
Champneys,  John,  21. 
Champneysjohn  (2d.),  25. 
Champneys,    Mrs.    Sarah, 

Chanler,  Rev.  Isaac,  41  (2). 
Chanler,    Dr.    Isaac,     46, 

Chanler,  Miss,  41. 
Chanler,  Susannah,  41. 
Chapman,  Mary,  120. 
Chardon,  Isaac,  6. 
Charles,  Mary,  107. 
Chichester,  Dr.  88. 
Chiffelle,  Christiana,  36. 
Chiffelle,  Rev.  Henry,  36. 
Child,  Mary,  14. 
Chinners,  John  Sandiford, 

Chisman,  Capt,  17. 
Chisolm,   Alexander,   Sr., 


Chisolm,    Alexander,   Jr., 

Chisolm,  Christiana,  30. 
Chitty,  Sarah,  102. 
Chitty,  William,  88. 
Chopard,  Ann,  44. 
Chopard,  Daniel,  44. 
Chovin,  Alexander,  51. 
Christie,  Betsy,  52. 
Christie,  James,  37. 
Clapp,  Mary,  10. 
Clark,  Mrs.  Alice,  108. 
Clark,  Ann,  76. 
Clark,  Durie,  108. 
Clark,  Jane,  113. 
Clark,   Capt.  Joshua,  115. 
Clark,  Mrs.  Margaret,  95. 
Clarke,  Archibald  C,  83. 
Clarkson,  Mrs.  Mary  M., 

Cleator,    Mrs.    Elizabeth, 

Cleator,  John,  58. 
Cleiland,  Elizabeth,  59. 
Cleiland,  Dr.  John,  52,  59. 
Cleiland,  Sally,  52. 
Cleiland,  Dr.  William,  5. 
Cleiland,  William,  78,  81. 
Cleland,  Hon.  John,  14. 
Cleland,  Nancy,  14. 
Clement,  Eleanor,  114. 
Clement,  John,  114. 
Clement,  William,  100. 
Clifford,  Elizabeth,  40. 


Clifford.  Thomas,  40. 
Clime,  Martin,  84. 
Clinton,    His    Excellency 

George,  87. 
Clinton,  Miss,  87. 
Coachman,  James,  53. 
Coachman,  Thomas,  96. 
Cobley,  Jemmitt,  1  r. 
Coburn,  John,  1 10. 
Coburn,  Mary,  1 18. 
Coburn,  Priscilla,  91. 
Cochran,  Catherine,  97. 
Cochran,  Dr.  John,  31. 
Cochran,  Mrs.    Margaret, 


Cochran,    Capt.     Robert, 

Cochran,  Thomas,  Jr.,  102. 
Cogdell,  Capt.  George,  62. 
Cohen,  Cornelia,  102. 
Colclough,  Col,  127. 
Colcock,  John,  2,7- 
Cole,  Ann,  88. 
Cole,  Richard,  62. 
Colhoun,     Hon.     John 

Ewing,  86. 
Colles,  Elizabeth,  38. 
Colles,  Mary,  34. 
Colles,  Robert,  38. 
Collins,  Daniel,  120. 
Collins,    Capt.    Israel    G., 

Combs,  Thomas,  44. 
Comett,  Capt.  Peter,  10. 

Compton,  Ann,  63. 
Compty,  Maj.  John,  74. 
Constant,  Friend,  the,  31. 
Cook,  George,  62. 
Cook,  James,  t,j. 
Cook,  Capt.  John,  54. 
Cook,  Mrs.  Mary,  89. 
Cook,  Polly,  54. 
Cook,  Rev.  Dr.,  116,  117. 
Cooper,    Elizabeth,  24-5. 
Cooper,  Thomas,  25. 
Corbett,  Thomas,  39. 
Cordes,  Catharine,  30. 
Cordes,  Esther,  1 1. 
Cordes,  John,  30. 
Cordes,  Thomas,  72. 
Corker,  Thomas,  96. 
Cossens,  Edmund,  57. 
Coslett,    Hon.   Charles 

Mathews,  51. 
Coste,  Rev.  Mr.,  89,  90,  94. 
Counts,  Felix,  106. 
Cox,  John,  87. 
Cox,  John  C.  W.,  114. 
Cox,  Joseph,  69. 
Cox,  Polly,  69. 
Crafts,  William,  84. 
Crawford,  Ann,  106. 
Crawford,  Daniel,    12,   22 


Crawford,  David,  12. 
Crawford,  Helen,  22. 
Crawford,    Mrs.  Mary 
(Holland),  22. 


Crawford,  Mr.,  5. 
Creighton,  John,  57. 
Creighton,     Mrs.     Leslie, 

Creighton,  William,  63. 

Cripps,  Mrs.  Mary,  30. 

Cripps,  William,  30. 

Croft,  George,  28. 

Cromartie,     George,     3d. 

Earl  of,  22,  26. 
Cromwell,  Oliver,  54,  94. 
Cross,    Sarah    Susannah, 

Crosthwate,   Mrs.,   Sarah, 

Crosthwate,    William 

Ward,  56. 
Crouch,  Henry,  46. 
Cruger,  David,  85. 
Cruger,  Nicholas,  Jr.,  99. 
Culliatt,  Adam,  68. 
Culliatt,  Mary,  68. 
Cumming,  Andrew,  59,  96. 
Cumming,  Helen,  96. 
Cummings,  John,  124. 
Cunningham,  Andrew,  31. 
Cunningham,     Charles, 

1 13- 

Cusack,  Capt.  James,  53. 
Cusack,  Mrs.,  74. 

Dale,  Dr.  Thomas,  6. 
Dandridge,  Mrs.  Frances, 

Dandridge,  William,  42. 
Daniell,  Adam,  22,  72. 
Daniell,  Elizabeth,  61. 
Daniell,  Frances,  72. 
Daniell,  John,  6. 
Daniell,  John  (2d.;, 36. 
Daniell,  Capt.  John,  24. 
Daniell,  Polly,  91. 
Daniell,  Robert,  61. 
Daquilar,  Sarah,  1 10. 
Darby,  James,  53. 
Darby,  Robert  A.,  no. 
Darby,  William,  97. 
Darrell,     Capt.     Edward, 

Darrell,    Capt.    Nicholas, 

Dart,  Anne,  62. 
Dart,  Benjamin,  46. 
Dart,  Hannah,  46. 
Dart,  Isaac  Motte,  104. 
Dart,  John,  9,  10,  27. 
Dart,  John,  Jr.,  51. 
Davidson,  Gilbert,  116. 
Davidson,  James,  113. 
Davidson,  Susannah,  122. 
Davis,  Margaret,  114. 
Dawson,  Barbara,  122. 
Dawson,  Hamilton,  60. 
Dawson,  Mary,  83. 
Dawson,  Rev.  Mr.,  60. 
Deas,  David,  14. 
Deas,  David  (3d.),  no. 
Deas,  John,  20,  53. 


Deas,  John,  Jr.,  95. 

Deas,  Mrs.,  95. 

Deas,  Polly,  53. 

De   Berniere,    Col.    John, 

De  Berniere,  Miss,  98. 
DeBow,  Dr.  William,  no. 
Deering,  Maria,  120. 
De  Grasse,  Adelle,  118. 
De  Grasse,  Count,  118. 
De  La  Howe,   Dr.  John, 

De  Lancey,  Peter,  44. 
Delatour,  Susan,  75. 
Delegall,  Catherine,  12. 
Delegall,  Maj.   Philip,  12. 
De  Liesseline,  Francis,  81. 
Dener,  George,  107. 
Dennison,    Capt.    James, 

Denoon,  Anne,  1 17. 
De  Pass,  Hannah,  92. 
De  Pass,  Ralph,  92. 
Dering,  Cholmondeley,  29 

(William),  30. 
DeSaussure,  Hon.  Daniel, 


De  Saussure,  Henry  Wil- 
liam, 79. 

Des  Molleres,  Gabriel, 
Francemir  Germaine 
Richomme,  93. 

De  Treville,  Harriot  L., 

De    Treville,   Capt.   John 

L.,  116. 
De    Treville,    Robert,  L., 

De  Veaux,  Hannah,  78. 
De  Veaux,  Mary,  89. 
Deverge,  Madame,  90. 
Dewar,  Charles,  60,  66. 
Dewar,  Polly,  60. 
Dewar,  Sarah,  66. 
Dewick,  Dr.,  34. 
Dewick,  Hannah,  34. 
d'Harriette,  Benjamin,  39. 
Dickey,  Sarah,  1 13. 
Dickinson,  Mary  Ann,  1 28. 
Dillon,  Robert,  36. 
Dixon,  Sterling,  124. 
Dobel,  Sarah,  123. 
Dodd,  John,  57. 
Dodd,  Mary  Ann,  57. 
Dolliver,  Capt.  Henry,  97. 
Donavon,  Sally,  57. 
Dorrell,    Mrs.    Frances 

(Rivers),  82. 
Dorrell,   Maj.  Joseph,  82. 
Dott,  David,  35. 
Doughty,  Polly,  t>7- 
Doughty,  Rebecca    C, 

Doughty,  Thomas,  ^7. 
Doughty,    Thomas    (2d.), 

Doughty,  William,  42,  65, 


Douglas,  Alexander,    115.! 

Douxsaint,  Catharine,  27. 

Douxsaint,  Jane,  37. 

Douxsaint,  Paul,  37. 

Doyley,  Daniel,  60. 

Doyley,  Daniel  (2d.),  66. 

Doyley,  Nancy,  60. 

Drayton,  Dr.  Charles,  56. 

Drayton,  Hon.  John,  16, 
26,  56,  60,  90. 

Drayton,  John,  grandson 
of  above,  88. 

Drayton,  Mary,  dau. 
of  Thomas,  16. 

Drayton,  Right  Hon. 
Lady  Mary  (Macken- 
zie), dau.  of  George,  3d. 
Earl  of  Cromartie,  22. 

Drayton,  Miss,  90 

Drayton,  Thomas,   16,  22, 

Drayton,  William  Henry, 

Drummond,   James,  105. 

Dry,  Dorothy,  12. 

Dry,  Sarah,  62. 

Dry,  William,  9,  62. 

Dryden,  Mrs.  Eleanor,  28. 

Dubbert,     Elizabeth     R., 

Dubbert,  Rev.  Mr.,  in. 
Duboise,  David,  65. 
Duboise,  Mrs.   Susannah, 

65.  .     ' 

Du  Bose,    Catherine,  97. 

Du  Bose,  David,  104. 
Du  Bose,  Capt.  Isaac,  97. 
Du  Bose,  Joseph,  no. 
Du  Bose,  Samuel,  127. 
Duche,  Benjamin,  68. 
Duffus,  John,   109. 
Duke,  Benjamin,  70. 
Duke,  Elizabeth,  68. 
Dulles,  Joseph,  75. 
Dunbar,    Capt.    Thomas, 

Dunbar,  William,  102. 
Dunham,  John  M.,  91. 
Dunscomb,   Charlotte, 

Du  Pre,  Cornelius,  73. 
Dupont,   Jane    Elizabeth, 

Dupont,  John,  71. 
Dutarque,  John,  27,  46. 
Dutarque,  John  (2d.)  58. 
Dutarque,  Martha,  46. 
Dutarque,  Mary,  27. 
Dwight,  Rev.    Daniel,    4, 

Easter,  Mary,    123. 
Easton,  Nancy,   72. 
Easton,  Walter,   72. 
Eaton,  Anne,  39. 
Eberson,  Susannah,  58. 
Edgar,  Mrs.  Peggy,  7. 
Edmonds,  Rev.  Mr.,  23. 
Edwards,  Catharine,  65. 


Edwards,  Elizabeth,  65. 
Edwards,  John,  55,  65  (2). 
Edwards,  John,  Jr.,  55. 
Elder,  Dr.  Thomas,  53. 
Elliot,  Rev.  Mr.,  61. 
Elliott,   Artemas,   23,    25, 


Elliott,  Barnard,  26. 

Elliott,  Charlotte,  25. 

Elliott,  Mrs.  Claudia,  20. 

Elliott,  Joseph,  23,  54. 

Elliott,  Mrs.  Katharine 
(Brisbane),  54. 

Elliott,  Margaret,  53. 

Elliott,  Mrs.  Mary,  mar- 
ried Edward  Gough  in 
1742,  7. 

Elliott,  Mrs.  Mary,  mar- 
ried Culcheth  Golightly 
in  1746,  10. 

Elliott,  Mary,  dau.  of  Ar- 
temas, 23. 

Elliott,  Mary,  sister  of 
Barnard,  26. 

Elliott,  Mary,  dau.  of 
Thomas,  of  Wappoo,  40. 

Elliott,  Sabina,  51. 

Elliott,  Sarah,  21. 

Elliott,  Thomas,  Sr.,  of 
Stono,  21. 

Elliott,  Thomas,  of  Wap- 
poo, 40. 

Elliott,  Thomas,  son  of 
Benjamin,  80. 

Elliott,  Capt.  Thomas 
Law,  20. 

Elliott,  William,  Sr.,  51. 

Ellis,  Richard,  of  Beau- 
fort, 67,  116. 

Ellis,  Richard,  of  Charles- 
ton, 77.^ 

Ellis,  Sabina,  59. 

Ellis,  Sarah,  1 16. 

Ellis,  William,  59. 

Elms,  William,  69. 

English,  Joshua,  1 16. 

English,  Mary,  116. 

Ernst,  Elizabeth,  91. 

Escorte,  the,  27. 

Esmond,  George,  59. 

Esmond,   Mrs.    Margaret, 

Estel,  Boardman,  114. 
Evance,  Charlotte,  72. 
Evans,  Esther,  57. 
Evans,  George,  57,  71. 
Evans,  Margaret,  97. 
Evans,  Mary,  93. 
Eve,  Ann  Pritchard,  113. 
Eve,  Capt.  Oswald,  113. 
Eveleigh,  George,  52. 
Eveleigh,  Thomas,  52. 
Ewing,  Robert,  80. 

Faber,  Rev.  Dr.  J.  C,  101 

(2),  102  (2),  103,  105, 
107  (2),  109,  in  (2), 
112,  116,  117,  118,   122. 


Faesch,  Arabella,  92. 
Fair,  Ann,  90. 
Fair,  William,  90. 
Fairchild,  Mrs.,  79. 
Farquhar,  John,  82. 
Farquhar,    Margaret    M., 

Farr,  John,  71. 
Farr,  Thomas,  Jr.,  21. 
Farr,  Thomas  (3d.),  54. 
Fatio,  Lewis,  125. 
Fatio,  Mary,  125. 
Fayssoux,  Dr.  Peter,  48. 
Fenton,  Miss,  24. 
Fenwicke,  Hon.   Edward, 

Fenwicke,  Harriet,  83. 
Fickland,  George,  71. 
Fickland,  Jane,  71. 
Fickling,  Samuel,  126. 
Field,  John,  70. 
Field,  Margaret,  70. 
Fields,  Sarah  (1784),  69. 
Fields,  Sarah  (1801),  124. 
Fitzpatrick,  Nicholas,  115. 
Flagg,  Dr.  Henry  Collins, 

Fleck,  Mrs.  Mary,  82. 
Fleming,  Beatrix,  89. 
Fleming,  Sally,  52. 
Fleming,  Thomas,  52. 
Flemming,   Elizabeth,  95. 
Flud,  Harriet,  86. 
Flud,  Col.  William,  86. 

Fly,  Polly,  30. 
Fogartie,  Esther,  66. 
Fogartie,  James,  97. 
Foissin,  Elias,  47. 
Foissin,  Elizabeth,  47. 
Foissin,  Mr.,  5. 
Foley,  Thomas,  27. 
Fontain,  Mrs.  Jane,  120. 
Ford,  Elizabeth  Nash,  97. 
Ford,  George,  67. 
Ford,  Miss,  79. 
Ford,  Mrs.,  39. 
Ford,  Timothy,  112. 
Forgatt,  Francis,  68. 
Forshaw,   Elizabeth,    104. 
Foster,  Robert,  126. 
Foster,  Thomas,  68. 
Fowler,  James,  19. 
Fowler,  Mrs.  Martha,  19. 
Frankland,  Thomas,  8. 
Fraser,  Alexander,  14,  18. 
Fraser,  Anne,  1 1. 
Fraser,  James,  125. 
Fraser,  John,  46. 
Fraser,  Mary,   125. 
Fraser,  Rev.  Mr.,  92. 
Fraser,  William,  66. 
Frederick,  Andrew,  85. 
Frederick,  Betsy,  50. 
Frederick,  Christiana,  85. 
Frederick,  Jeremiah,  51. 
Frederick,  Mrs.  Sarah,  74. 
Free-Mason,  the,  30. 
Friendship,  the,  58. 


Frierson,  Capt.  John,  jj. 

Fripp,  Paul,  Jr.,  64. 

Frost,  Rev.  Dr.  Thomas, 
94,  95,  96  (2),  97,  98, 
99,  101,  102  (3),  104, 
105(2),  107(3),  108(2), 

IO9  (2),  IIO,  III,  112, 
114  (2),  Il8,  I20  (2), 
125,    127. 

Fuller,  Elizabeth,  55. 
Fuller,  Thomas,  30,  55. 
Fuller,  Whitmarsh,  22. 
Furman,     Rev.     Richard, 
•    101,   in,    114  (2),    1 15, 

121  (2),  127. 
Furse,  James,  124. 

Gadsden,    Mrs.    Anne 

(Gascoigne),  31,  44. 
Gadsden,  Christopher,  n, 

19.  33-  65-. 
Gadsden,  Elizabeth,  33. 
Gadsden,  Philip,  65. 
Gadsden,  Thomas,    31, 

Gaillard,  Bartholomew, 

Gaillard,  Elizabeth,  80. 
Gaillard,  Lydia,   58. 
Gaillard,   Peyre,  102. 
Gaillard,  Theodore,   58. 
Gaillard,      Theodore,     of 

later  generation,  100. 
Galaway,  Mary,  89. 

Gallagher,  Rev.  Dr.,  100, 
105,  108,  1 15,    118,  126. 

Garden,  Rev.  Alexander 
(1686-1756),   15. 

Garden,  Benjamin,  27. 

Garden, Martha,  15. 

Gare,  Hortence  Frances, 

Gamier,  John,  85. 

Garvey,  James,  109. 

Gascoigne,    Admiral,  31. 

Gascoigne,  Anne,  31. 

Gazette,  changes  in  the, 
mentioned,  3-4,  6,  7  (2), 
9  (2),  10  (2),  11,  12  (3), 
13(2),  14,  15-16,  16,  17, 
18(2),  19(2),  26,  29,33, 
47  (2),  48,  5°.  52,  54, 
55,  56,  57-  59  (2),  60,  61 
(2),  62,  63,  69,  76,  87 
(2),  92,  94,  97,  128. 

Geiger,  Betsy,  81. 

Geiger,  John,  81. 

Genet,  Charles  Edmund, 

Gensel,  John,  108. 

George,  the,  56. 

Geyer,  John,  67. 

Gibbes,  Alice,  47. 

Gibbes,  Anne,  33. 

Gibbes,  Benjamin,  81. 

Gibbes,  Culcheth,  38. 

Gibbes,  Col.  John  (1696- 
1764),  8. 


Gibbes,  John,  74. 
Gibbes,  Maria  Ann,  1 1 
Gibbes,     Mary,     dau.     of 

Culcheth,  38. 
Gibbes,     Mary,    dau.     of 

William  (1 723-1 780X69. 
Gibbes,  Mrs.,  20. 
Gibbes,     Robert     (1718— 

Gibbes,      Robert    (1732- 

.1794).  n8. 
Gibbes,  Robert  R.,  101. 
Gibbes,  Sarah  R.,  118. 
Gibbes,    William    (1723- 

1780).  33,  69. 
Gibbes,  William  (Married 

!796).  93- 
Gibson,  Elizabeth,  43. 
Gibson,  Rowland,  43. 
Gibson,  Thomas,  101. 
Gibson,  William,  125. 
Gilbroy,  John,  82. 
Gilbroy,  Margaret,  82. 
Gilchrist,  Adam,  68. 
Gilchrist,    Mrs.    Dorothy, 

Gilchrist,  Malcolm,  98. 
Giles,  Elizabeth,  84. 
Giles,  John,  84 
Gillen,  Archibald,  113. 
Gillespie,  David,  42. 
Gillideau,  Mary,  74. 
Gillison,  Anna  Maria,  120. 
Gillison,  Derry,  120. 

Gillman,  Louisa,  126. 

Gillon,  Capt.  (subse- 
quently Commodore) 
Alexander,  30. 

Ginness,  Ann,  93. 

Gist,  Joseph,  118. 

Gist,  Gen.  Mordecai,  66. 

Given,  Agnes,  68. 

Given,  John,  68. 

Givens,  Mrs.  Elizabeth, 

Givens,  John,  117. 

Gladding,  Joseph,  119. 

Glen,  Charlotte,  34. 

Glen,  Governor  James, 

Glen,  Miss,  16. 

Glen,  William,  34. 

Glen,  William,  Jr.,  42. 

Glew,  Eliza,  96. 

Glover,  Col.  Joseph,  67. 

Glover,  Joseph,  son  of 
Col.  Joseph,  67. 

Glover,  Miss,  82. 

Glover,  Moses,  99. 

Glover,  Sanders,  68. 

Glover,  Wilson  (William), 

Glover,  Mrs.  Wilson,  43. 
Godard,  Rene,  90. 
Godfrey,  Ann,  112. 
Godfrey,  Jane,  11. 
Godin,  Amelia,  27. 
Godin,  Benjamin,  28. 


Godin,    Elizabeth    Sarah, 

Godin,  Isaac,  79. 
Godwin,  Mr.,  76. 
Golden,  Ann,  72. 
Golden,  Mr.,  72. 
Golightly,    Culcheth,     10, 

21,  33- 
Golightly,  Dorothy,  26. 
Golightly,  Mary,  33. 
Golightly,  Mrs.,  21. 
Goodman,  Nancy,  123. 
Goodwin,  John,  9. 
Gordon,       Alexander 

("Sandy"),  24. 
Gordon,  Elizabeth,  45. 
Gordon,  Frances,  24. 
Gordon,    James,    26,     70, 

Gordon,  John,  32,  45. 
Gordon,  Nancy,  56. 
Gordon,  Thomas,  56. 
Gough,  Edward,  7. 
Gough,  Thomas,  63. 
Gourdin,  Theodore,  80. 
Gourlay,  Rev.  James,  93, 

in,  112  (2),  1 1  7,  120. 
Graeme,  David,  19. 
Graham,  Ann,  1 12. 
Graham,  Catharine,  103-4. 
Graham,  Elizabeth,  74. 
Graham,  James,  33. 
Graham,  Rev.  William  E., 

104,  1 12. 

Grant,  Hary,  90. 
Grant,  Col.  James,  30. 
Grant,  John,  78. 
Graves,  Elizabeth,  45. 
Graves,  Patsey,  106. 
Gray,    Mrs.   Margaret, 

Gray,  Margaret,  107. 
Gray,  Martha,  48. 
Grayson,  Elizabeth,  81. 
Grayson,  John,  81. 
Green,  James  C,  94. 
Green,  Margaret,  81. 
Green,  Samuel,  41. 
Greenage.  Mary,  88. 
Greene,  Daniel  John,  67, 

Greene,  Elizabeth,  67. 
Greene,  Polly,  75. 
Greenhow,  Anne,  25. 
Greenland,    Samuel      A., 

Greg,  John,  40. 
Gregory,  James,  Jr.,  118. 
Grier,  Joseph,  79. 
Grier,  Rebecca,  79. 
Griffin,  Lewis,  122. 
Griffin,  William,  73. 
Griffith,  Edward,  34. 
Griggs,  John,  66. 
Grimball,  Thomas,  28. 
Grimke,  Anna,  51. 
Grimke,  Elizabeth,  24. 
Grimke,  Frederick,  24. 


Grimke,  John  Faucheraud, 

Grimke,  John  Paul,  51. 
Grimke,  Mary,  18. 
Grochan,  John,  1 18. 
Guerard,  Benjamin,  30,  83. 
Guerard,  David,  34,  43. 
Guerard,  Godin,  40. 
Guerard,  Hon.  John,  40. 
Guerard,  Robert,  116. 
Guerin,  Elizabeth,  85. 
Guerin,  Henrietta,  114. 
Guerin,  Mathurin,  55. 
Guerin,  Miss,  20. 
Guerin,  Susannah,  74. 
Guerin,  William,  26. 
Guignard,  Anne,  36. 
Guignard,  Gabriel,  36. 
Guignard,  James  S.,  116. 
Gulliatt,  Mrs.  Avey,  124. 
Gunter,  Edward,  48. 
Guy,  Rev.  William,  5,  7. 
Gyles,  Thomas,  103. 

Hackett,  Dr.  Michael,  28. 
Hagood,  Johnson,  89. 
Hahnbaum,  Dr.  Christian, 

Hahnbaum,     Mrs.     Eliza, 

Hahnbaum,     Dr.    G.     F., 

Hahnbaum,    Mrs.    Mary, 


Haig,  Elizabeth,  21. 

Haig,  George,  21 

Haig,  George  (2),  79. 

Haig,  Dr.  George,  39,  120. 

Haig,  Sarah,  120. 

Hall,  Anna,  102. 

Hall,  Col.  Arthur,  5. 

Hall,  Daniel,  59,  102  (2). 

Hall,  Eliza  M.,  102. 

Hall,  George  Abbott,  26, 

Hall,  John,  57. 

Hall,  Maria,  90. 

Hall,  Mary,  dau.  of  Col. 
Arthur,  5. 

Hall,  Polly,  dau.  of  Wil- 
liam (1  723-1 768),  64. 

Hall,  Susan  Mathewes, 

Hall,  Thomas,  80. 

Hall,  William  (1723- 
1768),  64. 

Halliday,  Ann,  115. 

Halliday,  Mrs.  Mary,  107. 

Haly,  Eleanor,  1 15. 

Haly,  Dr.  John,  23. 

Hambleton,  John,  87. 

Hamilton,   Lt.-Col.  John, 

Hamilton,      Marlborough 

S.,  89. 
Hamlin,  Thomas,  78. 
Hammet,     Rev.    William, 

92,  95  (2)- 


Hampton,  Col.  Wade,  86, 

Hanahan,  John,  Jr.,    112. 
Hancock,  Hon.  John,  61. 
Handy,  Thomas,  98. 
Happoldt,  John  G.,  91. 
Hargan,  Susannah,  75. 
Hargreaves,  Joshua,   115. 
Harleston,    John    (1708- 

1767).  39- 
Harleston,    John,    (1756- 

1 781),  61. 
Harleston,    Margaret,   39. 
Harper,  Arthur,  98. 
Harper,  Charlotte,  115. 
Harper,    Rev.    Dr.    John, 

98,    106,   107,   108,   119, 

Harper,  Lewis  F.,  1 26. 
Harper,     Hon.    Robert 

Goodloe,  121. 
Harramond,  Elizabeth,  27. 
Harris,  Charles,  52. 
Harriss,  Nathan,  79. 
Harriss,  Mrs.  Nathan,  79 
Harrys,  Elizabeth,  77. 
Hart,  Christopher,  74. 
Hart,  Capt.  John,  69. 
Hart,  Joshua,  62,  80. 
Hart,  Ritcey,  62. 
Hart,  Shankey,  80. 
Hartley,  Ann,  85. 
Hartley,  Charlotte,  53. 
Hartley,  Dr.  James,  75. 

Hartley,  Margaret,  71. 
Hartley,    Mrs.    Mary,    of 

Charleston,  73. 
Hartley,  Mrs.  Mary,  of  St. 

Paul's  Parish,  55. 
Hartley,  Thomas,    55,  71, 

Harvey,  Anne,  14. 
Harvey,   Capt.    Benjamin, 

Harvey,  James,  38. 
Harvey,  John,  32. 
Harvey,  Mary,  80. 
Harvey,  Maurice,  69. 
Harvey,  Nancy,  32. 
Harvey,  Polly,  47. 
Harvey,    Sarah,     dau.    of 

Maurice,  69. 
Harvey,  Sarah  (1 801),  125. 
Harvey,  William,  47. 
Hasell,  John,  120. 
Hasell,    Mary   (marries 
Christopher    Gadsden), 
Hasell,    Mary    (marries 

John  Ancrum),  36. 
Haslett,  John,  98. 
Hatfield,  John,  27,  75. 
Hatfield,  Margaret,  75. 
Haughton,  William,    no. 
Hayes,  John,  24. 
Hayes,  Mrs.  John,  24. 
Hayne,  Isaac,  29. 
Hayne,  William,  83. 


Hazzard,  Mrs.  Margaret, 

Hazzard,  William,  98. 
Heatley,  Sophia,  75. 
Heatley,  William,  75. 
Hendrick,  Dr.  Robert,  91. 
Hennington,  Betsy,  50. 
Henry,  Alexander,  95. 
Henry,  Julian,  118. 
Hepburn,  James,  99. 
Hepburn,  Mrs.  James,  99. 
Heriot,  George,  59. 
Heriot,  Robert,  22. 
Heriot,  Roger,  1 19. 
Heron,    Hon.     Benjamin, 

Herring,  Margaret,  106. 
Hetherington,    John,    25, 

Hetherington,  Mrs.  Mary 

(Miller),  42. 
Hewatt,  Andrew,  54. 
Hext,  Margaret,  9. 
Hext,  Mrs.  Mary,  10. 
Hext,  Capt.  William,  85. 
Hey  ward,  Mrs.  Ann  (Tre- 

zevant),  99. 
Heyward,  Col.  Daniel,  46, 

Heyward,  Daniel,  99. 
Heyward,  Maria,  85. 
Heyward,  Thomas,  Jr.,  53, 

Hibben,  Hannah,  95. 

Hickling,  Ephriam,  58. 

Hickling,  Miss,  58. 

Higgin,  Mrs. Elizabeth, 94. 

Higgins,  Capt.  George,  37. 

Higgins,  Mrs.  Rachel,  70. 

Higgins,  Thomas,  70. 

Hill,  Acey,  122. 

Hill,  Capt.  81. 

Hill,  Charles,  11. 

Hill,  Charles  (2d.),  10. 

Hill,  Mrs.  Elizabeth,  11. 

Hill,  Capt.  Francis,  79. 

Hill,  Mary,  8. 

Hill,  Mrs.  Sarah,  79. 

Hill,  Rev.  Thomas,  78. 

Hillard,  Oliver,  106. 

Hinton,  James,  1 14. 

Hislop,  Jane,  96. 

Hogg,  Alexander,    54. 

Holland,   Elizabeth,  12. 

Holland,  John,  86. 

Holland,  Polly,  12. 

Holliday,  Mrs.,  50 

Hollingshead,  Rev.  Dr., 
93  (2),  96,  100,  102  (2), 
103  (2),  105,  106,  107 
(2),  108,  115,  118,  121, 
124,  125  (2),  126,  128. 

Hollybush,  Miss,  23. 

Holmes,  Andrew,  107. 

Holmes,  Anne,  9. 

Holmes,  Elizabeth,    21. 

Holmes,    Mrs.      Frances, 


Holmes,  Francis,  a  I, 

Holmes,  Hon.    Isaac,  21. 

Holmes,  Isaac  (2d.),  20. 

Holmes,  John  Bee,    65. 

Holmes,  Miss,  20. 

Holmes,  Mrs  Rebecca 
(Bee),  55. 

Holmes,  Susannah,    21. 

Holt,  Maj.  Samuel  Nel- 
son, 79. 

Homeyard,  Alice  Edith, 

Hopkins,  Samuel,  42 

Hopkins,  William,  43. 

Hopton,  Alice,   55. 

Hopton,  William,  55. 

Horry,  Daniel,   21,  35. 

Horry,   Elias,  Jr.,  44. 

Horry,  Thomas,  49. 

Hort,  William,  47 

Hosley,  John,  1 18. 

Houser,  John,  82. 

Howard,  Ann,  88. 

Howard,   Robert,  88. 

Howie,  Robert,  40. 

Hrabowski  Harriet,  92. 

Hubbard,  John,  109. 

Hubbard,  Mrs.  John,    109. 

Huff,  Sarah,  1 14. 

Huger,  Benjamin,   ^^>   51- 

Huger,   Daniel,  51. 

Huger,      Daniel     Elliott, 

1 13- 
Huger,  Gen.   Isaac,   72. 

Huger,  John,  31,  32,  74. 
Huggins,  Hannah,  94. 
Hughes,  Edward,  50. 
Hughes,  Greenberry,  76. 
Hughes,  John,  1 18. 
Huguenin,  Abram,  120. 
Hull,  Rev.  Dr.,  113. 
Hume,  John,  67 
Hume,  Robert,  38. 
Hume,     Mrs.     Susannah, 

Humphreys,  Mrs.,  125. 
Hunt,  Hannah,  1 10. 
Hunt,  Joseph,  48. 
Hunt,  Hon.  Robert,  49. 
Hunt,  Thomas,  103. 
Hunter,  John,  122. 
Hurst,  Mrs.  Elizabeth,  64. 
Hurst,  Herman,  64. 
Hutchinson,    George    H., 

84.   _ 
Hutchinson,  Capt.  Hughf 

Hutch  nson,  John,  76. 
Hutchinson,    John    Elias, 

Hutchinson,  Mary,  84. 
Hutson,  Anne,  62. 
Hutson,  Elizabeth,  29. 
Hutson,  Mary,  22. 
Hutson,  Rev.  William,  22, 

29,  62. 
Hutson,  William,  ill. 
Hyrne,  Henry,  21. 


Imrie,  John,  46,  59. 
Inglis,  Alexander,  53. 
Inglis,  Elizabeth,  24. 
Inglis,  George,  20,  24. 
I'On,  Mary  Ashby,  119. 
Irvin,  Ann,  79. 
Irvin,  Dr.  Mathew,  63. 
Isaacs,  Esther,  108. 
Isaacs,  Moses.  108. 
Izard,  Anne,  20. 
Izard,  Charles,  10. 
Izard,  Charlotte,  84. 
Izard,  Elizabeth,  39. 
Izard,  Henry,  91. 
Izard,  John,  39. 
Izard,  Joseph,  21. 
Izard,  Margaret,  77. 
Izard,   Mrs.  Mary  (Izard), 

Izard,  Polly,  21. 
Izard,  Ralph  (171 7-1 761), 
.    24. 
Izard,  Ralph  (1 742-1804), 

77.  91- 
Izard,  Ralph,  Jr.,  84. 
Izard,  Sarah,  24. 
Izard,  Walter,  20. 

Jackson,  Thomas,  68. 
Jackson,    Capt.    William, 

Jacobs,  Abraham,  80. 
J  affray,  James,  90. 
Jamieson,  James,  54. 

Jeanerette,  Betsy,  67. 

Jeanerette,  Capt.  John, 

Jenkins,  Betsy,  64. 

Jenkins,  Rev.  Edward,  D. 
D.,  95,  97,  99,  100,  101 
(2),  102  (2),  103,  106, 
109,  1 10,  112,  114  (2), 
115,  116  (2),  118,  120, 
122  (2),    123,    125,    126 

Jenkins,  Richard,  64. 

Jennings,  Daniel,  103. 

Jennings,  Elias,  108. 

Jennings,  Capt.  John,  27. 

Jennings,  Mary,  103. 

Jenys,  Mrs.  Elizabeth,  8. 

Jenys,  Paul,  8. 

John  Adams,  the  frigate, 

Johnson,  Andrew,  48. 

Johnson,  Ann,  109. 

Johnson,  Jane,  94. 

Johnson,  John,  94. 

Johnson,  Mary,  13. 

Johnson,  Governor  Rob- 
ert, 4,   13. 

Johnson,  Sarah,  94. 

Johnson,  William,  39,  94. 

Johnston,  Andrew,  53. 

Johnston,  Mrs.  Anne,   53. 

Johnston,  David,  114. 

Johnston,  Esther,  100. 

Johnston,  Robert,  100. 


ones,  Mrs.  Anne,  26. 
ones,  Charles,  Sr.,  44.. 
ones,  Henry  Charles,  88. 
ones,  John,  26. 
ones,   John   (1  749-1  779), 

ones,  Capt.  Joshua,  1 1  1. 
ones,  Mrs.  Mary,  7. 
ones,  Milicent,  37. 
ones,  Miss,  57. 
ones,  Samuel,  121. 
ones,  Susannah,  44. 
ones,  Thomas,  of  Charles 

Town,  29. 
ones,   Capt.   Thomas,   of 

the  Horse  Shoe,  57. 
ordain,  Michael,  1 13. 
oyner,  J.,  1 17. 
oyner,  Sarah  Oliver,  117. 
uhoan,  Maria,  90. 

Kahnle,  Harman,  87. 

Karwon,  Thomas  Crafton, 

Keal,  Marian,  83. 

Keeley,  Mrs.  Susannah, 

Keen,  Ann,  85. 

Keith,  Rev.  Dr.  Isaac 
Stockton,  94  (2),  95,  98 
(2),  105,  107,  112,  113, 
114,  115,  117,  119  (3), 
122,  125,  127  (2),  128. 

Kempton,  George,  99. 

Kennan,  Mary  Ann,  83. 
Kennedy,  Mrs.  Elizabeth, 

Kennedy,  Capt.  James,  73. 
Kensington,  51. 
Kerne,  Ann  Magdalen,  28. 
Kerrison,    Capt.    Samuel, 

Kershaw,  Ely,  40. 
Kershaw,  Sarah,  96. 
Kiernan,  George,  121. 
Kingston,  Simon,  75. 
Kinloch,  Cleland,  83. 
Kinloch,  Francis,  14,  51. 
Kinloch,  Francis  (2d.),  81. 
Kinloch,  Hon.  James,  14. 
Kinloch,  Polly,  51. 
Kirkland,  Ann,  128. 
Knox,  Robert,  85. 
Kreps,  Andrew,  79. 

Lacey,  Thomas,  1 1  2. 
Ladson,  Ann,  1 18. 
Ladson,  Eliza,  89. 
Ladson,  Maj.  James,    118. 
Ladson,  Robert,  52. 
Ladson,  Thomas,  75. 
Ladson,  Maj.  Thomas,  89. 
Laider,  William,  1 18. 
Lamboll,  Polly,  35. 
Lamboll,  Thomas,  7,  35. 
La  Motte,  Anthony,  32. 
la  Motte,  Rene  Douin  de, 


Lance,  Lambert,  25,  28, 

Lance,  Lucy,  25. 

Lane,  Hannah,  108. 

Lane,  Lydia,  98. 

Lane,  Robert,  98. 

Langstaff,  Benjamin,  88. 

Langstaff,  Miss,  82. 

La  Rush  (La  Roche?),  5. 

Latham,  Charity,  112. 

Latham,  Daniel,  112,127. 

Latham,  Eliza,  127. 

La  Tour,  Angelica,  33. 

Latta,  Rev.  James,  60. 

Laurens,  James,  22. 

Law,  John,  43. 

Law,  Lt.  Gov.,  of  Connec- 
ticut, 43. 

Lawrence,  Jonathan,  61. 

Lawrence,  Robert  D., 

Lawrence,  Samuel,  1 1  7. 

Lawton,  Bulah,  118. 

Leacroft,  John,  7*. 

Lee,  William  (1769),  38. 

Lee,  William  (1796),  92. 

Leefe,  Benjamin,  115. 

Legare,  Amy  (1767),  33. 

Legare,  Amy  (1784),  73. 

Legare,  Daniel,  Sr.,  36, 

Legare,  Daniel,  Jr.,  70,  "jt>- 

Legare,  Mrs.  Elizabeth, 

Legare,  Elizabeth,  dau.  of 
Daniel,  Sr.,  45. 

Legare,  Elizabeth,  dau.  of 
Nathan,  83. 

Legare,  Joseph,  121. 

Legare,  Mary,  dau.  of 
Daniel,  Sr ,  36. 

Legare,  Mary,  dau.  of 
Joseph,  121. 

Legare,  Nathan,  65,  83, 84. 

Legare,  Nathan,  son  of 
above,  84. 

Legare,  Rebecca,  70. 

Legare,  Sarah,  31. 

Legare,   Solomon,   80-81. 

Legare,  Thomas,  31,  33. 

Legate,  James,  68. 

Leger,  Elizabeth,  28. 

Leger,  Peter,  Jr.,  21. 

Leibert,  Ann,  97. 

Lempriere,  Ann,  25. 

Lempriere,  Capt.  Clem- 
ent, 25. 

Lennox,  James,  49. 

Lennox,  Katy,  49. 

Lenox,  William,  88. 

Lesesne,  Anne,  38. 

Lesesne,  Isaac,  38. 

Lesesne,  James,  41. 

Lesesne,  Susannah,  41. 

Lesesne,  Thomas,  82. 

Lesley,  William,  43. 

Leslie,  Mary,  no. 

Levy,  Samuel,  93. 


Lewis,  John,  101. 
Lewis,  Sarah,  57. 
Lewis,  Sedgwick,  57. 
Lewis,  Rev.  Stephen,  75. 
Lightwood,  Edward,  41. 
Limehouse,    Elizabeth, 

Lining,  Charles,  71. 

Lining,  Dr.  John,  81. 

Lining,  Sally,  81. 

Little,  Sally,  90. 

Livie,  Alexander,  18. 

Livingston,  Anne,  25. 

Livingston,  George,  25. 

Livingston,  Hannah,  100. 

Livingston,  Polly,  12. 

Lloyd,  Betsy,  60. 

Lloyd,  Capt.  John,  Com- 
mander of  Fort  John- 
son, 16,  41. 

Lloyd,  John,  merchant,  26. 

Lloyd,  Rebecca,  41. 

Lloyd,  Susannah,  82. 

Lloyd,  Thomas,  1 1. 

Lloyd,  William  (d.  before 
1775),  60. 

Lloyd,  William  (alive  in 
1786),  82. 

Logan,  John,  70. 

London,  John,  93. 

Longworth,  Archibald, 

Lord,  Andrew,  44. 

Lord,  John,  31. 

Lothrop,  Seth,  76. 
Love,  Capt.  Charles,  85. 
Lovedale,  John,  64. 
Lowndes,  Charles,  51. 
Lowndes,  Harriet,  72. 
Lowndes,  James,  101. 
Lowndes,  Rawlins,  16,  72. 
Lowndes,  Mrs.  Sarah,  51. 
Lowrey,    Sarah  Maxwell, 

Lushington,   Richard,  57. 
Lynch,  Elizabeth,  61. 
Lynch,  Sabina,  32. 
Lynch,    Thomas,    18,    32, 

Lynch,  Thomas,  Jr.,  48. 

Mackenzie,  John,  38. 
Mackey,   Capt.  John,  38. 
Mackey,    Polly,  38. 
Macpherson, James,  Jr.,  29. 
Macpherson,  Mrs.    Sarah, 

Magaw,  Anne,   35. 
Magaw,  Sarah,  46, 
Magee,  Samuel,  77. 
Maham,     Col.     Hezekiah, 

Maham,  Mary,  79. 
Maine,  Isabella,  12. 
Mair,  James,  1 12. 
Mair,  Patrick,  125. 
Mallery,  Sarah,  89. 
Maltby,  Elizabeth,  73, 


Maltby,  Rev.  Mr.,  jt>- 

Manger,   Miss,  93. 

Manigault,  Gabriel,  yj. 

Manigault,  Peter,  19,  77. 

Mann,  Mary,  77. 

Marbois,  Francis  Barbede, 

Marion,  Catherine,  77. 

Marion,  Charlotte,  63. 

Marion,  Gen.  Francis,  63, 

Marion,  James,  52. 

Marion,  Mrs.  Mary,  52. 

Marion,  Theodore  Sam- 
uel, 84. 

Marlen,  William  C,  114. 

Marlin,  Edward,  98. 

Marsden,  Mary,  28. 

Marsden,  Rufus,  28. 

Marshall,  Abraham,  86. 

Marshall,  Cornelia,  100. 

Marshall,  Mrs.  Jane,  86. 

Martin,  Edward,  23. 

Martin,  Mrs.  Elizabeth, 

Martin,  Rev.  John,  64. 

Martin,  John  Christian, 

Martin,  Mary,  84. 

Martin,  Susannah,  64. 

Martin,  Thomas,  86. 

Martin,  William,  106. 

Massey,  Benjamin,  6. 

Massey,  Mrs.  Elizabeth,  6. 

Mathewes,  Anne,  marries 
David  Graeme,  19. 

Mathewes,  Anne,  marries 
Godin  Guerard,  40. 

Mathewes,  Benjamin,  9. 

Mathewes,  Mrs.  Charlotte, 

Mathewes,  Rev.  Edmund, 
100,  104,  no,  113  (3), 
115,  116,  121,  123, 

Mathewes,  Mrs.  Elizabeth, 

Mathewes,   Elizabeth,  53. 
Mathewes,  James,  32,  38. 
Mathewes,   John,    26,   31, 

40,  53- 
Mathewes,    John,  son    of 

above  James,  32,  41. 
Mathewes,   John,    son    of 

the    above    John    (He 

adopted     the     spelling 

Mathews),  31. 
Mathewes,  Lois,  26. 
Mathewes,  Mary,  11. 
Mathewes,  Susannah,  59- 

Mathews,  Rev.  Philip,  118. 
Maxwell,  Sarah,  85. 
Maxwell,  William,  85. 
Maybank,  David,  18. 
Maybank,   Hester,  78,  81 
Maybank,  Joseph,  78,  81. 
Maybank,  Thomas,  1 10. 


Mayberry,  Eliza  Havvard, 

Mayers,  John,  44. 
Mayne,  Charles,  19. 
Mayrant,  John,  17. 
Mazyck,  Alexander,  44. 
Mazyck,  Benjamin,  28. 
Mazyck,  Catharine,  114. 
Mazyck,    Charlotte,    dau. 

of  Paul,  20. 
Mazyck,     Charlotte,    dau. 

of  Benjamin,  28. 
Mazyck,     Mary,    dau.     of 

Paul,  23. 
Mazyck,    Mary,    dau.      of 

William,  67. 
Mazyck,   Mary  Anne,  60. 
Mazyck,  Paul,  20,  23. 
Mazyck,  Paul  (2d.),  31. 
Mazyck,  Stephen,  72,  78. 
Mazyck,   Stephen,  jr.,  78. 
Mazyck,  William,   23,  67, 

McCall,  Ann,  109. 
McCall,  Hext,  i\. 
McCall,  James,  62. 
McCall,  John,  22. 
McCall,  John,  Jr.,  34,  109. 
McCall,  Polly,  50. 
McCall,  Sarah,  22. 
McCalla,  Rev.  Daniel,  95, 

1 10. 
McCalla,  Rev.  Daniel,  121. 
McCaully,  Sarah,  118. 

McClean,  John,  63. 

McClellan,  Moses,  123. 

McCollough,  John,  63. 

McCord,  Mrs.  Catharine, 

McCord,  William,  114. 

McCrady,  John,  94. 

McDaniel,  Sarah,  118. 

McDougal,  Mrs.  Mary, 

McDowell,  James,  97. 

McElhenney,  Rev.  James, 

McGiverin,  Mrs.  Eliza- 
beth, 125. 

McHeath,  James,  115. 

McHerron,  Ann,  115. 

Mclntire,  Capt.  Thomas, 

Mcintosh,  Lachlan,  29. 

Mclver,  Alexander,  yy. 

McKenzie,  George,  95. 

McKenzie,   Mrs.   George, 


McKewn,  Mrs.,  29. 
McKewn,  Robert,  39,  48. 
McKewn,  Sally  Elliott,  48. 
McKewn,  Susannah,  39. 
McKnight,  James,  68. 
McNabney,  Mrs.,  5. 
McNeil,  Mrs.  Martha,  74. 
McNeil,  Capt.  Ralph,   74. 
McNilago,  Alexander,  70. 
McPherson,  Isaac,  120. 


McPherson,  Sarah,  119. 
McQueen,  Alexander,  55. 
McQueen,  Anne,  32. 
McQueen,  John,  32. 
McRae,  Duncan,  78. 
McWhann,  William,  86. 
Mease,  Dr.  James,  108. 
Medel,  Jane,  94. 
Meggett,  Margaret,  73. 
Meggett,  William,  73. 
Mell,  Mary  Ann,  no. 
Mellichamp,  Catherine,  27. 
Mellichamp,  Patty,  48. 
Mellichamp,  Thomas,   27, 

Mercury,  H.  M.  S.,  the,  25. 
Messau,    Mrs.    Jane    Col- 

umbe,  105. 
Meyer,  Mrs.  Charlotte  D  , 

Meyers,  Mr.,  82 
Meyler,  Rev.  Dr.,  123. 
Michel,  M.,  89. 
Michie,  Alexander,  30. 
Michie,  Hon.  James,  19. 
Michie,  Kenneth,  9,  14. 
Michie,  Mrs.  Mary  (Clapp), 

Middleton,       Mrs.       Ann 

(Barnwell),  49. 
Middleton,  Anne  Louisa, 

Middleton,    Hon.    Arthur 
(1 742-1 787),  91,  99,  104 

Middleton,   Emma   Phila- 
delphia, 91. 
Middleton,  Henrietta,   56. 
Middleton,    Hon.    Henry 

(171 7-1 784),  56,  57- 
Middleton,  Hester,  56. 

Middleton,  Isabella  Jo- 
hannes, 113. 

Middleton,  Polly,  45. 

Middleton,  Sarah,  30. 

Middleton,  Septima  Sexta, 

Middleton,  Col.  Thomas 
(1  719-1  766),  24,  30,  45, 

Middleton,  Hon.  William 
(1710-1785),  12. 

Miles,  Edward,  30. 

Miles,  Mrs.  Elizabeth, 
widow  of  Edward,  30. 

Miles,  Mrs.  Elizabeth, 
widow  of  Silas,  35. 

Miles,  John,  72. 

Miles,  Martha,  34. 

Miles,  Robert,  50. 

Miles,  Sally,  72. 

Miles,  Capt.  Silas,  35. 

Miles,  Sophia,  66. 

Miles,  Susannah,  17. 

Miles,  Thomas,  34. 

Miles,  Williams,  40. 

Miles,  Capt.  William,  100. 

Milhado,  Benjamin,  92. 

Millen,  Capt.,  125. 


Miller,  Christiana,  58. 
Miller,  Elizabeth,  98. 
Miller,  Mrs.  Euphame,  89. 
Miller,  John,  98. 
Miller,  John  T.,  98. 
Miller,  Martha,  42. 
Miller,  Mary,  25. 
Miller,  Maryann,  1 1 1. 
Miller,  Capt.  Stephen,  42 

(2),  43-  58. 
Millhouse,  Sarah,  37. 
Milligan,  Mrs.  Elizabeth, 

Milligan,  Elizabeth,  77. 
Milligan,  Mary,  108-9. 
Milligan,  William,  54. 
Mills,  Ezekiel,  66. 
Mills,  Rev.  Dr.,  93,  97. 
Milner,  Job,  20. 
Minot,  Capt.  Amos,  85. 
Minott,  Capt.  William,  78. 
Minott,    William    Butler, 

Miscalley,  Daniel,  106. 
Mitchell,     Mrs.    Hannah, 

Mitchell,  John,  29. 
Mitchell,  Mary,  26. 
Mitchell,  Ruth,  1 12. 
Mitchell,  Thomas,  26. 
Moi'se  (or  Moses),  Cherry, 

Monck,  Thomas,  4,  9. 
Moncrief,  Capt.  John,  30. 

Moncrief,Polly  (1751),  15. 
Moncrief,  Polly  ( 1  769), 40. 
Moncrief,  Richard,  40,  65, 

Moncrief,     Robert     (See 

Muncreef),  60. 
Moncrief,       Susannah 

Young,  104. 
Monro,  Capt.,  58. 
Montgomery,  Mrs.,  121. 
Moore,  Ann  Mary  James, 

Moore,  Elizabeth,  69. 
Moore,  Isham,  eg. 
Moore,       Dr.       James 

Weems,  44. 
Moore,  John,  59. 
Moore,  Rachel,  59. 
Morant,  John,  65. 
More,  Peter  Joseph,  75. 
Morgan,  William,  41. 
Morris,  George,  87. 
Morris,  Mary,  102. 
Morris,  Peggy,  87. 
Morrison,  Capt.  John,  122. 
Morton,    Mrs.    Dorothy 

(Dry),  16. 
Morton,  John,  12. 
Moses  (or  Moi'se),  Cherry, 

Moses,  Esther,  125. 
Moses,  Isaac,  108. 
Moses,  Myer,  125. 
Motte,  Charlotte,  32. 


Motte,  Hannah,  18. 

Motte,  Isaac,  26. 

Motte,  Jacob,   18,   24,  26, 

27.  32- 
Motte,  Martha,  27. 
Motte,  Sarah,  10. 
Moultrie,  Alexander,  49. 
Moultrie,  Dr.  John,  13. 
Moultrie,  Dr.  John,  Jr.,  16. 
Mouzon,  Nellie,  65. 
Mouzon,  Peter,  65. 
Muchmore.Capt.  Barnard, 

Muckenfuss,  Henry,  95. 
Mullins,  George,  35,  54. 
Muncreef,  Abigail,  76. 
Muncreef  (See  Moncrief), 

John,  76,  122. 
Munds,   Rev.  Israel,   103, 

no,  in,   1 14,  1 15,  118, 

123   (2),    124,   126   (2), 

Munro,  Elizabeth,  yy. 
Munro,  Simon,  jj. 
Munroe,  Sarah,  104. 
Murray,  Anne,  34. 
Murray,  Elizabeth,  56. 
Murray,  Dr.  John,  26,  34. 
Murray,  Hon.  John,  56. 
Murray,  Mary,  57. 

Neal,  Elizabeth,  92. 
Nearon,  Margaret,  64. 
Negrin,  J.  J.,  106. 

Neilson,  Hester,  127. 

Neilson,  James,  56,  70. 

Netherclift,  Thomas,  32. 

Nettles,  George,  97. 

Nevill,  John,  28. 

Newby,  John  S.,  122. 

Newton,  Elizabeth,  80. 

Newton.  Mary,  80. 

Neyle,  Dr.  Philip,  97. 

Neyle,  Sampson,  15. 

Nicholls,  Mrs.  Ann,  49. 

Nicholls,  Capt.  George,  96. 

Nicholls,  Richard,  35. 

Nicholls,  Ruth,  8. 

Nichols,  Stewart,  50. 

Nicholson,  Anne,  78. 

Nightingale,  Sarah,  39. 

Nightingale,  Thomas,  39. 

Nightingale,  the,  23-4. 

Noble,  Mrs.  Mary  Ann, 

Norvill,  Isabella,  65. 

North,  Elizabeth,  114. 

Norton,  Katharine  Pa- 
tience, 35. 

O'Donnald,  Rev.  Mr.,  109. 
Ogier,  Charlotte,  86. 
Ogier,  Capt.  Lewis,  64. 
O'Hare,  James,  56,  89. 
O'Hare,  Nancy,  89. 
Oldfield,  Mary,  22. 
Oliphant,  David,  56. 
Oliphant,   Elizabeth,   120. 


Oliphant,  Jennie,  56. 
Oliver,  Elizabeth,  113. 
Oliver,  James,  108,    125. 
Olman,  Joseph,  90. 
Ormond,    Capt.    William, 

Orr,  Nathalie,  28. 
Orr,  Rev.  William,  28. 
Osborne,  Catharine,  101. 
Osborne,     Col.     Thomas, 

Osmond,  Mr.,  5. 
Oswald,  David,  120. 
Oswald,  Mary,  m. 

Pagett,     Mrs.     Elizabeth, 

Pagett,  Henry,    37. 
Paine,   Mrs.  Mary,  8. 
Painter,  Mrs.  Naomi,  6. 
Palacios,  Joseph  de,  79. 
Parker,  Isaac,    108. 
Parker,     Rev.     Mr.,     103, 

Parsons,  James,  17. 
Parsons,    Capt.    William, 

Paterson,  Capt,  115. 
Paterson,  James,  92. 
Paton,  John,  123. 
Patrick,  Elizabeth,  107. 
Pattison,  Ann,  79. 
Paxton,  Henry  W.,    127. 
Peace,  Isaac,  43. 

Peace,  Joseph,  93. 

Peacock,  Mary,  55. 

Pearson,  Capt.  Benjamin, 

Peay,  Austin,  F.,  1 16. 

Pedro,  Peter,  106. 

Peggy,  the,  36. 

Pegott,  Peter,  64. 

Pendarvis,  Alice,  105. 

Pendarvis,  Ann,    1 10. 

Pendarvis,  Josiah,    105. 

Perdriau,  Esther,  76. 

Perdriau,  Lydia,  71. 

Perkins,  Benjamin,  96. 

Peronneau,    Alexander,  9. 

Peronneau,     Arthur,     22, 

1  Peronneau,  Elizabeth, 
dau.  of  Samuel,  41. 

Peronneau,  Elizabeth, 
dau.  of  Arthur,  83. 

Peronneau,  Henry,  64. 

Peronneau,  Martha,  8. 

Peronneau,  Mary,  85. 

Peronneau,  Miss,  1 10. 

Peronneau,  Samuel,  41. 

Peronneau,  Sarah,  37. 

Perry,  Benjamin,  60. 

Perry,  Benjamin,  later  gen- 
eration, 105. 

Perry,  Edward,  36. 

Perry,  Mrs.  Eliza,  90. 

Perry,  Eliza,  106. 

Perry,  Josiah,  51,  70. 


Perry,  Miss,  75. 
Perry,  Rachel,  70. 
Perry,  Rebecca,  60. 
Perry,  Susannah,  36. 
Petre,  G.,  128. 
Petrie,  Alexander,  12,  74. 
Petsch,  Dr.  Adam,  101. 
Petsch,  Ann  Maria,  101. 
Peyton,  Miss,  109. 
Peyton,  Richard  H.,  91. 
Phelon,     Edmund    Mead, 

Phillips,  Mrs.  Eleanor,  53. 
Phillips,  Eleazer,  3. 
Phillips,  Eleazer,  Jr.,  3. 
Phillips,  James,  53. 
Phillips,  Sarah,  39. 
Pickam,    Mrs.     Margaret, 

Pickering,  Mrs.  Anne,  24. 
Pickering,  Elizabeth,  64. 
Pickering,  Joseph,  24,  64. 
Pickton,  Charles  M.,  107. 
Piercy,  Mrs.  Mary,  127. 
Piercy,  Sarah,  80. 
Pillans,  Robert,  76. 
Pilmore,  Rev.  Mr.,  88. 
Pincell,  Emanuel,  105. 
Pinckney,    Hon.  Charles, 

Pinckney,  Charles  (1732- 

1782),  i6,  80,  94. 
Pinckney,  Gen.  C.  C,  85. 
Pinckney,  Elizabeth,  66. 

Pinckney,  Harriot,  35. 
Pinckney,  Hopson,  51. 
Pinckney,  Mary,  80. 
Pinckney,  Miles  Brewton, 

Pinckney,  Rebecca,  94. 
Pinckney,  Roger,  38. 
Pinckney,  William,  66-7. 
Pine  Txee  Hill  (Camden), 

Pitman,  Hardy,  124. 
Placide,  Alexander,  94. 
Piatt,  Capt.  Ebenezer,  113. 
Poaug,  John,  23. 
Poinsett,  Dr.  Elisha,  50. 
Pollock,  Capt.,  36. 
Porcher,  Catherine,  40. 
Porcher,  Isaac,  40,  42. 
Porcher,  Paul,  128. 
Porcher,  Peter,  82. 
Porcher,  Rachel,  42. 
Porcher,  Rachel  R.,  128. 
Porteous,  Robert,  47. 
Porter,  Benjamin,  92. 
Porter,  Mrs.  Eliza,  103. 
Porter,    Elizabeth   Clagg, 

Porter,  I.,  92. 
Porter,  Capt.  John,  69. 
Portland,  the,  37. 
Postell,  Benjamin,  74. 
Postell,  James,  24,  27. 
Postell,  Jane  Eliza,  126. 
Postell,  Maj.  John,  126. 


Postell,  William,  83. 

Postlethwait,  Capt.,  95. 

Postlethwait,  Mrs.  Fran- 
ces, 95. 

Powell,  Mary  Beatrix,  88. 

Powell,  Col.  George  Ga- 
briel, 39. 

Powell,  Hughes  &  Co.,  48. 

Powell,  James  Edward, 

Powell,  Robert,  88. 

Powell,    Robert  William, 

Powell,  Sally,  39. 
Powell,  T.,  &  Co.,  50. 
Poyas,  Dr.  John,  77. 
Poyas,  John  Lewis,  101. 
Poyas,  Louisa,  101. 
Pratt,  James,  63-4. 
Pratt,  Mrs.  Mary,  63. 
Prebble,    Capt.     Edward, 

Price,    Rev.    Dr.    G.    H., 

1 00,  11 7. 
Price,  William,  49. 
Prince,  Anne,  107. 
Prince,  Capt.  Charles,  107. 
Prince,  Lieutenant,  25. 
Prince,  Lowry,  47. 
Prince,  Sally,  47. 
Pringle,  John  Julius,  66. 
Pringle,  Mary,  123. 
Pringle,  Robert,  6,  15. 
Prioleau,  Catherine,  84. 

Prioleau,  Elizabeth,  17. 
Prioleau,  Elijah,  43. 
Prioleau,  Hext,  60. 
Prioleau,  Mary,  28. 
Prioleau,  Mary  Magdalen, 

1 12. 
Prioleau,  Philip,  66. 
Prioleau,  Samuel,  28. 
Prioleau,  Samuel,  Jr.,  30, 

84,  112. 
Prioleau,  Mrs.  Sarah,  43. 
Pritchard,  Anne,  59. 
Pritchard,  James,  59. 
Pritchard,     William,     Sr., 

Proveaux,    Capt.    Adrian, 

74,  90. 
Purcell,   Rev.   Dr.  Henry, 

91,93,96  (2),  97,  99(2). 

104,  116,  119,  121,   122, 

123,  125,  127. 
Purdie,  Joseph,  107. 
Purry,  Charles,  36. 
Purry,  Eleanor,  35. 
Purves,  John,  59. 
Pyatt,  John,  104. 
Pyatt,  Mary,  104. 

Quackenbush,    Lawrence, 

Quackenbush,    Susannah, 

Quash,  Elizabeth,  51. 
Quash,  Robert,  51. 


Quelch,  Harriot,  121. 

Quince,  Anne,  36. 

Quince,  Richard,  36. 

Quincy,  Dorothy,  61. 

Quincy,  Edmund,  61. 

Quincy,  Rev.  Samuel,  11. 

Radcliffe,  Elizabeth,  35. 
Radcliffe,  Thomas,  35. 
Rain,  Samuel,  127. 
Rainbow,  the,  92. 
Rake.  Mrs.  Mary,  58. 
Ralph,  John,  68. 
Ralph,  Tamson,  68. 
Ramage,  Charles,  57. 
Ramasetty,  Mr.,  95. 
Ramsay,  Dr.  David,  59. 
Ramsay,  Dr.  John,  95. 
Randal,  Mrs.  Ester,  128. 
Randall,  Dorcas,  32. 
Randall,  William,  32. 
Raven,     Mrs.     Henrietta 

(Smith),  34. 
Raven,  Elizabeth,  45. 
Raven,  Sarah,  6. 
Raven,  William,  2 1,  34,  45. 
Ravenel,  Daniel,  20. 
Ravenel,      Daniel,      later 

generation,  84. 
Ravenel,  Henry,  82. 
Ravenel,  Paul,  82. 
Ravenel,  Stephen,  114. 
Raworth,  George,  101. 
Raynoldes,  Caroline,  126. 

Read,  Hon.  Jacob,  80. 
Read,  Susannah,  67. 
Reader,  Catharine,  1 1 1. 
Rechon,  Joanna    Sophia, 

Redmann,  Samuel,  128. 
Rees,  Dr.,  7^. 
Rees,  Mr.,  121. 
Reeves,  Capt.  Enos,  73. 
Reeves,  Capt.   Henry,  25. 
Reid,  Andrew,  28. 
Reid,  Mrs.  Jane,  119. 
Reid,  John,  99. 
Reid,  Joseph,  1 19. 
Reid,  Katy,  15. 
Reid,  Miss,  66. 
Reilly,  Dr.  T.,  127. 
Remington,  John,  59. 
Remington,  John,  Jr.,  57. 
Remington,  Nancy,  59. 
Remington,   Dr.  William, 

39-  77- 
Remoussin,  Daniel,  126. 
Reside,  William,  109. 
Revell,  Margaret,  96. 
Rhind,  Arabella  Ann,  104. 
Rhind,  David,  59,  104. 
Rhett,  Mary  Jane,  9. 
Rhett,  Sarah,  8. 
Rich,  Elizabeth,  109. 
Richards,  James   Leyton, 

Richards,  Samuel,  127. 
Richardson,  Caroline,  x  16. 


Richardson,    Dr.    Henry, 

Richardson,  John,  35. 
Richardson,  Sukey,  48- 
Richardson,  William,  36. 
Righton,  McCully,  89. 
Rivers,  Betsy,  81. 
Rivers,  Charles,  79. 
Rivers,  Dorcas,  78. 
Rivers,  John,  42. 
Rivers,  Jonah,  83. 
Rivers,  Mallory,  1 17. 
Rivers,  Maryann  Ann,  1 19. 
Rivers,  Nehemiah,  78. 
Rivers,  Polly,  41. 
Rivers,  Rebecca,  42. 
Rivers,  Col.  Robert,  82. 
Rivers,  Robert,  78. 
Roberts,  Ann,  50 
Roberts,  Hannah,  123. 
Roberts,  Rev.  I.  M.,  116, 
•    121,  127. 
Roberts,  Capt.  R.  Brooks, 

Roberts,  Thomas,  80. 
Roberts,  Ann,  50. 
Robertson,  Andrew,  22. 
Robertson,  John,  83,  91. 
Robinson,  John,  75. 
Robinson,  Mary,  75. 
Roche,  Francis,  11,  44. 
Roche,  Mrs.  Martha,  103. 
Roche,  Mary,  43. 
Roffe,  Mrs.  Elizabeth,  34. 

Roffe,  Capt.  John,  34. 
Rogers,  Capt.  James,  42. 
Rogers,  John,  64. 
Rogers,  Mrs.  Mary,  42. 
Rogers,  Rev.  Dr.,  80. 
Rogers,  Sampson,  122. 
Rogers,  Samuel,  87. 
Romering,  Henry,  115. 
Romney,  the  distillery  at, 

Roper,  Patty,  39. 
Roper,    William,    45,    46, 

Rose,    Mary   Ann   Blake, 

Rose,  Hapbzibab,  37. 
Rose,  Hetty,  50. 
Rose,  Hugh,  67. 
Rose,  Jeremiah,  118. 
Rose,  John,  50,  98. 
Rose,  John  S.,  98. 
Rose,   Mrs.  Mary  (Blake), 

Rose,  Robert,  42. 
Rose,    Susannah,    marries 

Alex.  Thompson,  118. 
Rose,   Susannah,    marries 

Thomas         Bannatyne, 

Rose,  Thomas,  t>7<  42>  59- 
Rose,  the  Man-of-War,  8. 
Ross,  Mrs.  Elizabeth,  68. 
Ross,  George,  82. 
Ross,  James,  68. 


Rothmahler,  Judith,  17. 
Roulain,  James,  36. 
Roulain,  Robert,  100. 
Roupell,  George.  17. 
Roux,  Capt.  Albert,  73. 
Row,  George  Daniel,  101. 
Row,  Magdalen,  112. 
Rowand,  Robert,  29. 
Ruberry,  John,  50. 
Ruberry,  John,  Jr.,  94. 
Rudhall,  Anne  Maria,  93. 
Rudhall,  William,  93. 
Rugborck,  Elizabeth,  74. 
Rugeley,  Roland,  60. 
Ruger,     Ann     Elizabeth, 

Rugge,  Eliza,  96. 
Rugge,  John,  96. 
Rumph,  Susannah,  74. 
Ruple,  Daniel,  96. 
Ruple,  Mrs.  Elizabeth,  96. 
Rush,  Mathias,  90. 
Russel,  Alexander,  46. 
Russel,    Mrs.    Alexander, 

Russel,  Daniel,  70. 
Rutledge,  Andrew,  7,7,. 
Rutledge,  Charles,  105. 
Rutledge,  Edward,  56. 
Rutledge,     Maj.      Henry 

Middleton,  99 
Rutledge,  Hon.  Hugh,  64. 
Rutledge,      Dr.       John 

(-1750).  36. 

Rutledge,     John      (1739- 

1800),  24,  81. 
Rutledge,  Martha,  81. 
Rutledge,  Polly,  36. 
Ryder,  John,  104. 

Sabb,  Deborah,  31. 
Saddleer,  Daniel   M.  Kel- 

ley   (misprint   for    Mis- 

calley),  106. 
Sader,  Peter,  99. 
Saltus,  Mrs.   Jane   Mary, 

Sample,  Capt.,  of  Boston, 

Sample,  Peggy,  87. 
Sanders,  Joshua,  42. 
Sanders,  Mary  Ann  Clark, 

Sands,  Alexander,  34. 
Sanks,  Mrs.  Mary,  49. 
Sansom,  Susannah,  in. 
Sargeant,  Mrs.  Elizabeth, 

Sargeant,  Capt.  John  P., 

96,  121. 
Sarrazin,  Elizabeth,  28. 
Sarrazin,  Jonathan,  25,  43. 
Sass,  Jacob,  108. 
Sass,     Margaret     Helen, 

Savage,  Elizabeth,  15. 
Savage,  John,  14. 
Savage,  Susannah,  84. 


Savage,  Capt.  Thomas, 
32,  84. 

Saylor,  Mrs.  Ann  Eliza- 
beth, 94. 

Saylor,  David,  94. 

Schepeler,  George,  122. 

Schepeler,  Mrs.  Sarah 
Clark,  122. 

Schermerhorn,  Arnout,  38. 

Scott,  Mrs.  Elizabeth,  40. 

Scott,  Jane,  77. 

Scott,  Col.  John,  of  Bos- 
ton, 42. 

Scott,   John,   of   So.    Ca., 

Scott,  John,  Jr.,  of  So.  Ca., 

Scott,  Joseph,  40. 
Scott,  Sarah,  41. 
Scott,  Sarah  Boulton,  97. 
Scott,  Susannah,  49. 
Scott,  Thomas  G.,  112. 
Scott,  William,  29,  49. 
Scott,  William,  Jr.,  45,  72. 
Screven,  Eleanor,  114. 
Screven,  James,  25. 
Screven,  Gen.  James,  69. 
Screven,  Martha,  25. 
Screven,  Mary,  69. 
Screven,       Dr.       Richard 

Bedon,  105. 
Scrivenger,  Susannah,  78. 
Scroter,  J.  J.,  in. 
Seabrook,  Benjamin,  73. 

Seabrook,  Susannah,  14. 
Seixas,  Abraham  Mendez, 

Seixas,  Rev.  G.,  108. 
Seller,  Mary,  51. 
Semple,  William,  79. 
Serre,  Judith,  21. 
Severance,  Paul,  94. 
Sharp,  James,  41. 
Sharp,  Joseph,  124. 
Sharp,  Mary,  41. 
Shaw,  Elizabeth,  100. 
Shaw,  Lachlan,  23. 
Shaw,  Mrs.  Mary,  23. 
Shaw,  Thomas  P.,  121. 
Sheerer,  John,   78. 
Shelback,  Mary,  120. 
Sheppeard,  Charles,  35. 
Shirmer,  John  E.,  107. 
Shrewsbury,  Eliza,  85. 
Shroudy,  Mrs.  Eliza,    106. 
Shroudy,    Capt.  William, 

Shubrick,  Betsy,  48. 

Shubrick,  Richard,  50,  85. 

Shubrick,   Mrs.  Susannah 
(Bulline),  85. 

Shubrick,  Capt.  Thomas, 
10,  48,  50. 

Sigourney,      Mrs.      Mary 
Eliza,  101. 

Silberg,  Nicholas,  95. 

Simmons,  Arthur,  66. 

Simmons,  Anne,   11. 


Simmons,  Capt.  Ebenezer, 

7-  52.  83, 
Simmons,  Harriet,  83. 
Simmons,  James,  20. 
Simmons,  Nancy,  52. 
Simmons,  Thomas,    113. 
Simmons,  William,    119. 
Simons,  Ann,  93. 
Simons,  Benjamin,  46,  54, 

Simons,  Edward,  47. 
Simons,    Elizabeth,     dau. 

of  Benjamin,  46. 
Simons,     Elizabeth,    later 

generation,  102-3. 
Simons,  James,  66. 
Simons,  Keating,   57. 
Simons,   Maurice,  26. 
Simons,  Rachel,  61. 
Simons,  Rebecca,  54. 
Simons,  Robert,  67. 
Simons,     Capt.    Shadrick, 

Simpson,  Judith,  22. 
Simpson,  Sarah,  46. 
Singeltary,  Hester,  56. 
Singeltary,  Isaac,  83. 
Singeltary,  John,  64. 
Singeltary,  Mary,  64. 
Singeltary,  Thomas,  74. 
Singleton,    Daniel,  127. 
Singleton,     Elizabeth, 

Singleton,  Mary,  127. 

Singleton,     Richard,     Jr., 

Sinkler,  Peter,  71. 
Sinkler,  Rebecca,  110. 
Skirving,  Ann,  91. 
Skirving,  Elizabeth,  18. 
Skirving,  James,  21,  38. 
Skirving,  Maria,  74. 
Skirving,     Col.     William, 

Skottowe,  Hon.  Thomas, 

Skrine,  Ann,  124. 
Slann,  Mrs.  Jane,  1 12. 
Sloman,  John,  85. 
Smerdon,  Elias,  91. 
Smizer,  Balthazar,  41. 
Smizer,  Dolly,  41. 
Smith,  Ann,  dau.  of  Rev. 

Josiah,  42. 
Smith,     Ann,      dau.      of 

Thomas,     of     Broad 

Street,  64. 
Smith,      Ann,      dau.      of 

Henry,  of  Goose  Creek, 

Smith,  Ann,  dau.  of  Peter, 

Smith,  Anne,  dau.  of  Hon. 

Benjamin,  26. 
Smith,  Hon.  Benjamin,  24, 

Smith,  Benjamin,  of  Goose 

Creek,  53. 


Smith,  Benjamin,  Jr.,  son 
of  Thomas,  of  Broad 
Street,  62. 

Smith,  Betsy,  dau.  of 
Thomas  Rigdon,  50. 

Smith,  Betsy,  dau.  oi 
Thomas  Loughton,  68. 

Smith,  Caroline,  105. 

Smith,  Catharine,  77. 

Smith,  Col.,  86. 

Smith,  Eliza,  1 13. 

Smith,  Elizabeth,  29. 

Smith,  Francis,  29. 

Smith,  George,  of  St. 
Bartholomew's,  68. 

Smith,  George,  of  Charles- 
ton, 1 19. 

Smith,  Henrietta,  21. 

Smith,  Henry,  27,  67,   77. 

Smith,  Jane  Field,  127. 

Smith,  John,  88. 

Smith,  Joshua  Hett,  44 
(given  as  Joseph). 

Smith,  Rev.  Josiah,  41,  42. 

Smith,  Katharine,  32. 

Smith,  Mary,  68. 

Smith,  Mr.,  of  New  York, 


Smith,  O'Brien,  75. 

Smith,  Patty,  41. 

Smith,  Peter,  101. 

Smith,  Polly,  71. 

Smith,  Rev.  Mr.,  of  Savan- 
nah, Ga.,  128. 

Smith,  Rev.  Mr.,  of  Cam- 
den, S.  C,  1 10. 
Smith,  Bishop  Robert,  94, 

97,  98,  100  (2),  101,  104, 

112,  114,  119,  124. 
Smith,  Roger,  36,  105. 
Smith,      Sarah,      marries 

Charles  Hill,  10. 
Smith,      Sarah,     marries 

John  Mackenzie,  38. 
Smith,  Thomas,  Sr.  (1761), 

Smith.     Thomas     (171 9— 

1790),  of  Broad  Street, 

38,  64,  71. 
Smith,  Thomas  Loughton, 

24,  68. 
Smith,  Thomas  Rhett,  91. 
Smith,  Thomas  Rigdon,  50. 
Smith,    Hon.  William,  of 

New  York,  32,  44. 
Smith,   William,   of    Coo- 

sawhatchie,  S.  C,  81. 
Smith,  William,  of  Charles- 
ton (1794),  89. 
Smith,    William,     of    the 

frigate     John     Adams 

(1801),   123. 
Smith,   Capt.  William,  of 

Virginia,  79. 
Smith,  William  Loughton, 

Smylie,  Andrew,  124. 
Smyth,  James,  52. 


Smyth,  John,  48. 
Snell,  Polly,  77. 
Snelling,  John,  52. 
Snelling,   Mary  Jones,  52. 
Snipes,  Mrs.  Mary,  126. 
Somers,  John,  49. 
Somersall,     William,     31, 

Sommers,  Henrietta,  51. 
Sommers,  Humphry,  51. 
Sommers,  Mary,  no 
Speiren,      Rev.       George 

Hartwell,  104,  124. 
Spence,  Dr.  Peter,  45. 
Splatt,  Hannah,  18. 
Spring,  John,  1 1 1. 
Stall,  Mrs.  Elizabeth,  78. 
Stanyarne,  Archibald,  21. 
Stanyarne,  James,  34,  49. 
Stanyarne,  John,  49. 
Stanyarne,  Joseph,  55. 
Stanyarne,  Mary,  17. 
Stanyarne,  Sally,  49. 
Starke,  Col.  Douglass,  124. 
Starke,    Mrs.     Elizabeth, 

Starke,  Lucy,  124. 
Stead,  Benjamin,  13,  85-6. 
Stead,  Mary,  85. 
Stecker,  John,  1 12. 
Stephenson,  Charles,  43. 
Stephenson,  Polly,  43. 
Stent,  John,  114. 
Stent,  Martha,  95. 

Stevens,  Cotton  Mather, 

Stevens,  Daniel,  35. 

Stevens,  Capt.  George,  87. 

Stevens,  Jervis  Henry,  73. 

Stevens,  John,  62. 

Stevens,  Mary,  112. 

Stevens,  Miss,  62. 

Stevens,  Sarah,  121. 

Stevens,  Dr.  William 
Smith,  72,. 

Stevenson,  Peter,  52. 

Steward,  Charles  Augus- 
tus, 39,  78. 

Steward,  Mrs.  Sally 
(Powell),  78. 

Stewart,  Ann,  88. 

Stewart,  John,  102. 

Stiles,  Benjamin,  77. 

Stirling,  James,  12. 

St.  John,  James,  104. 

St.  John,  Mary,  104. 

St.  Julien,  Mrs.  Mary  de,  9. 

St.  Julien,  Judith  de,  34. 

Stobo,  Anne,  91. 

Stobo,  Archibald,  18. 

Stobo,  James,  46,  86. 

Stobo,  Polly,  46. 

Stocker,  Dr.,  63. 

Stocker,  Henry  Bedon,  71. 

Stocker,  Mary,  63. 

Stokes,  Mrs.  Mary,  43. 

Stokes,  Rev.  Mr.,  43. 

Stoll,  Justinus,  54. 

Stoll,  Rebecca,  54. 
Stone,  Anne,  17.  ' 
Stone,  Benjamin,  119. 
Stone,  Mary  Lightbourn, 

Stone,  Thomas,  20. 
Stone,  William  (1754),  18. 
Stone,  William  (1801),  117. 
Stoney,  John,  120. 
Stoudenmire,  John,  100. 
Strahan,  John,  6. 
Strattler,    Mrs.     Malinda, 

Street,  Mrs.   Elizabeth,  9. 
Strickland,  James,  50. 
Strobel,  Lewis,  116. 
Strohecker,    Christina 

Dorothy,  101. 
Strohecker,  Elizabeth,  102. 
Strohecker,  John,  107. 
Struthers,  Robert,  78. 
Stuart,  John,  33. 
Stuart,  Sally,  33. 
Sullivan,   Mrs.    Susannah, 

Sutter,  Mrs.  Susannah,  83. 
Swain,  Susannah,  90. 
Swain,  Capt.  Luke,  90 
Swainston,  Robert,  31. 
Swallow,  Mrs.  Frances,  57. 
Swallow,  Newman,  27,  57. 
Swallow,  Sarah,  27. 
Swallow,  William,  47. 
Swan,  Mrs.  Anne,  23. 

Swan,  Capt,    79. 
Swan,  Hon.  John,  23. 
Sweet,  George  D.,  128. 
Swindersine,       Elizabeth, 

106  (2). 
Swint,  Elizabeth,  86. 
Switzer,  John  R.,  1 17. 

Tarduie,  Antoinette,  115. 

Tarduie,  Louis,  1 15. 

Tart,  Nathan,  51. 

Tart,  Polly,  51. 

Tattnall,  Claudia,  65. 

Tattnall,  Josiah,  65. 

Tattnall,  Josiah,  Jr.,  83. 

Taylor,  George,  Jr.,  89. 

Taylor,  James,  of  Charles 
Town,  44. 

Taylor,  James,  of  George- 
town, 77. 

Taylor,  Jane,  78. 

Taylor,  Paul,  80. 

Taylor,  Peter,  23. 

Tebout,  Margaret,  84. 

Tebout,  Tunes,  84. 

Telfair,  William,  38. 

Tennent,  Susannah,  65. 

Tennent,     Rev.    William, 

Theus,  Anne,  38. 
Theus,  James,  64. 
Theus,  Jeremiah,  Limner, 

38,  64. 
Theus,  Mary,  64. 


Theus,  Capt.  Simeon,  70. 

Thom,  Jacob,    107. 

Thomas,  Ann,  52. 

Thomas,  Edward,  33. 

Thomas,  Rev.  John,  35. 

Thomas,  Samuel,  52. 

Thomas,  Samuel,  Jr,  ^j. 

Thomlinson,  Mrs.  Eliza- 
beth, 56. 

Thomlinson,  Thomas,  56. 

Thompson,  Alexander, 

Thompson,  Capt.  George, 

Thompson,  Gracey,  105. 

Thompson,  James,  86. 

Thompson,  Rev.  John,  92 
(2),  100,  108,  1 13,  120, 

Thompson,  the,  82. 

Thomson,  George,  35. 

Thomson,  James  Ham- 
den,  60. 

Thomson,  Mrs.  Jane, 

Thomson,  Jeremiah 
Smith,  89. 

Thomson,  Thomas,  102. 

Thorney,  Mrs.  Jane,    122. 

Thorney,  William,   122. 

Thorp,  Miss,  58. 

Tidyman,  Mary,  88. 

Tidyman,  Philip,  50. 

Timothy,  Mrs.  Ann,  63. 

Timothy,  Mrs.  Elizabeth, 


Timothy  (or  Timothee), 
Lewis  (or  Louis),  6,  7. 

Timothy,  Peter,  7,  48,  54, 

Timrod,  Henry,  75. 

Tobias,  Joseph,  Jr.,  80. 

Todd,  John,  82. 

Tonge,  Edward,  88. 

Tongs,  Rev.  James,  36. 

Toomer,  Anthony,  33. 

Toomer,  Joshua,  84. 

Toomer,  Mary,  84. 

Tores,  Abraham,  no. 

Torrans,  Eliza,  102. 

Torrey,  Capt.  William, 

Townsend,  Miss,  29. 

Townsend,  Paul,  29. 

Townsend,  Sarah,  76. 

Townsend,  Thomas,   75. 

Trapier,    Mrs.    Elizabeth, 


Trapier,  Paul,  Jr.,  47. 

Trenholm,  Ann,  91. 

Trenholm,  William,  91. 

Trescot,  Edward,  61. 

Trezevant,  Daniel  (-1768), 

Trezevant,  Elizabeth  Mar- 
tha, 60. 

Trezevant,  Esther,  62. 

Troup,  John,  24. 


Tucker,  Lydia,  68. 

Tucker,  Sally,  59. 

Tucker,  Capt.  Thomas, 
59.  68. 

Tucker,  Dr.  Thomas  Tu- 
dor, 57. 

Tunno,  Thomas,  106. 

Turnbull,  James,  111. 

Turnbull.  John,   1 14. 

Turquand,  Ann,  73. 

Turquand,  Rev.  Paul,  74. 

Valk,  Harriet,  123. 

Van  Assendelft,  Judith, 

Vanbebber,  Jacob,  81. 

Vanbebber,  Mrs.  Mar- 
garet, 81. 

Van  Braam,  Miss,  74. 

Vander  Horst,   Arnoldus, 

Vander  Horst, Capt.  Elias, 

Vander  Horst,  John,  76. 
Van  Home,  Catherine,  80. 
Van  Home,  David,  80. 
Varambaut,  Mrs.  Angelica 

(La  Tour),  36. 
Varambaut,    Francis,    33, 

Vaux,  John,  26. 
Vaux,  Mary,  26. 
Veitch,  William,  1 13. 
Verdier,  John  Mark,  81. 

Vesey,  Charles,  102. 
Videau,  Mary  Esther,  84. 
Villepontoux,     Benjamin, 

Villepontoux,  Betsy,  70. 
Vinson,  James,  103. 

Waddel,   Rev.  Dr.  Moses, 

122,  123,  124. 
Wade,  Mrs.  Eleanor,  62. 
Wade,  Richard,  62. 
Waight,  Abraham,  83. 
Wainwright,  Samuel,  43. 
Waldron,  Miss,  18. 
Walker,  Elizabeth,  23. 
Walker,  John,  "j^. 
Walker, -William,  119. 
Wall,  Sarah,  95. 
Walsh,  E.,  63. 
Walter,  John,  56. 
Walter,  Polly,  71. 
Walter,  Richard,  71. 
Walter,  Thomas,  38. 
Walter,  Col.  William,  56. 
Wakefield,  James,  47. 
Ward,  Amelia,  1 13. 
Ward,  Eliza,  116. 
Ward,  Harriot,  106. 
Ward,  John,  deceased  in 

1800,  106. 

Ward,   John,    marries    in 

1801,  126. 

Ward,  Joshua,  22,  113,1 16. 
Warden,  Elizabeth,  30. 


Wardrop,  Mrs.  Mary,  yy. 

Warham,  Betsy,  54. 

Warham,  Charles,  33,  54, 

Warham,  Nancy,  33. 

Waring,  Ann,  54. 

Waring,  Dorothy,  76. 

Waring,  John,  43. 

Waring,  Joseph,  54. 

Waring,  Thomas,  76. 

Warley,  Maj.  Felix,  y^. 

Warley,  Capt.  George,  84. 

Warley,  Paul,  103. 

Warner,  Eliza,  85. 

Warner,  Henrietta,  99. 

Warner,  John,  69. 

Warnock,  Joseph  N.,  125. 

Warnock,  Mary,  93. 

Warnock,  Samuel,  93. 

Warren,  Capt.  Peter,  124. 

Warren,  Rev.  Samuel 
Fenner,  71. 

Washington,  Jane,  126. 

Washington,  Gen.  Wil- 
liam, 126. 

Waties,  Thomas,  82. 

Watlington,  Capt.  John, 

Watson,  Charles,  46. 

Watson,  Elizabeth,  122. 

Watson,  Hannah,  10. 

Watson,  James,  95. 

Watson,  Mrs.    Mary,  122. 

Watson,  Sepha,  46. 

Watts,  Nancy,  yy. 

Wayne,  Kitty,  67. 
Wayne.,  Richard,  40. 
Wayne,  William,  62,  by. 
Webb,  Ann  Rebecca,  66. 
Webb,    Benjamin   (1775), 

Webb,    Benjamin   (1796), 

Webb,  John  (1769),  2>y- 
Webb,  John  (1786),  83. 
Webb,  Miss,  75. 
Webb,  Sarah,  66. 
Webley,  Capt.  Benjamin, 

Webley,  Edward,  25. 
Webster,  Henry,  39, 
Wedgwood,  William,  24. 
Welch,  Elizabeth,  43. 
Welch,  John,  83. 
Welch,  Margaret,  10 1. 
Wells,  Arnold,  95. 
Wells,  Harriot  E.,  120. 
Wells,  Jane,  78. 
Wells,  Martha,  70. 
Wells,  William,  70. 
Welshuysen,  Amy,  35. 
Welshuysen,  Daniel,  35. 
Werdeman,  J.  G,  101. 
Werner,  Ann  Maria,   105. 
West,  J.,  91. 
Westcote,  Miss,  82. 
Weston,  Plowden,  23,  60. 
Weyman,  Edward,  45,  69. 
Weyman,  Polly,  45. 
Weyman,  Mrs.  Sarah,  76. 


Whitaker,  Emma,  m. 
White,  Anthony    Martin, 

White,  Blake  Leay,  48. 
White,  Mrs.  Elizabeth,  28. 
White,  Mrs.  Martha,  127. 
White,  Mary,  67. 
White,  Sally,  46. 
Whitehouse,  T.,  "jj. 
Whithenberry,    Thomas, 

Whitmarsh,  T.,  3,  6. 
Wigfall,  Benjamin,  46. 
Wigg,  Ann,  47. 
Wigg,  Col.,  47. 
Wilkie,  Ann  Eliza,  126. 
Wilkie,  Maj.,  126. 
Wilkins,  Benjamin,  35. 
Wilkins,  Betsy,  50 
Wilkins,  John,  1 17. 
Wilkins,  Martha,  119. 
Wilkins,  Rebecca,  85. 
Wilkins,  Capt.William,  50. 
Wilkinson,  Ann,  86. 
Wilkinson,  Mrs.  Elizabeth, 

Wilkinson,     Francis,     66, 

105.  * 

Wilkinson,  Mary,  68. 
Wilkinson,   Col.    Morton, 

66,  86,  100. 
Wilkinson,  Sarah,  dau.  of 

Francis,  12. 
Wilkinson,  Sarah,  dau.  of 

Col.  Morton,  100. 

Wilkinson,  Susannah,  66, 

Wilks,  Capt.  Hardy,  92. 
Wilks,  Martha,  92. 
Will,  Catherine,  70. 
Will,  Philip,  70. 
Williams,  Isham,  85. 
Williams,  James,  96. 
Williams,    James    Green, 

Williams,  John,  82,  120. 
Williams,  Mary,  10. 
Williams,  Peggy,  60. 
Williams,  Robert,  Sr.,  20. 
Williams,  Robert,  Jr.,  45, 

Williamson,  Andrew,  J2>- 
Williamson,    Champer- 

nown,  28,  43. 
Williamson,    Mrs.    Char- 
lotte (Mazyck),  43. 
Williamson,  Mary  Ann,  y^. 
Williman,    Christopher, 

Williman,  Margaret,    116. 
Willply,  Dr.  Benjamin,  46. 
Wilmer,  T.  R.,  118. 
Wilson,  Algernon,  48. 
Wilson,  Ann,  78. 
Wilson,  Hugh,  60. 
Wilson,  Jehu,  72. 
Wilson,    John,    of   James 

Island,  41. 
Wilson,   John,   of   Elisto, 



Wilson,  Mary,  98. 

Wilson,  Dr.  Robert,  78. 

Wilson,  Capt.  Robert,  112. 

Wilson,  Sally,  dau.  of  Al- 
gernon, 48. 

Wilson,  Sally,  dau.  of 
Hugh,  60. 

Wilson,  William,  47. 

Wingwood,  Sarah,  78. 

Wish,  Elizabeth  Mary, 

Wise,  Jane,  84. 

Wise,  Maj.  Samuel,  84. 

Withers,  Frances,  108. 

Withers,  John,  108. 

Withers,  Mary,  70. 

Withers,  Capt.  Richard, 

Witherston,  John,  8. 

Witsell,  John,   1  n. 

Witter,  Mary,  117. 

Wodrop,  John,  109. 

Wood,  Mrs.  Jane,  12. 

Wood,  Priscilla,  87. 

Wood,     Robert,     M.     P., 

Wood,  William,  87. 
Woodberry,  John,  49. 
Woodle,    John    Anthony, 

Woodrouffe,  Edward,  104. 
Woodward,  Mary,  6. 
Wragg,  Charlotte,  23. 
Wragg,  Elizabeth,  19. 
Wragg,  Henrietta,  $7- 

Wragg,  Hon.  Joseph,  23, 


Wragg,  Joseph,  65. 

Wragg,  Mary,  31. 

Wragg,  Samuel  ( 1 753),  1 7. 

Wragg,  Samuel  (1801), 

Wragg,  William,  31,  ^j. 

Wright,  Alexander,  39. 

Wright,  Mrs.  Elizabeth, 

Wright,  Helen,  11. 

Wright,  His  Excellency 
Sir  James,  39. 

Wright,  Capt.  John,  79. 

Wright,  Mrs.  Martha,  79. 

Wright,  Thomas,  15. 

Wrighten,  Charlotte  So- 
phia, 94. 

Wyatt,  Henrietta,  125. 

Wyld,  Martha,  124. 

Wyley,  Alexander,  jt>- 

Wyley,  Polly,  73. 

Yates,  Joseph,  64. 
Yates,  Mrs.  Sarah,  64. 
Yeadon,  Eliza  Ann,  127. 
Yerworth,  John,  12. 
Yonge,  Francis,  119. 
Yonge,  Sarah,   1 19. 
Yongue,  Dr.  Robert,  85. 
Yorston,  Jane,  35. 
You,  John,  1 15. 
Youngblood,    William, 


SEPT  94